Status: Finished.

Stranger Than Fiction


I was so glad I had today off. I usually have every other weekend off, unless they need me. It was only about 12 pm, but I decided to get ready. I really wanted to look cute, but I was nervous too. I really didn’t want either of us to slip up and give away our secret. I ended up with some shorts and a tank top over my bathing suit. I put my hair into a ponytail and I was done.

Anna and I walked out of our rooms at the same time, and we had the same outfit on, except different colors.

“Great minds think alike,” She said and we laughed. Hell, our bathing suits we’re almost the same too.

We sat around for awhile and then it was almost 4, so we decided to leave. I grabbed the paper Val had written the number on, and walked out behind Anna. We climbed into my car, and Cradle of Filth blasted out of the speakers as we sped down PCH.

It only took about 15 minutes for us to get to Syn’s house. Anna still doesn’t know.

“Come on,” I said, motioning for Anna to get out of the car. She silently followed me up to the door and I knocked.

Syn answered the door and Anna’s eyes got wide. She elbowed me in the ribs.

“Hi, I’m Jasey, this is my sister Anna. Val invited us.”

“Oh okay, I’m Brian, but you probably knew that,” He laughed. He probably noticed my death bat tattoo on my chest. I’ve had it since I was 18, and it was my first tattoo.

He turned his head and I punched Anna in the arm.

“Ouch. What the hell?” she asked.

“You elbowed me in the ribs, bitch,” I replied.

“Jasey! I’m so happy you could make it. Who is this?” Val asked.

“This is my sister, Anna,” I replied.

“Hey,” Anna said.

“Come on, I’ll introduce you guys to everyone. Guys, this is Jasey and her sister Anna. Girls, that’s my twin Michelle, then Zacky and Gena, Jimmy and Leana, and Johnny and Lacey. Oh and the two dumb asses trying push each other in the pool are Matt and Jason Berry.”

We waved to everyone and we sat down.

“So, Val said you were a C.N.A at the hospital,” Michelle said.

“Mhmm. I’ve been one for about two years,” I replied.

“How old are you?” Johnny asked.

“I’m 22 and my sister is 16.”

“Damn, Jasey, you look younger, and Anna looks older than you,” Zacky said.

“Yeah, we get that a lot. It’s because Jasey is short,” Anna replied.

“Shut the hell up….at least I’m not a freaking bean pole,” I stuck my tongue out at her.

“Yep, you guys will fit in here,” Johnny said.

“So where are you guys from?” Val asked.

Anna and I looked at each other. We had a whole story made up because we knew someone would ask.

“We’re originally from Atlanta, but my mom decided to move us to Washington, D.C when we’re in elementary school.”

“Oh, well that’s cool. Why’d you move here?” Michelle asked.

“Well, our dad got a new job offer or something, and Anna begged me to move out here with them. I couldn’t say no,” I replied.

“That was cool of you to move out here with your sister,” Zacky said.

“Yeah, I guess. I mean, I couldn’t leave my favorite sister in a new unfamiliar place,” I said.

Anna laughed, “Jasey, I’m your only sister.”

I blushed, “Well, duh.”

I looked over to the other girls sitting around us. I felt like an intruder, and I missed my best friend. I hope they catch these people soon so I can go home.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really liked this chapter, and it's the last one that I have to post for a bit.
Leave me comments, please and thank you.