Status: Updates slowly.

Where Did We Go Wrong

Chapter 5

“Audrey, Jasmine wake up.” I whispered.

“Ugh,” Audrey exhaled and looked at the clock, “We’ve still got ten more minutes before breakfast.”

“Oh don’t complain, it’ll take you that time to get ready.” I sighed.

Jasmine rolled over, “Why do you want to get there early?”

“I’m just excited; I have a surprise for you both.” I smiled thinking about it.

That seemed to get them interested; they got right out of bed. I waited for them to get dressed, and we all walked to the Great Hall. There were a couple people in the halls, not many people actually got up early. I couldn’t begin to think about how I would handle being a Quidditch captain, having to judge who was better at what position, playing a position myself, and to make up practices. I hope I can handle it all.

“Now as most of you already know, today is Quidditch tryouts for each house. After first period will be Gryffindor’s tryouts, followed by Slytherin’s at second break, then Hufflepuff, and lastly Ravenclaw. Now I’m sure everyone is wondering who the captains are this year…well I have that information for you.” Dumbledore explained.

“This year’s Gryffindor captain is Harry Potter.” He paused as people cheered and applauded, “Ravenclaw’s captain will be Cho Chang,” More applause, “Hufflepuff’s captain is Zacharias Smith,” he paused for more applause, “and last but not least this year’s captain for Slytherin is Renae Barker.” He smiled in my direction.

The whole Slytherin table seemed to be cheering and clapping, and I could hear cheering coming from the Gryffindor table which was most likely caused by Ron and Harry. Even Draco was clapping, though he looked rather confused.

“How in the bloody hell did you get to be captain?” Audrey wondered.

I smiled, “Surprise.”

First period dragged on and I barley could keep my focus on the teacher. After class Audrey, Jasmine, and I headed to the Quidditch Pitch to watch Gryffindor tryouts. We walked up into the stands and I saw Hermione sitting by herself, “Hey Hermione,” I greeted her, sitting down next to her with Audrey and Jasmine beside me.

“Oh, hello Renae. Congratulations on becoming captain.” She smiled.

“Thanks, I’m a bit nervous, but Snape insisted.”

Looking down at the field I could see Harry standing in front a big group of Gryffindor’s wearing Quidditch uniforms. Ron looked up towards the stands and I waved, hoping he’d be able to make out who I was.

“Hermione, I think Cormac has it out for you.” I laughed.

“Don’t be ridiculous, he’s vile.” She sneered.

Everyone mounted their brooms and hovered above. Harry shouted out some commands, and everyone moved into position. Cormac was up first to try out for Keeper, he seemed full of himself. He managed to make four saves and was about to try for his last one, “Confundus,” Hermione whispered.

Suddenly Cormac moved quickly to the left, letting the Quaffle make it through the goal, “Hermione! You little cheat!”

She laughed, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I didn’t think she had it in her to pull that sort of thing off. Ron was up next trying out for Keeper as well. If he could make all five saves he had it. He looked nervous and goofy, being the only one who wore a helmet. I stood up, “You’ve got this Ron!” I yelled.

Believe it or not Ron made all five saves. He had the position for Keeper in his back pocket. After that I kind of stopped paying attention, after all I only went for Ron and Harry and I already knew Harry was going to be seeker again.

When practice was over I went down to congratulate Ron, “I knew you could do it.” I hugged him.

I saw Jasmine go over to congratulate Harry, “I can’t believe how well I did.” I think Ron’s grin was now permanently sewn to his face.

“You did brilliant; you’re coming to my tryouts, right?” I smiled.

“Are you kidding, of course I am.” He grabbed me into a tighter hug.

“Well we should get back to the castle before class starts.” I reminded everyone.

I walked back to the castle with Audrey, Jasmine, and Hermione. Those who tried out for Quidditch stayed behind to pick up everything, “So Jasmine, what were you talking to Harry about?” Audrey teased.

Jasmine smiled, “For your information I was just congratulating him on being captain.”

“Are you sure that’s all you did?” She laughed.

Jasmine ignored her. We got back to the castle just in time for class. Like the first class this dragged on as well, probably worse. I was just so excited, nothing else matter right now. I really hope I don’t mess up.

When class finally ended I practically darted out of the room. I made my way through the castle and to the Quidditch Pitch. I changed into my Quidditch uniform and waited for everyone else to start coming.

Audrey and Jasmine came first, “Are you two trying out?” I asked excitedly.

“I am,” Audrey smiled.

“I just came to watch, I think it’s safer for everyone that way.” She laughed.

More people started to gather both on the field and in the stands. Jasmine headed up to the stands to sit with other people. I wondered who'd make the team; I wanted Slytherin to beat Gryffindor this year, which wouldn’t be easy.

“Listen up everyone; you’ll all be able to try out for the position you want today. Now let’s get started.” I tried hard not to sound nervous.

In my opinion practice was going rather well. Everyone was doing really good, with a few exceptions. When I practiced the chaser’s part I got almost every Quaffle in. I was rather impressed with myself.

Audrey was going up for being one of the two beaters. Boy, could she hit those Bludgers. I mean she really got into it. She’d make George and Fred proud.

Practice came to an end and I think I’ve made up my mind, “Alright everyone, you all did good today. I’ll be posting who made the team tomorrow in common room.”

“You were awesome.” Jasmine hugged me.

“Really? I was a bit nervous.” I smiled.

“You seemed like a natural.” Jasmine replied.

“Renae it’s going to be tough playing against you at our game. Don’t think I’ll let the Quaffle slip just because we’re friends.” Ron laughed, hugging me.

“We’ll see about that,” I laughed, “we’re all hanging out at Hogsmeade tomorrow, right?”

“Well duh, we’ll get some butterbeer to celebrate.”

Back in common room I was dressed for bed but I decided to start writing down the team on a piece of parchment, “Renae you should get some sleep.” Jasmine insisted.

“I’m almost done,” I continued writing.

“You know Draco was watching practice today.” Jasmine said quietly, slipping into bed.

I looked up, “Really? I was wondering why he didn’t come to tryouts. I guess he doesn’t want to be seeker anymore. He was probably just there to watch Crabbe and Goyle anyways.”
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I was going to update the other night, but I was too tired.
So I'm thinking the next chapter is going to be in Draco's pov :)

Comments please.