Status: Finished.

Stranger Than Fiction


The next couple of weeks were spent with Anna, my parents and the guys. I love them more than anything. I love how the guys just incorporated our family into their already large and mixed family. It’s amazing.

“So, beach day?” Matt asked.

“What’s beach day?” Anna asked.

I giggled, “Basically, it’s where they all go bar hopping.”

“Oh, well damn it, guys, I’m too young,” Anna whined.

“Sorry girlie, we will go out next weekend and shop, okay?” Val said, patting her on the arm.

She huffed and then laughed, “Alrighty, I could use some new clothes, and do something with my fucking hair.”

“Yeah, I wanna be blonde again. I hate this brown color,” I whined this time.

“You’re originally a blonde?” Val asked.

“Yeah, I just get it covered so well, you’d never know.”

“Mhmm, I would have never of guessed that you were a natural blonde.”

I just smiled.

I got ready and left with the other girls to meet up with the guys at Johnny’s bar. I wasn’t really in the mood to drink, but I knew I’d end up drunk. I can’t resist it, and I’m a pretty light weight anyway.

The guys and girls were laughing because I was on my second Jack and coke and I was a goner. We were at another bar though and it was one that was playing all kinds of different music. I ended up grabbing Zacky’s hand and dragging him onto the dance floor.

“Baby, you’re drunk as hell. I’ve never actually seen you drunk.”

I giggled and grinded up on him, “I know.”

He started kissing my neck and moving along with me.

“Wanna catch a cab and go back to my house?” he whispered as he nibbled on my ear.

“Yeah, I do,” I slurred, and latched onto him as we stumbled out of the bar to catch a cab.

It was all we could do to keep our hands off of each other. We were both drunk, but I’m always at least halfway coherent. It felt like it took forever to get to the house, and we finally made our way inside.

Our clothes ended up everywhere and I almost tripped going up the stairs.

I knew I wanted him, but before that could even happen, I passed out.