

Dear Dad,
I don't know whats happened to us in the past few years. You drink alot. I don't know you anymore. I don't think I want t know you anymore. Your drained, I understand. But you missed so much. I can't talk to you about anything anymore. When I go to your house on the weekends I feel like a stranger. We're both too stubborn to talk to the other about it. We know that but it doesn't change anything. When I was young and had a bad dream, you wouldn't let me sleep in your bed with you. When I cry you don't comfort me. You pulled us apart and now its your job to put us back together. I don't even know if I'll come to see you once Alec goes to college in the fall. I hate how in public and to your friends you say that you raise me and I'm at your house half the time. You did not raise me. Nor am I at your house near that much. Get your fucking priorities straight.
Your Daughter,

Dear Caroline,
I have nothing nice to say to you. You ripped my family apart. I was your little angel until you realized I wasn't just going to forget about my mother and go to you. Your twisted. Your sick. Your a leech. I hate how much you got to me. I hate how ou tried to convince my father that I was the unstable one. I had to go to therapists because of you! I'm not the one on fucking psycho medication! I don't know why he's still with you. You obviously don't give a rats ass about him. I'm glad I havn't seen you in nearly a year. Your a fucking bipolar psycho bitch. Do you evenknow how many times I cried until I couldn't cry anymore because of you? Do you care? Doubtful. You make me feel as if I'm less than a person. You walk over me like dirt. Get some help psycho. Once you get to Hell, send my condolences to the Devil.
Your Stepdaughter, Yeah right, Your prisoner,
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I have nothing to say here..