Status: 3rd contest yet :] love them!

Where It All Began

A Red Umbrella

It has been a month since I talked to my parents. It has been a month since I was diagnosed with cancer. It has been a month since the doctor told me I had a little more than a month to live. Every day now I sit and wait; nothing to live for, nothing to die for, nothing stopping me from fulfilling God’s design. I glanced up when I felt the small beads of rain splatter against my face. I picked up my umbrella remembering how I asked mom what color it was when she gave it to me. She said it was red, then again

I could never believe her because I would never know what red looked like. I slowly stood, opening the large umbrella and spreading it above me. I was told that I couldn’t get sick if I had any hopes of extending my time here in this world. I sighed before starting my slow walk around the lake back to my cabin.


I had finally done it. I finally left that morbid woman I called my aunt. With no place left to go I went back to the one place I was familiar with; the lake. Every summer before my parents passed we would stay at the cabin by the lake. It was amazing, and probably the only happy time in my life. I had a friend then, at the lake, the only true friend I’ve ever had. Lynn. She was amazing and perfect.

Even though it was not season for everyone to be at the lake, I still felt happy to be there. The man behind the rental counter told me only one other person was at the lake, but that was fine with me. Less people to ruin the experience of being away from the world. I took a deep breath as I entered the cabin, glancing around the familiar rooms.


The lake was peaceful, the tiny ripples from the rain disturbing the glassy surface. I sighed when I reached the cabin; it was the place I called home for the last month. There wasn’t a soul at the lake; it wasn’t the time for people to come down with their boats and jet skis. I looked at the cabin next to mine when a window flew open. A man stuck his head out breathing in the balsam scented air. He looked familiar, like someone I knew from somewhere. I shook my head before continuing along the path around the lake. I wasn’t tired yet, and didn’t want to feel as weak as I had been lately.


A big red object captured my attention. Which wasn’t hard in this colorless world, with red being the only color I could see. It was a woman. Although she looked frail and weak. It seemed crazy for her to be walking in the rain if she was this sick. I walked back into the house and grabbed a large coat before running down to the path and after her.

“Miss!” I called slightly out of breath. She turned around her eyes shining curiously. “Lynn?”

“Y-Yes?” She replied hesitantly. “Do I know you?” Her big round eyes skimmed me up and down quickly, stopping quizzically on my face. “Wait...Anthony?” I nodded pulling her into a hug. Her body was so tiny compared to mine, and she seemed so weak.

“Are you okay? You’re so thin and pale and tiny. What happened to the happy girl from all those years ago?” I questioned as I pulled away, holding her at an arm’s length away. She glanced down, the umbrella slightly falling behind her.

“I’m sick...really sick. The doctors think I only have a week or so left before it’s over.” She looked so solemn, like she was at peace with the fact.


“Anthony, can you do me a favor?” I asked quietly. He nodded his head “Can you kiss me? It’s sad, but I’ve never been kissed, and I want to at least know what it feels like.” He watched my eyes as I spoke, they seemed earnest and sincere. He nodded slowly before pulling me to him, wrapping my free arm around his neck. He placed his hands on my hips gently, almost as if he was going to break me. Our lips met softly at first, but a spark ruptured the gentleness unleashing this monster that hungered for more. I’d never felt like this before, never experienced a kiss this passionate in my short life. We kissed until I thought our lips were blistered from the love, passion and ferocity of the kiss. “Thank you.” I mumbled into his neck before I kissed him again.


A year, one month, and three days. That is how long Lynn lived, and not just floated about, but truly lived. Our love was something I can never forget or neglect happened. She was the best thing to ever happen to me, well beside our daughter, our precious little angel. Lynn loved her, and enjoyed the short time she had with her. Because of Lynn, I bought the two cabins we grew up in from the lake owner; because of Lynn I fell in love, and married the girl of my dreams. Lynn was my beautiful wife, and she always will be. This is where it all began: at the lake, and a big, red umbrella.
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The End <3