The Dirty Side of Nowhere


Nessie squeezed her eyes shut, taking shallow breaths in the cramped room. She was in the middle of creating the next captivating image she wanted to take. Because none of her friends, who played as amature models in her talented photoshoots, were home yet, she was working on a lifelike sketch of her next masterpiece. She was currentlie experiencing a creativity block as she wondered where the hell Lovella and Landon were. She was waiting impatiantlie for the never ending supply of cancer sticks and other goodies the two of them would bring when they got home. She knew she only had to walk five steps out the door to buy more, this was the dirty side of the wilderness afterall, but that just wasn't her style. The build up of strong emotion and craving pleased her in some strange way. She would wait.

Only lamplight allowed the stained carpet and her dark sketch to be visible at this time of day, though there wasn't much difference earlier in the day either, not with the ever present gray curtain in the air.

Nessie pulled her knees up to her chest, digging her fingernails into her calfs. She was proud of the little red indents because no one in "this side" could grow their fingernails very long nor their hair very think. Many strangers wabbled down the roads compleltie bald, tired of the clumps of hair that constantly fell out in their wrinkled palms, collecting in their dirty apartments.

The indents faded and she repeated the act. It made her sorry to smudge the ink drawing Lovella had left there that morning. Instead of a youthful, smiling face with sharp eyes and wavy hair, she now saw a face with dead eyes and pitted skin on her calf. "Beauty never lasted long in this place" she thought.

After a while her thoughts turned into a sleepie jumbled mess. Feelings alone became dominant to clear thoughts, leaving only the question of where everyone was. She thumped the back of her head once against the wall she rested on to stay awake, and ran her hand through her thick brunette hair. Thats when she heard Ivan outside the door, or rather his ever deafening music.

At first she was relieved someone was home, but once her brain lifted a little out of its cloudie fog she remembered who it was again, and the fact that she simply was not wearing enough clothing to be at the apartment when he walked in. She jumped up, banging her knee on a wobbly chair. Her heart raced strangely, which confused Nessie a little "sillie" she chided herself as the lock turned.