Status: Updates slowly.

Where Did We Go Wrong

Chapter 8

“What are you wearing tonight?” I asked Hermione.

We were on break in-between classes sitting in the library, “Nothing special. Probably a nice top with jeans.”

“I think that’s what I’m doing too. Isn’t tonight just an “interview” anyways? To see who gets into the Slug Club?” I wondered.

“That’s what I heard,” Hermione answered.

I always got along with Hermione. Audrey and Jasmine didn’t particularly care for her as they put it. In a way we were similar, but at the same time two complete opposites.

When classes were over and dinner time came around I decided on wearing black skinny jeans, paired with a mint green shirt with a white tank top underneath and black flats. I straightened my hair and put in earrings.

“Tell us all about your evening.” Audrey picked on me.

“Oh, I will.” I answered.

I walked to the Potions classroom by myself. I hoped I wasn’t the first one there or the last. I opened the door, looking in to see Slughorn sitting down at a large table with Hermione, Harry, and a few others. Thankfully I wasn’t last, “Glad you could make it Miss Barker.” Slughorn smiled.

I walked over to the table and sat in-between Harry and Hermione, the seat they saved for me. After about five long minutes everyone seemed to be here. Slughorn asked us a few questions about our families and such. Probably seeing if we were good enough for the Slug Club.

Slughorn started talking to Marcus Belby about his uncle inventing Wolfsbane Potion, but all he seemed to do was shove his face with his dessert and didn’t know much more about his uncle due that his father wasn’t on speaking terms with him.

"How about you, Miss Barker? What does your mother do?" Slughorn asked.

"Well my mom works for the Ministry of Magic, in the Magical Law Enforcement Department." I assumed he already knew.

“Good, good. Yes I believe Dumbledore told me that once upon a time." He looked at Hermione next, "What about you, Miss Granger? What does your family do in the Muggle world?” He looked rather curious.

“My parents are dentists.” There was an awkward silence, no one was very familiar with Muggle lifestyles, “They tend to people’s teeth.”

“Fascinating. And is this considered a dangerous profession?” He wondered.

“No,” She paused for a minute, “although one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches.” Hermione laughed.

Another awkward silence, assuming no one knew the meaning of stitches. The door quietly opened and everyone looked, “Ah. Miss Weasley. Come in. Come in.”

“Sorry, I’m not usually late.” Ginny replied.

“Look at her eyes; they’ve been fighting again, her and Dean.” Hermione whispered to Harry and me.

“No matter. You’re just in time for dessert, that is, if Belby’s left you any.” Slughorn laughed.

There was ice cream for dessert and everyone seemed to try to keep their mouths full instead of having to answer more questions from Slughorn. Hermione suddenly kicked me under the table, “What?” I whispered.

She motioned towards Cormac. He was staring directly at Hermione, while sucking on his finger trying to do it in a seductive way I assumed. How awkward, Hermione kept her head down and continued eating, “I told you he wanted you.”

“Shut up,” She whispered. She didn’t want to admit I was right all along.

After everyone finished their dessert we were finally escorted out by Slughorn, “Good-bye, bye bye.” He called after us.

When I got back to Slytherin common room I walked in to see Audrey and Jasmine sitting on the couches near the fire place, “About time,” They both said, getting up to greet me.

“How was it?” Jasmine wondered.

“Boring, actually.” I admitted.

We went to bed, excited for Gryffindor’s match against Ravenclaw. It sucks we have to have classes first then the game, but that’s how it worked.

When morning came Audrey, Jasmine, and I got dressed in our robes and headed to breakfast. The Great Hall was decorated for the Gryffindor Ravenclaw match today. We took our seats at Slytherin’s table and began eating.

The day dragged on throughout classes. Which it often did when I had other things I was looking forward to. After Potions class Slughorn pulled Harry, Hermione, Blaise and I aside, “I would like to inform you four that you are now members of the Slug Club. As for some of the other students, well let’s just say they won’t be making the shelf.”

“The shelf?” Harry asked.

“Anyone who wants to be someone wants to make it to the shelf.” He smiled.

Not like that told us what the shelf exactly was, but it was a good enough explanation for Slughorn. Soon enough it was time for Herbology. Yet again I didn’t really pay attention. It didn’t help that I wasn’t very good at Herbology either.

Class ended which meant we were all free. The game would be in about an hour so everyone had time to kill. Audrey, Jasmine and I went to the Great Hall to meet up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. We sat down at a table with Harry and Hermione waiting for Ron. Soon enough Ron walked in wearing his Quidditch helmet, looking as though he was about to vomit.

He sat down next to me, “So how was it, then?” He asked.

“How was what?” I asked.

“Your dinner party?” He sounded upset.

“Pretty boring, actually.” Hermione answered.

Everyone was quiet, “Slughorn’s having a Christmas party, you know. This Saturday, and we’re meant to bring someone.” I announced.

“Who are you guys bringing?” Audrey asked.

Harry just looked down, pretending to eat to avoid answering. Hermione looked at me then at Audrey, “I think I’ll ask Cormac.”

I laughed remembering what he did last night, “And you?” Audrey looked directly at me.

“Well, um…,” I paused figuring now was a better time than ever, “Actually I was wondering if you’d like to go with me Ron.”

He turned to look at me, one minute ago he was sulking and nervous, but now he looked thrilled, “Really?”

Everyone was now looking at us both, “So what do you say?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’ll go.” He smiled.

Just after he answered a girl with long curly dirty blond hair tapped Ron on the shoulder, “Good luck today Ron. I know you’ll be brilliant.” She giggled and walked away.

“Who was that?” I asked curiously, not recognizing her until now.

“Lavender Brown, she’s in our year you know.” Hermione told me.

Ron sighed and leaned over the table towards Harry, “I’m resigning. After today’s match, McLaggen can have my spot.”

Harry looked as if he poured something into Ron’s cup, “Have it your way. Juice.” He moved it towards Ron.

“Sure,” Ron lifted the cup, about to drink it.

“What did you just put in his cup?” Jasmine asked.

Harry put a vial back into his pocket, “Liquid luck. Don’t drink it Ron!” Hermione cursed.

Ron had a big grin on his face and drank the juice down quickly, “You could be expelled for that.” Hermione continued to scold.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Harry smiled.

“Come on, Harry. We’ve got a game to win.” Ron stood up from the table, grinning.

The game was about to start and Audrey, Jasmine, and I took our places in the stands. Ravenclaw came out first with Gryffindor shortly behind. Everyone took their places and the game began. It was practically freezing outside, there was snow everywhere. Ron never missed one Quaffle, he saved every one.

Gryffindors from the stands started chanting, “Weasley, Weasley, Weasley!” Audrey, Jasmine, and I were the only Slytherins participating in it.

Harry caught the snitch and the game ending. Leaving Gryffindor victorious. They won their first game and most of it was because of Ron, “We’re having a party in the Gryffindor common room, you guys should come.” Harry told Audrey, Jasmine, and me.

“One problem Harry, we’re not allowed to know where it is or even be in there.” Jasmine reminded him.

“Wait by the Great Hall, I’ll come and get you.” Harry told us before we had a chance to make a rebuttal.

“What do you suppose he’s doing?” Audrey asked.

“I have no idea. I just hope it works.” I answered.

We must have waited by the Great Hall for no more than five minutes until we saw Harry coming down the staircase. He ran up to us, “Alright, I’ve got my dad’s invisibility cloak. That’s how I’ll sneak you all in.” He whispered.

“That’s bizarre, what if someone from your house tells on us?” Audrey wondered. Usually she'd be all for it, but I didn't feel like getting caught either.

“No one is going to say anything. It’s a party, they won’t even notice.” He assured her.

When no one was around Harry instructed us to put the cloak over the three of us and to follow him quietly, “Now hurry up, and be quiet.”

We stood by the painting of the fat lady and Harry said the password granting us access. Once we walked inside we took off the cloak and handed it to Harry, he ran up to his dorm to put it away. He was right, no one did notice we were there, or if they did they didn’t care. We made our way through the crowd of Gryffindors and found Hermione, “How much trouble do you think we’ll get in for this?” I laughed.

She looked like she was about to have a heart attack, “This isn’t funny! You’re breaking so many rules right now. Oh, you better hope no one finds out!” I loved freaking her out.

Harry came back and walked over to us. Everyone started chanting again, “Weasley, Weasley, Weasley!”

“Harry, you really shouldn’t have done it.” Hermione reminded him about the liquid luck.

Harry took out the vial from his pocket. It was still completely full, “You didn’t put it in. Ron only thought you did.” Hermione noticed.

Harry smiled. Wow so Ron was perfect all on his own. I walked over to Ron, having to push my way through to the front. He was the center of attention, literally. Ron looked down and noticed me; he had a grin on his face. He got down off of the chair and pulled me closer to him and started kissing me.

All I could hear was everyone stopped yelling “Weasley!” and just started cheering. His arms were around me and I rapped mine around his neck. I would have never imagined this happening, but all I knew was I liked it.

When our lips parted he was now staring down at me, smiling. I imagined I was smiling too, “Come on.” He took my hand and led me out of the common room.

We walked down the staircases, our fingers still intertwined. I could only imagine what Audrey and Jasmine were thinking at this point. I would have to look forward to filling them in on the details later, “Ron what just happened?” I asked.

“I believe we were just snogging.” He laughed slightly.

“I got that much,” I laughed too.

We stopped walking and he sat down on the steps on the staircase and ushered me to sit next to him. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to sit closer to him than we usually did. I decided on going close, I liked being close to him. Ron cleared his throat, “Renae that was something I’ve wanted to do for a long time now.”

I felt my face heat up. I didn’t know what to say so I stood up and grabbed his arm smiling, “Come on,”

We must have climbed twenty sets of stairs, or so it seemed. Looking out the window on one of the staircases I could see the Astronomy Tower, the stars outside looked so dazzling. I looked down at Ron who wouldn’t look away from me and decided to act on impulse just as he had. I grabbed his face and started kissing him. I didn’t know where this would take us, but I honestly didn’t care right now. It just felt good to be wanted again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy 4th of July everyone!
I know I updated yesterday, but I felt in a giving mood.
Here's the outfit Renae wore to the dinner party.
I really am hoping for more comments because I haven't been getting many lately.
Anyways, hope you liked it :)