Status: once a month at least

An Arrangement For Two

Could He Ever Be Real?

We were walking on the beach hand in hand, taking in the warm Florida air. The sun was just rising with its beautiful rays stretching as far as the eye could see. Next to me, the one holding my hand was a gorgeous man who had a deep tan, blue topaz eyes that looked straight into my soul, the prettiest set of pink full lips, and a nice shade of blonde in his hair. This morning the sun shone so beautifully on the top of his hair, causing it to look like a halo of beauty.

He said to me, “Serena, this is such a lovely morning to walk on the beach with you. I hope to spend every morning with you like this as the sun is just waking up.”

He then took me in his arms and held me close. He lifted my chin with his index finger and kissed me with great passion causing my heart to skip a beat. I could stay like this forever. “Serena, I love you.”

Beep, beep, beep, it was my alarm clock waking me up from the best dream of my life. It was 5:30 in the morning and I had to get my workout in before my shift of being a life guard on the beach. First, I did some morning stretches and then got dressed in my bathing suit and shorts and a t-shirt. I put my long brown hair into a ponytail, laced up my pink pumas, and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

I grabbed a wheat English muffin and popped it into the toaster. When it was done I put some light butter and ate it with a glass of cold orange juice. “Yummy!” When I was done, I put my dishes in the sink and headed out the door. I live close to the beach so I do my run along the beach. I jogged from my door to the beach and then ran along the shoreline letting the wind and the waves hit my face, it felt very nice.

As I was running, the sun started to rise and I thought of the gorgeous guy in my dream. Who was this guy, and would I ever find one as sweet as him in my waking life? I am a lifeguard at this very beach that I am doing my work out on. Guys can’t seem to leave me alone when I am on duty. They see my long brown hair along with my tan skin and fit body and they just think they can have me. I wish they would just go away.

After running up and down the shoreline, I got pretty hot so I stripped off my running clothes and pumas, until I was just wearing my pink bikini. I dove in the waves and just swam around for awhile. I have been swimming since I was a young child and I swam for my high school team winning a few trophies. Swimming was not a challenge for me therefore, I became a life guard. I figured I could save people if they needed me to.

Being a life guard, was not the only thing I did. I was also a fashion writer. While I life guard at the beach, I take note of what the tourists and residents are wearing currently, I then write an article about it and turn it in into the magazine once a week.

I became tired from swimming and running so I got out of the ocean and put my running clothes back on along with my shoes. I went home and again stripped off my clothes to take a shower. I let the hot water massage my neck and back while again thinking about my dream. If only he were real.

I got out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my body as close as possible and wrapped my long hair in another towel. I went to my dresser to gather my uniform which was a one piece bathing suit that said Florida Life Guard and then got out a t-shirt and shorts that said the same thing.

I got dressed and combed my wet hair until it was tangle free. Getting tangles out was an ordeal for me. Would they ever come out? After getting the tangles out, I braided my hair into two braids. I brushed my teeth and saw it was 8:30 and I had to be at work by 10:00. I decided to check my email and call Kia my best friend.


Don't Patronize, I realize

I'm losing and this is my real life

I'm half asleep and I'm wide awake

I groaned and tried to find my cell phone on my nightstand without having to actually get up and look for it.

This Habit is so hard to break

Don't want to be the bad guy

I've been blaming myself and

I think you know why

I finally found it and grabbed it. I answered without looking at the caller id and was already falling back to sleep as I held my phone to my ear. A girl needs her sleep. I need my sleep so bad.

"Hello?" I said groggily as I tried to stay awake. This better be Serena or I'm so going to hang up and go back to sleep.

"Hey Kia, get up, I want to tell you about the most amazing dream I had," my best friend said, which woke me up.

"Serena? God you know I hate it when you call me in the morning. I'm not supposed to wake up until noon. It's been my routine since college," I said as I sat up. She rarely calls me in the morning which means she didn't spend much time on her run again.

"I am sorry to wake you, I just really cannot stop thinking about this dream," she said as I got out of bed and head downstairs for a nice breakfast. I usually grab something on the way to work but it's too early for that.

"It's okay. I should start getting up in the morning anyway. Are we going to hang out later today?" I said as I looked through my fridge for something edible to eat. I really need to stop at the grocery store after work.

"Yeah, we can hang out after my life guarding shift is over this afternoon" she said in a excited tone. I guess spending some time at the beach would be nice.

"Sounds good. I'll talk to you later then. Thanks to you I'm wide awake and starving," I said eyeing the cereal box of fruit loops on top of the fridge. I haven't had some of that in awhile.

"Ok great, cannot wait to hang out, enjoy your cereal. Bye Kia," she said before hanging up. Got to love how hyper she is in the morning.

I grabbed the fruit loops and a small glass bowl. I poured some of the cereal in the bowl and went to the fridge to grab the milk. I poured a reasonable amount of milk and then put the cap on it before putting it back in the fridge.

I got a spoon from a drawer next to the fridge and headed for the living room where I had left my light blue laptop. I put my cereal down on the coffee table and opened my laptop to turn it on. I wonder if I got the monthly email from my parents.

They don't call or stop by because they're too busy traveling the world. Email is the only way they communicate with me and I don't mind. They were never around when I was living with them. The nanny always took care of me. I sometimes wonder why I didn't end up like a spoiled rich kid but then I think of Serena. It's because of her I'm not like my parents.

When I signed into my laptop. My desktop came up. I had a picture of Serena and me at a beach party as my background picture. I laughed when I remember what had happened before she took the picture. I had punched a guy because he didn't get the hint that Serena wasn't interested. He ran off like a scared little girl after that.

I clicked on internet explorer and went straight to my email to see if my parents sent me anything. I had twenty emails but none of them were important except for one. My parents had sent me a email last night. It said "IMPORTANT" in the subject. What could be so important?

I got my cereal ate some of it before I clicked on the email. It was a small email so I didn't have to scroll. I sat there eating my cereal as I read the email. I froze when I read the middle of it. I was going to get married to some guy I didn't know. I put my cereal down and read the email again hoping that I was just imagining it. It was real.

Apparently my parents met old friends and they found out that they had a son my age. They all thought a marriage was a good idea. A good idea? Are they freaking crazy?! All that traveling has messed them up in the head.
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This is my very first post. I co wrote it with Rocknrollvirgo, who is not knew to the scene. Tell me what you think. ^_^