Status: Updates slowly.

Where Did We Go Wrong

Chapter 12

Christmas at the Weasley’s was, well, crowded. The crowded feeling only showed how much love everyone had in this house. All the Weasley’s came home for this holiday. After presents everyone went their own way. Ex professor Lupin was with his wife, Harry was caught up in conversation with Jasmine, Audrey was absorbing as much of George as she could, Fred was talking to Ginny, and that left Ron and I. Awkwardly I noticed we were standing under a mistletoe away from everyone else.

“Merry Christmas Renae,” Ron smiled and bent down to kiss me.

“Merry Christmas Ron,” I smiled back at him.

I was having thoughts I shouldn’t be having. Thoughts that hadn’t invaded my mind for some time now. I wanted to know what Draco was doing right now. I wanted to know why he became a Death Eater, though that might be obvious. Most of all, I wanted to know the real reason to why he left me broken hearted and incapable to love anyone else but him.

“What are you thinking about?” Ron said curiously.

“Oh, um nothing really, why?” I asked.

“You always make a face when you’re tuned into something else.” He said simply.

Nymphadora and Lupin were saying their goodbyes for the night, “Are you sure you won’t stay?” Mrs. Weasley asked.

“No, we should go. The first night of the cycle’s always the worst.” She looked at Lupin.

Lupin was staring into the night sky, not saying a word, like he was expecting something. The sky was growing darker and it looked as though a fireball had been spit out from the night. It surrounded the Burrow and a form of black smoke arose, a woman came from it. Harry pushed his way through the door, “Harry, no!” Mr. Weasley yelled.

I had no idea who the woman was, but I had a feeling Harry did. Lupin took after Harry but was stopped by the flames. Jasmine ran out of the house after Harry, just making it past the fire. I couldn’t just stand there not knowing what would happen to Jasmine if I did. I pushed through Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and ran as fast as I could jumping through the flames where they looked weakest, “Renae, come back!” I could hear Ron yell behind me.

I knew he was following me, but I didn’t stop running, “I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black! You coming to get me? Harry, can you get me? You coming to get me?” I heard a woman’s voice; I imagined belonged to the woman I saw before.

I heard her cackling start to fade. I stopped running, listening for anything I could hear. The silence was nerve racking and I couldn’t just stand here, so I kept running, not sure where I’d end up. I finally stopped when I started getting into the center of the swamp because the water was up to my ankles. I saw Harry run from the opposite corner of me and yell, “Stupefy!”

Harry was protecting Jasmine from something, or someone. He brought her into the middle of the water and I ran over to them. Our wands were at the ready as we heard noises circling us.

“Harry! Ron! Renae! Jasmine!” I recognized the voice, Mr. Weasley.

Lupin and Nymphadora came running at us, helping us protect ourselves. We all stood back to back, as close as we could. I was wondering where Ron was, hoping he was okay. Mr. Weasley finally found us as we watched the sky. Two black smoky figures flew up high and hit the Burrow with more fire.

“Molly.” Mr. Weasley whispered, and ran back to the house.

We all followed behind him. Running as fast as our legs could manage. When we got back everyone was standing outside. Mr. Weasley grabbed Mrs. Weasley in his arms. Audrey was holding onto George tightly. Fred had pressed his hands to his head in disbelief with Hermione next to him. Jasmine was holding onto Harry. I found Ron starring up at his burning house. I held onto him as tight as I could.

Everyone just stood there, looking up at the once so lively house, shocked and heartbroken. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Why did this have to happen to such a wonderful family? One who did nothing to deserve this?

Arthur, Molly, and Ginny went to stay at Lupin’s and Nymphadora’s place. Hermione went back to her house. Audrey went with George and Fred to their shop. Leaving Harry, and Ron without a place to go, “You guys can spend the rest of summer at my house, my mom won’t mind…” This included Jasmine.

“Alright,” Ron answer quietly.

When the four of us got to my house everyone else went into the living room while I explained to my mom what happened. She felt terrible, knowing Molly personally. Jasmine and I slept in my room and Harry and Ron had to camp out in the living room for the remaining days until break was over.

Not much talking was done. I had no idea what to say to Ron anymore. How could I tell him I wasn’t over Draco, not that he didn’t know that already, but that I knew I was never going to be over him when something so tragic just happened to him?
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I didn't really want to write the Burrow burning ='(
Sorry it's been so long and this update is wicked short.