
Where The Past Is Explained


The large stadium was crowded, every seat filled with eager citizens ready to witness the destruction of life.

I watched them from the underground entrance way. My sight ten times better than an average human’s I could easily pick out the different classes of people.

Farther up, where one could barely see, sat the peasants. Forced to sit close together they fought with each other over the better seats, acting like a bunch of children.

A little farther down sat the Lords and ladies. Because of the high prices of tickets most of the round stadium was filled with the rich, only local peasants could get a discount price.

Though only a slight discount.

In the middle, surrounded by the highest ranking officials from all over the world, sat the King and Queen.

They were my owners.

Sitting beside my masters were the King and Queen of our neighboring country.

They were our Kingdom’s honored guests, for today was a special day.

Today was the final war of the Dragon Battles.

A world-wide event where each of the five power country's watched as their best Dragon Gladiator fought another countries best Gladiator.

Dragons were extremely rare. Hundreds of years ago one could see tons of dragons in the sky, but not after the humans found a way to control them.

Because dragons are born with magic they have two physical forms.

One being their dragon form and the other a human form.

Because of this magical ability full humans feared the dragons.

Until King Marcus found the leash that could reign in the dragons.

By allowing one drip of blood, a drip that had to flow straight from the dragon’s vein, onto a piece of parchment made from black magic a dragon would then be permanently tied to that parchment’s holder for all eternity.

The only way out was death.

Once King Marcus figured out how to control the dragons he showed the other Kings as well.

Once all the dragons were then caught the Dragon Battles began.

Kings from all the major countries gathered their dragons and forced them to fight against each other.

Father against daughter.

Mother against son.

Husband against wife.

In the beginning the dragons wouldn’t fight, but then King Marcus made another discovery.

By ripping the parchment he realized he ripped a part of the dragon as well.

Because the parchment was made from black magic once the dragon was tied to the paper the dragon and the paper became one.

And since the black magic was made to keep the paper “alive” for eternity the paper would blend back together after only a few hours.

And so the dragon would heal as well.

The tearing of the parchment produces such hideous pain to the dragons that they would fall to the ground, blood seeping from some part of the creature’s body.

And how do I know all of this?

Because I am a Dragon Gladiator and one of the last of my kind.