Consider Me Gone

Falling Hard.

It was a Friday afternoon. School was out. Codie was at her boyfriend's house. Codie was wearing her favorite pair of flip flops. Basically, the only shoes she ever wore. She had her hair styled down, but it was so humid she had to put it up.

Dominic, her boyfriend, decided that he was going to make Codie play Mario with him. Codie refused. She hated video games. Mostly because she was so bad at them. Dominic was so annoyed because he was on two player and he had to do all the work.

"... And now I have to go back and carry you because you are refusing to play," Dominic complained.

Codie paused, "Well you should of known I don't play video games when you asked me out."

It was quiet for a while. Dominic just played the video game. Codie watched him. She knew he was getting annoyed, so she didn't say anything.

"...I don't understand why you even bother to come over if you aren't going to talk to me," Jimmy said.

"I come to see you and to hang out with you." Dominic got quiet for a long time. Codie knew he was thinking. She then asked him, "What’s wrong?"

"I was just thinking about why we are together. I mean we never see each other. We are basically friends. Whenever we are together all we do is talk about other people until we run out of people to talk about. We don't have a real relationship. This has been bothering me for a while now. I mean, its not enough for me. How can it be enough for you?"

Codie felt as if he just shoved a knife in her stomach. "What are you talking about? How can you say it's like we are just friends? I know what being just friends with you is like! This is nothing like that."

"... I don't think what we have is real," Dominic told her.

Codie felt like he took the knife out of her stomach and shoved it into her heart. She could barely speak. "You promised you wouldn't do this to me again. You told me this time was different. I know what I feel for you is real."

Dominic couldn't bring himself to look her in the eyes. "I don't think this is working out. We might as well be friends."

Codie was on the verge of tears. "... If you really think this its over, fine. But we can work on this. I'm willing to do anything I can for you."

"I think we are over."

Codie couldn't breathe. She didn't know what to do. She was at his house. "You promised me you wouldn't hurt me again..."

She ran out. She didn't know where to go. She started to run. She didn't even put to much thought into it. She just went forward.

"CODIE..." Dominic screamed. "CODIE, STOP!"

She stopped. She froze.

She stopped in the middle of the road. She couldn't move. She blocked out the world. She didn't hear or see anything.

She didn't hear the car honking its horn. She didn't see the car try to swerve her.

She didn't see the car coming straight at her. But it did.

All she remembered was falling, falling hard.
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well, this is my new story! im so happy to be starting it. i really hope you guys enjoy reading it. as always, comment and rate please! and im hoping to get a few more chapters up tonight, so please look for more.

also i recieved a comment about the "flow" of the story. i know this chapter may sound a bit choppy, and confusing. i promise though that it will all be explained in later chapters. this chapter was wrote be confusing. i wanted to give away certain info and hold back on others.