Consider Me Gone

A Lady.

Images of her past flashed through her head. She had no control over it. She didn't see her whole life flash before her eyes. But she saw a lot of it.

It was like one extremely long dream to her. One that she couldn't control. One which she couldn't wake herself up from. And she tried. Her dreams scared her. They showed her what was ahead of her. All the heartbreak. All the tears. All the pain of losing him, again.

Eventually, all she saw was black. She saw emptiness. Never ending emptiness.

Her eyes opened. She saw white, a lot of white. She couldn't place it. She didn't know where she was.

A lady with long brown hair rushed over to her. This lady had tears in her eyes. They didn't look like tears of sorrow though. They looked more like tears of joy. This lady was pleasant looking. She had a warm smiling. One that makes you feel welcome. She had soft hazel eyes, which kind of warmed your soul. The lady put her hand on her cheek.

"Oh my god!" the lady screamed. "Ron, get the doctor!"

A tall man ran into the room. He looked as if he might fall over and he ran back out.

"Honey, thank God you are all right. The doctors kept telling me they didn't know when you were going to wake up. They tried to tell me that you might not wake up at all. But I told them they were wrong. I knew you were a strong girl. I knew you would come back to us. I just knew it..." the lady went on.

A slim man with a long white jacket and scrubs underneath walked in with the tall man. "Hello Codie, do you know where you are?"

There was silence. "Do you know why you are here?" the slim man asked.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Yes, I am talking to you."

"No, I don't know where I am or why I'm here. Everything seems very hazy to me."

"Well, you are in the hospital. You were hit by a car. You took a hard hit and you have been in a coma for about a month now," the slim man said.

"What are you talking about?"

"It's true Codie" the lady said.

"Why do you keep calling me that? Who are you?"

"What do you mean, why do I keep calling you that? Codie is your name. It's the name I gave you when you were born," claimed the lady.

The slim man walked toward the bed. "Do you have any memory? Of what put you here? Of who you are?"

"I... I guess not."

The slim man asked the lady and the tall man to go into the hallway.

"What is going on here? Why doesn't she remember me? Why doesn't she remember her own mother?" the lady demanded.

"It seems Cody is suffering some sort of memory loss. Now this can be extremely temporary, or it can be permanent. I will run a series of tests. But in most cases only time can tell."

The tall man put his arms around the lady. The slim man with the white coat continued, "This is a process. You need to be extremely patient with Codie. Surround her with familiar things and people. And hopefully it will jog her memory."

"Thank you, doctor," the tall man said.

The tall man and the lady began to go back into the hospital room where there daughter lay knowing she had no idea who they were. And there was a chance she may never remember them again.
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ok chapter 2 =] like i said, i know right now it may not be totally clear where i am going with this, but i promise it will get better<3 hope you guys continue to read and to comment! that always makes me happy.