Status: Rewriting

Autumn Falls


He swung the front door open and took in my scrubby look. I was standing there, bare foot with a skimpy mini skirt on and a low v-neck shirt that exposed most of my hot pink lacey bra. I held my arm out and he took my hand, grasping his soft, warm palm with mine. I smiled, walking through the threshold of his home from the cold night and keeping his gaze as he led me up the grand stairs. Soon enough we ended up in his room; I stared intensely into his electric blue eyes as I sat down on his plush bed. I knew what he wanted now, but I was hesitant to give it to him because I didn’t want to lose the only person I really cared about.

He raised his eye brows at me as if to say, do you wanna? I bit my lip, dropping my shoes onto his wooden floor and scooting further up on his bed, plastering a sexy smile on my face. This is what he wanted, so this is what I was going to give him. I signaled him over with a finger and he crawled onto the bed with me, placing his arms on either side of my body and hovering. His breath was soft, his scent intoxicating. I couldn’t think straight. “If you say jump, I’ll jump,” I purred, placing my finger under his chin so that his mouth was close enough to mine.

Autumn Sharp never loved anyone besides herself, so why is it that now this one boy made her stomach do summersaults and her mind go crazy? I didn’t want him the way he wanted me. I wanted him to love me the way that I loved him. But who would ever want me? No one on earth would ever love me for me. I hated that everyone took advantage of my money and power. I wanted Larson to love me for what was on the inside; not my slutty exterior. But I was convinced he would never want me for anything else but what I could physically give him. At least it was better than nothing.

“Jump,” he smirked, pressing our bodies together and kissing me rough. I tried hard to imagine him ever kissing me passionately; but the image never occurred.