Status: Finished.

Stranger Than Fiction


It’s been about four months since we moved to HB. I have fallen in love with this place. Sure, I missed my other family, and my bestie, but I was having a great time here. Anna and I had become close friends with Avenged and the girls.

“Jasey, you home?” Zacky called, walking in the front door.

The guys don’t even knock anymore.

“Yeah, I’m in the kitchen.”

I heard Zacky and Johnny coming through the living room. They both hugged me when they got to me, which is how everyone freaking greets me now. It’s pretty nice because they made Anna and I feel like we belong here.

“Hey Jase,” Johnny said poking me in the side.

“That’s so not nice.”

“Who said shortie over here was ever nice?” Zacky laughed.

I rolled my eyes, “So what did you guys want?”

“Hmmph, maybe we missed you.”

Johnny laughed this time, “Well, we did miss you, but we have a problem.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Let’s hear it.”

“Well, Gena and I have been having problems, and I don’t know what’s up with her. She’s been acting really off lately. She comes home late and leaves early. I’ve barley seen her in the last week. She says nothing is wrong when I ask her, and I’m just seriously frustrated with her. It’s making me crazy, and it’s coming out when I’m with the guys. It’s not their fault,” Zacky spilled.


“Well, what do you think?”

“Zacky, I really hate to break it to you, but I think she’s cheating, and the other girls do too.”

“I was afraid of that.”

“Are you sure?” Johnny asked.

I nodded my head.
“Johnny, can you drive me home?”

He nodded his head, and they both gave me hugs before they walked out of the house.

I felt bad for Zacky. I’ve always been jealous of Gena because Zacky has always been my favorite out of the guys. Now that I’m actually friends with them, I see how amazing Zacky really is, and if she doesn’t see that, she doesn’t need to be with him. He deserves someone who will treat him right, and I’m not saying it should be me, even though that would be amazing. I can’t forget that my real name is Megan, and I might have a crazy dude coming after me. I really couldn’t involve myself with someone, and actually with how famous they are, it’s probably a bad idea even being friends with them, but oh well, fuck it.

I looked down at my phone and realized Anna would be walking through the door any second and I promised her we’d have a girl’s night in my room. I started getting snacks and stuff ready right as she was walking into the house.

“Hello my dear amazing sister,” she called.

I laughed, “Wow, you’re in a really good mood.”


“A boy?”

She giggled, “Maybe.”

I shook my head, “Mom and dad are out for tonight, doing God knows what. I’ve got snacks and shit ready….so let’s get this girls night on.”

“Sounds good to me, sis. Let me get changed and I’ll be in your room in a few.”

I just nodded and took all the stuff up to my room and then got changed into pajamas.

“So, what are we watching first?” Anna asked, stomping into the room, and plopping down on my bed.

“You pick. I picked first last time.”

Anna ended up picking The Last Song.

“Girl, you know this movie makes me cry.”

She laughed, “You’ll be alright.”

The movie started, and we were both busy stuffing popcorn into our mouths to really talk. My phone was lying on my lap, and it scared the shit out of me when it started buzzing.

It was Zacky, and he asked if he could come over. I knew it was important, so I told him yes.

“Anna, Zacky is coming by, something happened.”

She just shrugged in response and kept watching the movie. I rolled my eyes, and walked down the stairs to wait on him.

It didn’t take him long to come through the door, and he looked really upset.


“She admitted it to me. She’s been cheating because she supposedly doesn’t love me anymore. We’ve been together for so long….I don’t know what to do.”

I walked over and wrapped him in a hug.

“I’m so sorry Zacky. I know how much you love her, and it’s really messed up she would do that to you of all people. You’re amazing, and she doesn’t deserve you.”

He slightly smiled, “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. So, is she getting her stuff out or what?”

“Yeah, but do you think I can crash here tonight? I don’t want to run into her again tonight.”

I nodded, “Yeah, the old couch is in my room if you wanna crash on it. I have to kick my sister out of my room though. We were watching a movie.”

“Okay, thanks Jase. You’ve really been here for me lately and I really appreciate it.”

“It’s no problem Zacky. That’s what I’m here for.”

We walked up to my room, and Anna was already gone, so Zacky just followed me inside and shut the door. I got him some blankets and a pillow out of my closet.

“Thanks,” Zacky said, taking them from me.

I just smiled, and grabbed some clothes to change into for the night. I walked out of the bathroom and Zacky was already on the couch. I climbed into my bed, and just laid there for a minute.

“Hey, Zacky?”


I bit my lip, “I know that couch isn’t that comfortable, do you wanna just sleep over here with me?”

I heard him sigh and he got up and climbed in beside me. We didn’t say anything and he ended up throwing his arm over my stomach and I scooted back to where he could lay his head in the crook of my neck. It didn’t take long for either of us to fall asleep.

The next morning, I woke up and he was already gone. My phone beeped and I had a text from Zacky.

Thanks for being there for me last night and cuddling with me. :] I went home to see what all Gena took from the house. I’ll see you later beautiful.

I sighed, but smiled none the less. Ugh, Zack Baker, what are you doing to me?
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I finished this story a few minutes only has about five more chapters left.
Other than one-shots, this is the shortest story I have ever written.