Status: Updates slowly.

Where Did We Go Wrong

Chapter 9

“Draco, we’re going to be late.” Crabbe pestered.

“I’m well aware you git.” I sighed, annoyingly.

I liked you better when you were with Renae.” Crabbe mumbled under his breath.

“What was that?” I snapped.

“Nothing,” He lied.

Crabbe, Goyle, and I walked through the hallways heading to Defense Against Dark Arts. I couldn’t get my mind off what I saw the other night, Renae snogging Weasley. I bet she didn’t think anyone was watching or in view. It just so happens I was in the Astronomy Tower, when I saw two people through the staircase window pane.

I certainly couldn’t tell Crabbe or Goyle how I felt. They’ve never seen me really care about anything before, well except Renae. I knew I was right about Weasley’s feelings for her, I just wish she didn’t return them.

“I’m looking forward to Slughorn’s Christmas party this Saturday. I’ll have the best girl there.” A voice I recognized said.

“Really? Well I beg to differ, there a many better girls than me going.” It was Renae, I could tell.

I looked to the left of me where Weasley was standing next to Renae; he pulled her close and began to kiss her. I couldn’t take this. Rage filled my body. I had to walk right past them to get to class. I picked up my pace and walked past them, glaring at the couple.

I never imagined myself ever being jealous of Weasley. How desperately I wanted that to be me pressed up against her, kissing her, being the reason she smiles and laughs. There have been so many times I’ve blamed my parents for what’s happened. For the most part it was their fault, they got me into this. They’re the reason I couldn’t truly be happy.

“Draco, did you see that?!” Goyle sounded disgusted, “Weasley snogging with Renae!”

Of course I saw, how couldn’t I, “If she wants to settle for Weasley let her.”

During class Snape kept occasionally looking at me. I hated having him “watch out” for me. I didn’t need him. I could do it myself, I had to. I even managed to find the Room of Requirement to start repairing the vanishing cabinet.

I chose to continue after class. I went to the seventh floor and suddenly the door appeared like it had before. I uncovered the cabinet and placed an apple inside, “Harmonia Nectere Passus.” I whispered.

I opened the cabinet and to my amazement the apple had vanished. Just as it was supposed to. I closed the door again, “Harmonia Nectere Passus, Harmonia Nectere Passus,” The apple was sitting just where I left it. I took it out to realize there was a piece of it missing. Damnit, I almost had it too.

I spent hours in the Room of Requirement. Mostly to focus and practice, but also to avoid everyone else. It was the only place where I was alone; I didn’t have to answer to anyone. Or see anything I didn’t want to.


“Renae, what are you doing for Christmas break?” Audrey asked.

“I’m not really sure, why, what are you doing?” I was curious.

“I’m spending it at the Burrow with George and his family.” She grinned.

“Oh,” I replied.

Her mouth opened, “I have an idea, you should come too. Now that you’re smitten with Ronald.” She giggled.

“I am not smitten with anyone!” I defended myself, “And if he wanted me to he’d ask.”

“If you marry Ron and I marry George will be sisters in law, well kind of!” She laughed.

“You’re getting far too ahead of yourself Audrey.” I laughed.

“Oh, look, here he comes now.” Audrey pointed towards Ron, “Hey Ron, we were just discussing our plans for Christmas break.” Audrey smiled.

I glared at her, “Oh, so what are you doing?” He looked at me.

“Nothing that I know of.” I answered truthfully.

“Want to come to my house? Audrey and Jasmine are.” He smiled.

“Sure Ron,” I replied.

“I’ll send an owl to mum to tell her you’re coming.” He kissed me, “I’ve got to go to practice, I’ll see you later.” He smiled.

Once Ron left I let out a sigh, “What’s wrong?” Audrey asked.

“Now it’s going to be awkward at his house. I’m going to assume his parents will find out we’re dating, if they haven’t already.”

“Oh, it’s not that bad. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley will think it’s cute if anything. They like you don’t worry about it.” She smiled.

Maybe she was right; I didn’t have anything to worry about. I just wasn’t used to being called “Ron’s girlfriend” yet. What was wrong with me, I couldn’t even accept what was right in front of me. I was so unsure of everything I did, every choice I made. I guess it’s expected for any normal person to have doubts and to feel unsure at times.

I needed to face reality. I have to move on. Everyone already seems happier now that I’m with Ron compared to when I was with Draco.

All I knew was Ron was making the emptiness I felt go away a little at a time. Even if it never went away completely half way was fine with me, for now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not much happens in this one, I apologize.

Comments would be loved :)