The Greatest Love Of All.

Just In Time.


“So…I had a great night, thank you Kennedy”

I really wanted to avoid the awkward moment when we would have had to say goodnight. I kept hoping he didn’t want to take me back to the dorms but of course, being the nice guy he was, he wanted to because he didn’t want to worry about me wandering for the campus all alone at that hour of the night.
Every girl would have felt at his feet for doing something like that.

“I’d like to hang out again with you”

“But you are on tour so we can’t…”

“Well yes, but I’m often in California so we can meet up if you want to, of course”

I liked Kennedy but I didn’t know how to tell him I didn’t think it was a good idea to date if he always was on tour. I was sure I could have trusted him; it just wasn’t right.
Although, he wanted to see me again, and as much as I wanted to as well, I didn’t feel like that. I didn’t want a long distance relationship. I wanted to be honest with him. I had a good night but I felt guilty.

“Of course, why not…”

“Why does it seem like you’re not that happy?”

“It’s not like that, it’s just I can’t understand what are your plans”

“It’s no news I like you Annie, everybody got it, except you” that words cut me in two; nobody before told me something like that so directly “I thought you liked me back, but now I’m not that sure”

“I like you Kennedy, I really do”

“Then what’s the problem?” I shrugged my shoulder “oh, I got it” he laughed sarcastically “you like John”

That statement left me speechless. I didn’t like John. I didn’t like him, why everybody kept saying that? I barely knew him and actually he got me nerves every time I thought about him. I mean, he was a beautiful guy, but also Kennedy was. There was no difference really in that. Actually, Kennedy was even nicer, so why everybody thought I liked the arrogant lead singer instead of the nice guitarist?

“What? No! I don’t like John! It’s just that I don’t want a distance relationship, that’s why”

“If you say so”

“Why do you all feel like John is better than you? He’s such a douche! All the fan girls scream at him, so what? You know you’re better Kenny, stop thinking he’s the reason why I rejected you”

He sighed and nodded.

“Ok, sorry for the rant then. I got your point. But anyway John is a douche just to you”

“I figured that. I don’t care”

“You should” I didn’t understand the whole drama that was going on but I wanted it to stop immediately “I’m gonna go. See you soon yeah?”

“Kenny don’t act like I just killed your cat, we can be friends!”

“Yes, why not”

“Smile for me?”

He smiled and I did it too. I wanted to hug him but I didn’t want to ruin anything. I knew that we didn’t work anything out though because guys have something called pride that is hard to defeat.

“Can you just do me a favor?”


“Don’t fool Halvo. He’s a good guy and he likes you as well. I know he asked you to go out too, just don’t hurt him ok?”

I nodded. He was right.

“Who told you about Eric though?”

“Douche O’Callaghan”

I laughed at the way he called him. I should have known it. Guys talk even more than girls sometimes.

“I don’t know what game you’re playing Annie but you shouldn’t let all the guys hanging at your words like this. Someone is going to get hurt, and that won’t be you because I got it, you don’t like anyone of us”

“I just want to have new friends”

“Girls and guys can’t be friends, girls do what they want and boys do what they can, remember?”

“Kenny, I like you, really. But I can’t have a boyfriend who I barely see. So stop acting like it’s the end of the world. You’re a great guy and I’m sure you will find someone who deserves you someday”

He sighed and opened his arms for a hug. At that point I couldn’t deny it. We hugged and he kissed my check. I suddenly turned red. I wasn’t use to that kind of things.

“I’m sorry if I got mad for a moment. It’s hard to get rejected”

“I didn’t reject you…I just wanted to be honest”

“Just be with yourself too. It’s ok if you like John. He’s a douche but he’s my buddy. He’s not a bad guy. And I’m pretty sure he likes you. Tonight he was nervous and he barely talked to me before going out”

“Kennedy, I don’t like him, ok? I’m flattered if you like me and if we lived in the same place I really would love to go out again with you. John is not my kind of guy”

“The last famous words”

“Stop it ok? I mean it”

He laughed and we both said goodnight. He was going to leave in the morning for another couple of shows so it would have been hard to see him again for weeks. I hoped we were ok. That he was, with my decision. I knew Kenny was a mature guy. I got into the room and I saw Elliott reading on her bed.

“Don’t fool me, I know you heard everything”

“Yes, and I must say it. You’re sick”

“I know that you disagree, but I wanted to be honest”

“I’m not talking about Kennedy –I guess it’s hard to change you- and if you think you did the right thing letting someone so nice go, I just can shut up. But at least don’t deny it”

“What? What should I stop denying?”

“The fact that you like giraffes”

“What the hell are you talking about? Why are you so cryptic sometimes?”

“Annie, wake the fuck up. We all know you like John, and that’s why you reject everybody. You wanted to go out with Kennedy and Halvo just to show us and yourself it’s not true but you know it’s like that”

“Oh my God I don’t want to listen, I’m gonna have a shower”

“Don’t listen to the voices in your head, listen to your heart!”


I closed the door and decided to stay in the bathroom as much as possible. I hated the fact everyone thought they knew what I liked or not. I didn’t like John. I didn’t like him, at all. He was just a stupid arrogant immature hot and funny guy who liked to provoke me. I had my shower and then got into bed, and fortunately Elliott was sleeping. I turned on the computer and looked over my e-mail.
I had just one mail in the inbox.

“I liked your review. And I thank you, I know you’re mad at me but you did it anyway, so I guess it’s the least I can do. Thank you and apologize. I know I’m a douche. I hope we can meet again soon. We’re headed to New Jersey now, definitely far from L.A. When we’re back home in AZ, you should come to Phoenix. Kennedy and Halvo would be happy. And why not, I’d be happy to make fun of you again.
Have a goodnight. I bet you’re having fun with Kennedy now, he’s the right guy for every girl after all.

I felt my heart exploding. And it ran faster and faster while reading the whole apologize and –watch me I’m looking for attention because I can’t take the fact people can like Kennedy more than me- thing. I hated him. He was trying to convince me he wasn’t that bad. But I wasn’t that girl. He couldn’t fool me.
I wouldn’t have let him do it.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, what do you think? Did Annie make the good choice in 'rejecting' Kennedy even if she likes him? Do you think it's just cause she doesn't want a long distance relationship? And what would you tell Halvo now? What about Elliott? I want your opinion!
Annie is really confused and John is not helping her. But I think he was cute in the email :)

Thanks to who commented/read/subscribed. Check my other fictions!
