Status: Done.

Just Smile, That's All I Ask.

I Hate This Place.

The smell of bleach and the pale cream walls around me made my head spin.
Hospitals were a pale colour to try and “calm” people, it did the opposite; I’m sitting in the waiting room and I felt like I was going crazy. It was so plain, so dull. It made the building look lifeless and dead; and this place was meant to keep people alive.
I hate this place, I hate hospitals.

Closing my eyes to block the colour out I lent to the side resting my head on Issac’s shoulder. I could almost feel him smile as he placed his head on top of mine. Cool fingers wrapped around my hand on my bandaged arm making me smile. I squeezed Rhianna’s hand back.

I felt so worn out after all that has happened today but I felt lucky. I felt lucky because no one got seriously injured and the police are sorting this whole thing out. Danny said he wanted to get an order on them so they can’t come near us or the house. It was a good idea in my option.

Also I found out something interesting after the police came and we were taken to hospital; Tom had warrants on him for assault chargers – honestly that didn’t scare me a bit seeing how he was, but what scared me was that I lived with him. Knowing that sent a shiver down my spine. What happened if he assaulted me or Danny? Though really that’s what he did today, but still.

Someone could have been seriously hurt. I was lucky to come out with cuts to my arm and a huge bruise forming on my shoulder. Danny has cuts, bruising and what seemed to be a broken finger; they’re checking it out to make sure it is or not, we should know soon. Chandra got a deep cut in his arm along with a few bruises. We were very lucky. Anything could had of happened.

“How long do you think they will be?” Issac asked quietly.
“Well unless Danny actually has a broken finger I would say not much longer.” Rhianna said. “Then again you never know with the hospital systems nowadays.”
I felt Issac nod and then everything went quiet again.
It wasn’t an awkward silence but it was a worried one. I didn’t know what to do or say to distract us. It was obvious that Rhi and Issac didn’t know either.

Sighing I lifted my head of off Issac’s shoulder as he moved to stand.
“Anyone want something to eat or drink?” He asked.
“Yeah.” Rhi nodded looking at me.
“Guess so.” I mumbled.
Issac nodded and walked out the room probably to the vending machines down the hall. I shifted in my seat a little and rested my head on my cousin’s shoulder closing me eyes. She did the same as Issac had, placing her head over mine.

“Tired?” She whispered making me nod. “You can go to sleep here if you like, I’ll wake you.”
“No, it’s ok. I don’t wanna sleep here; I’ll wait till we get to your place.”
There was no way I was sleeping here; I hate this place.
I felt Rhianna nod her head. Once again the room went quiet and I listened out for the door to open.
I hope Danny and Chandra get out soon; I wanna go home – Rhianna’s home.
I just wanted to curl up in bed and go to sleep pretending today didn’t happen for a while so I could relax.

Hearing the door creek, I opened my eyes to see Issac walking back into the room with three packets of chips and three cans of cool drink. Yeah, as I figured he went to the vending machines.

I watched as he took a seat next to me again and handed out the food. I looked at the chips not really hungry but opened them anyway. Because if I didn’t Rhianna might has a worry fit or something, I could even feel her eyes on me now. Sighing I started to eat them slowly while sipping from my drink.

The sudden sound of the door creaking open make my head snap up and I couldn’t fight the smile that spread across my face. Chandra smiled at me and I got up slowly out of my seat. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms gently around his waist not sure if he was hurt there or not, I hope he wasn’t.
He chucked, his arms wrapping around me as well hiding his face in my hair. He pulled me tighter against him, so I held him tighter but to too much. Like I said I don’t think if he is hurt there or not.

“So what did the quack say?” Issac asked from somewhere behind me.
Chandra moved his head from my hair, but didn’t let me go. Right now I didn’t want him too.
“They cut on my arm got stitches, other than that just bruises.” He said quietly. “Danny shouldn’t be too long now I don’t think.”
Still holding me he managed to sit down in the chair I had been sitting on before with me in his lap. Rhianna smile handing me my drink back before Chandra stole my chips.
He happy started eating them as our friends laughed. I smiled lightly and took a sip of my drink. He can have the chips I don’t mind.

“How are you feeling?” He whispered after a few minutes.
“I’m alright.” I half shrugged, not using my bruised shoulder. “The cuts weren’t deep on my arm; they cleaned them then bandaged them up.”
Chandra nodded placing some more chips into his mouth.

The door creaking for the third time caught my attention. I glanced up to see Danny half limping into the room with a deep frown stuck on his face.
“I hate this place! Can we go home or something?” He whined.
Instead of doing or saying anything we all just started laughing, because well when did the great Danny whine like that? Danny glared at us still child like before placing his hands over his hips, that didn’t help us stop laughing.


“Fire!” Issac yelled bursting through the front door of Rhianna’s house two seconds after she unlocked it.
She blinked shocked then looked at me with wide eyes. I chuckled nudging her in the ribs.
“I can’t believe your boyfriend is mentally a kid.” I snickered.
Rhianna glared at me as the other two guys headed inside.
“He isn’t my boyfriend!” She complained. “And for your information, I think it’s cute...sometimes. Doing things like he just did is scary though.”
“Bullshit, you think it’s cute all the time.”

When I got no reply from her I couldn’t help but smile as I entered the dark house. As I reached the living room the light flicked on blinding me for a second, I blinked a few times before walking into the room.
Danny was on the couch; Issac was standing at the fire place as Chandra put some more wood on. Rhianna walked past me after turning the kitchen light on and sat on the couch. I stayed where I was in the door way holding my hand over my mouth as I yawned.

“That’s a good idea Jak, let’s go to bed.” Rhi mumbled lightly yawning herself.
“Where can I sleep?” Danny asked.
“Either on the floor or the couch, sorry that’s all the room we have at the moment.”
“The couch is fine, thanks for letting me stay.”

Looking away from them I caught eyes with Chandra. He smiled walking over to me taking my hand in his.
“Are you going to stay with me again tonight?”
I nodded making him grin.
“Good night everyone!” He called before I could say anything.
“Night.” I added waving.

We got a few ‘good night’s said to us as we walked towards his room. I rubbed my eyes sleepily sitting down on his bed. Chandra closed the door turning off the light. It was still bright enough to see in his room though, which was somewhat a good thing.

I watched as he walked over to me and got into his bed. Yawning I followed after but winced as my arm hit the mattress. I moved so I was in a better spot, then Chandra’s arms wrapped around my waist.
“Good night.”
“Good night Jak.”

Smiling softly I closed my eyes. Hopefully I can fall asleep fast.
♠ ♠ ♠
...I had a really good idea for this chapter, but no matter what I did, I couldn't get it out right! I'm not the happiest with this chapter, at least I hope that yous liked it. :)
Sorry for the long wait >.<

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