
Where The Dragons Remember Times Past


Standing at the iron gate that blocked my entrance to the arena I watched as the announcer stepped to his podium. Standing just below and to the front of the King he cleared his throat and spoke into the amplifier.

“Ladies and gentlemen, rich and poor. We are gathered here today at our beloved King’s arena to watch the finale of this season’s Dragon Battles.”

He had to stop his speech to let the crowd’s roar die down.

“But, not only is today the finale of this season’s Battle, but it is the finale of all Dragon Battles!”’

Once again the crowd roared.

“Today we will watch as the defeat of one dragon while the other will win their freedom!”

As the announcer continued to rile the crowd up I began my preparation.

Taking deep breathes I laid my neck back, stretching my muscles.

In my head I pictured my homeland. The coastal cliffs that overlooked a ragging ocean. The peaceful sky that always seemed to calm one’s mind and soul.

It was a procedure I went through before every fight.

Another loud roar caused me to bring my mind back to the present.

This death field was so different from my home.

Blood from past fights, from unfortunate dragons, stained the dirt floor. Shaped like an oval the arena had a primary wall that stretch 20 feet above the ground.

On top of that wall and curving upwards sat the audience. Then, about 40 feet up, the arena’s secondary wall curved in a little, giving shade to those fortunate enough to have the sun on their side.

“And now, for your entertainment, I will announce our dragons!”

I waited at the iron gate for my cue.

“On our King’s left, representing our great country, is The Crystal Dragon!”

My gate rose, allowing me to walk out to the arena while the crowd screamed.

“And on our king’s right, representing our neighboring country, is The Storm Dragon!”

Across from me another gate opened, allowing a tall and muscular man to step through.

My eyes widened with recognition.



Pirro stepped onto the arena, determination in his every step.

He was going to win his freedom today.

He wouldn’t consider any other outcome.

Standing tall, Pirro glanced at his opponent.

And felt his heart stop.

There she was, her beautiful white hair tied into an efficient tail. Her armor gleamed in the sun’s light and her sword lay loose in her grasp.

It had been years since he’d last seen Finola. Years since he had gloried in her light.

And now he was going to have to kill her.


My chest tightened when our eyes met.

He looks so different, harsh and tired.

But his eyes are the same. His eyes are still the same bright blue they always had been.

His eyes took me back to a different time. A time when all was right in our world.

I remember sitting with him on my home cliffs or high in the clouds he called home.

I remember our long talks and even longer moments of satisfied silence.

But most of all I remembered our love.

Our love for life, as well as our love for each other.