Status: Done.

Just Smile, That's All I Ask.

Too Much.

The sound of shoes walking on pavement echoed all around me in the dark. The night was dark, cold and dewy. But I don’t care. I just kept walking; my head low and my hands shoved deep into my hoodie pockets where my hands were wrapped around my phone and mp3.

The sounds of loud music and yelling faded from behind me the further away I got fromthere home. I had to get away from there before I lost it – before he and they lost it. How I was able to put up with my housemate’s temper tantrums, I’m not quite sure. Maybe because he was my friend? I dunno.

Still hearing the yelling, though it was fading, I walked quicker down the street as the cold air nipped my cheeks and nose. Like I said before I don’t care for the weather, I’m heading somewhere warm and that’s what I care about.

As I walked I just followed the shadows of the street lights. I wanted to be invisible in the dark; I didn’t want anyone to see me at this time of night. How knows who could be out here hiding, waiting for some victim to walk past. And tonight that wasn’t going to be me, no way. I was already the victim to those assholes yelling tonight.

I walked down about seven streets before I got to the one I was looking for, turning down it I almost ran to the pale blue house down the far end of the street. The pale blue house that was like my second home. A place I knew that I was welcomed in, much unlike the place I had just came from, where I only felt welcomed half of the time; even though I live there and had for almost a year now. Sometimes that place can just be too much.

Before I knew it I was at the blue house, standing in front of the front door,shuttering shivering.

I hit my fist loudly on the door looking in through the misty glass. There was a light on inside somewhere and footsteps. They were defiantly home. A shadow covered the door suddenly and I took a step back as it opened slightly, showing the familiar brown hair that I knew oh so well. I smiled softly as the door opened showing my cousin and best friend standing there.

“Hey Jacque, what you doing here so late?” Rhianna asked tilting her head to the side confused. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine sis.” I said shortly walking past her into the house.

I watched Rhianna close the door behind me and before she could even have the chance to say anything more I pulled her into a hug. She chuckled and wrapped her arms around me too before pulling away. I smiled at her and headed to the living room, where the light and warmth was coming from. They have the fire going, sweet.

I pulled my black bag that I took everywhere with me off my shoulder and placed it besides the couch before standing in front of the fire, rocking on the balls of my feet. Rhianna who came in right behind me placed herself on the couch, where I guess she had been sitting before I arrived. I glanced at the clock over the TV: 11:43pm.

“You sure your fine? You look like you haven’t slept in days.” Rhianna mumbled worry dropping from her voice.
“I have insomnia remember? Plus who can sleep with that dickhead yelling and those two idiots I live with?” I grumbled.
“True.” Rhi nodded. “You can stay here for as long as you want! You know that.” She smiled reminding me yet again.
I nodded. “I know.”

I smiled back at her in thanks and folded my arms over my chest to stop my slight shivering. If Rhianna saw how cold I was and the fact that I walked all the way here, she’d have some kind of worry attack over me, I know she means well but she like to act like a big sister to me sometimes. Even thought she is older than me by almost a year; I prefer of thinking of us as twins.

“So if you don’t mind me asking, what did Danny have a fit over this time?” Rhianna asked almost sounding annoyed with it happening again.
“The usual, the others not paying rent on time and never being home – that’s why I’m normally the one to cop his yelling, I’m home way more often than what the other two are.” I sighed rolling my eyes. “I think he has anger management issues.”
“How did you guess that?” She laughed lightening the mood.

I chuckled.

“He’s like one of my best friends when he’s calm, but when his angry at anything he’s like a different person, its fucking annoying.” I grumbled. “But sometime I don’t blame him with those two idiots.”
“Rhi, I hear voices, is someone here?”

Mine and Rhianna’s heads turn towards the living room door to see a very sleepy looking Chandra standing there; he’s clothes ruffled, bed hair and rubbing his eyes. Once he moved his hand from his eyes, those blue orbs locked on me and he blinked shocked. This of course only lasted only a second before he was smiling brightly at me. I smiled back at him, it was hard not to, his smile was contagious most of the time.

“Hi Jak!” He exclaimed walking across the room to me. “How have you been?”
“Good, good and you?” I asked.
“I’ve been fine.” He said pulling me into a hug which I gladly returned.
When he pulled away he hid his face slightly which his long layered hair, he had always done that for some reason.

Chandra moved to stand next to me in front of the fire. I looked over at Rhianna; she had a small smile on her face. I think I had just woke poor Chandra up arriving here...
“I take it your staying the night.” She said, but it wasn’t a question - almost a demand.
I chuckled nodding causing her smile to widen slightly.
Chandra yawned from besides me; he tried to hide it but failed. I nudged him with my arm.
“Go back to bed before you fall asleep standing up.” I smirked.
He grumbled something before saying a clear ‘good night’. He waved at us before walking out the room. I laughed at him when he almost hit the door frame but waved at him before he was out of sight.
Yep, I woke him up.

Once I heard his bedroom door close I looked back at my cousin. She gently stood to her feet.
“I’m going to bed too; I didn’t have my sleep in this morning.” She sighed. “Where you sleeping?”I don’t sleep much hun.
“I’ll share with ya.” I shrugged.
Rhianna nodded, turned the TV off and walked to me. I watched as she checked the fire and sighed quietly. To say I wasn’t feeling dizzy with sleep would be a lie. Sometimes I get that dizzy with it, it felts like every day was joined in one long blur and it annoyed me. I hated that feeling. But if I can’t sleep, then I can’t sleep. Sleeping pills are crap.

Somehow I managed to get to Rhianna’s room with my bag and pulled off my jeans, throwing them on my bag before opening Rhi’s wardrobe as she jumped into bed. I grabbed a pair of night pants and pulled them on quickly. I shut the doors and moved to the king sized bed. I slid in and pulled the blankets up to my chin, like Rhianna had. My eyes trailed up to the ceiling just as the lamp was turned off.

“Good night, Jak.” Rhianna said quietly.
“Night cuz.” I murmured back.

I lay staring at the ceiling as Rhianna drifted off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
New story! :D
I haven't written an orignal story for a while and this is written a lttle different from my normal, but i think it's turning out alright. I know it's just the first chapter but what do you think of it so far? does it sound good?

Do ya like the layout? i think it's awesome! Marisa made it if you haden't already noticed that on the summary x3

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