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Where Did We Go Wrong

Chapter 3

I decided to visit Dumbledore since I didn’t see him at all over summer vacation. I didn’t want him to think I’d forgotten about him. I took the staircase to his room, like I had so many times before. I knocked on his door, waiting for his response, “Come in,” He replied.

“Ah, Renae, I was wondering when you would come visit. How was your summer?” He asked, smiling.

“I spent the summer at the Burrow with the Weasley’s.”

“Oh, I bet that was fun.”

“Yeah, it was.” I smiled, remembering.

“So, tell me how your first day back was?”

“Good,” I answered, “I won a vial of Felix Felicis in Potions.”

“Ah, that’s right. Professor Slughorn told me you tied with Harry. You’ve made quite an impression on him.” He smiled, “What do you plan to use it for?”

“I have no idea yet. Something will happen soon I’m sure though when it’ll come useful.”

“Best save it then,” He was quiet for a moment.

There was a knock on the door and it opened, it was Harry, “Should I come back later?” He asked.

“Renae, I’m sorry to cut our time short but I’ve got to speak with Harry.”

“It’s fine. I should be getting back anyways. Did he tell you his brilliant new idea?” I sighed.

Dumbledore looked at Harry, then back to me confused, “He thinks Draco is a Death Eater. How bizarre.”

Dumbledore was quiet, “His reason for this idea is?”

“He was spying on Draco and saw him go into Borgin and Burkes over summer. I get that they don’t like Draco but they could at least see it from my point of view.”

“I had to tell you Renae, even if you don’t believe me. I’ll prove it to you.” Harry defended himself.

“Whatever,” I walked out.

I went down by the lake to get away from people. I just needed time alone, to think about things. I couldn’t believe how ridiculous everyone was being.

“Renae?” I was startled; I didn’t think anyone was around me.

I turned around, it was Draco. He was looking down at me with a blank expression. Why was he talking to me? After a year without speaking, why now?

“Hi,” He said when I took too long to say anything.

“Hey,” I felt sick to my stomach, not grossed out sick, but the nervous kind.

There was an awkward silence, “Thanks for helping me in potions.”

I knew that wasn’t why he came to talk to me, “No problem….” I wanted to know what he wanted, “Draco?”

“Yes?” He replied calmly.

“I know you didn’t come to thank me for potions class. What do you really want?”

He looked a little uncomfortable, “Forget it.” He turned and walked away.

What was that all about? I hated feeling nervous talking to him, but that’s the way it was because we hadn’t talked for over a year and the way he left things didn’t help.

It started getting dark to I decided to head back to the castle. When I got back into the castle Snape was outside of the Slytherin common room yelling at…Draco. I didn’t know what to do so I just stood there, “Draco, you know what your father said. Leave it how it is. Otherwise you’re putting her in danger, you don’t want that do you?” He hissed.

“Of course not.” Draco said harshly.

“Then smarten up!” Snape hit him across the head.

I started to walk towards the common room, pretending I didn’t hear any of that. Snape looked at me, without saying anything. I ignored Draco’s presence and walked inside.

“Where have you been?” Audrey ran over to me.

“Clearing my head,” I replied.

“George and Fred are coming to Hogsmeade this weekend! I can’t wait.” She smiled.

“Great. I’m tired, I’m going to bed.” I trailed off to the girl's dorm to think about what I just witnessed, who is Draco putting in danger?
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Hope you liked it, comments please?