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Where Did We Go Wrong

Chapter 1

I wanted this year to be different. I wanted things to go back to how they used to be. Things came crashing down the last week of summer vacation before fifth year. I spent the last week with my mom after spending most of the time with Draco and his family. I received an owl from Draco, not expecting what I was about to read.

Dear Renae,

I had a great time with you this summer. I’ve enjoyed all the time we’ve spent together. This isn’t easy to say but, it’s best if we don’t continue dating. I know you won’t understand and I don’t have answers for you. I had to end this before school started again. Things will be different between us from now on. I want you to forget about me and move on, you deserve it.

Draco Malfoy

I still kept that letter in a box under my bed at home. All I told my mom was things weren’t working out and we decided to end it. What a lie that was. He left me heartbroken, whether he meant to or not.

It was even harder having to explain everything to my friends. None of them liked Draco to start with but they didn’t expect this even from him. Of course all of them being protective friends put him down calling him an asshole among other things, but I would tell them to stop. I didn’t like thinking bad of him even though he hurt me.

Fifth year was hell for me. Even though I tried hard to avoid Draco and I’m sure he did the same, we’d still run into each other. He wouldn’t even look at me, as though it would bring back feelings if he did. I had to get used to not being around him, not having him to talk to, not sitting with him at lunch.

He went back to being the person everyone else was familiar with, but me. He stopped smiling, started bullying others again and always being so negative. He was never that kind of person around me so seeing him like this made me wonder where the guy I knew went.

I spent a lot of my time that year hanging out with Ron. It felt like old times. He no longer felt threatened to talk to me. Little by little he helped fix the hole in my heart, but I knew it’d never be completely fixed.

Fifth year wasn’t only hard on me, but for Jasmine as well. Sure her usual self started showing once again but everyone knew she wasn’t over Cedric yet, even though she’d deny it. She clung to people more than she usually did and I didn’t blame her.

It was hard for Audrey to be happy when her two best friends were so miserable. She still had George and she knew Jasmine and I envied her.

At the end of our fifth year Audrey, Jasmine, and I were invited to spend the summer at the Weasley’s house along with Harry and Hermione. The summer did us all good. There were no more sad memories. Everyone just had a good time.

Now I have to face reality all over again. Tomorrow is the first day of sixth year and I have to see him. At least I’m not in denial and can admit I’m still not completely over him. At least I can think of him now and not cry about it.

I’m still hurt about the whole thing, and I didn’t think it’d end so soon. I just want to know why he decided to do it. I know there was a reason he lied about to keep from telling me. But if I found out would it change anything? Would I be able for forgive him? Could we get past it?
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So what does everyone think? I know it's a little short, sorry. Anyways I'm excited for this sequel.

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