Status: Done.

Just Smile, That's All I Ask.

Just Thinking.

Sitting on the living room couch I watched as Issac and Chandra danced around the coffee table singing to a song that was playing on the stereo. I think it was Lady Gaga or 3Oh!3 (Something like that) but it was hard to tell because they weren’t singing the right words or in tune, at all.
It was very funny but I don’t think Rhianna should let them have so many homemade milkshakes anymore. Well defiantly not Issac, that guy scared me sometimes.
I’m starting to wonder how the hell Rhianna likes him.

Smiling I shook my head at the two who thought this was the best thing to make everyone happy after a very stressful couple of days. Besides me was Rhianna almost choking on her milkshake laughing while on my other side was Danny who looked torn between crying from laughing so much and scared for his life.
I remember when they first did this not long after Rhianna first moved into this house, if I wasn’t laughing so hard I would have jumped out the window and ran like Jack Sparrow down the street screaming.
Yeah I love my friends that much that I stay and get sore ribs from laughing, aren’t I nice?

“I need to get this on camera one day.” Rhianna choked out between laughs. “It never gets old!”
“And we need new lungs.” Danny chuckled nodding.
I noticed Issac whisper to Chandra making me stop laughing for a moment to see what they were up to. They continued dancing around the table like it was a camp fire with their arms swaying in the air. The song changed and they stopped singing as so loud.
I realised I had no idea what this new song was, but they must of did because of the smirks on their faces. Rhianna bent over laughing holding her stomach suddenly.

“Girl, I gotta go, I’m finished with the show
If you wanna – me, I won’t say now
T-t-touchin’ on my –
While I’m touchin’ on you-
You know that we are gonna-
Cause I don’t give a-“

I slid my hand over my mouth as they continued singing and dancing grinding against each other. I bit my lip hard not to burst out laughing as the two sitting either side of me was gasping for air when Issac pretty much started to air humped Chandra’s ass.
Rhi needs to get a fucking camera that can film as soon as she can. No, I’ll get my one! I want this on my laptop, dammit.

As the song finished the guys pulled away from each other breathing heavily from dancing to around ten songs with no break. Chandra sat down on the table as Issac plopped himself on Rhianna’s lap happily almost like he wasn’t dancing with Chandra like he was.
I smiled watching the two as he kissed her cheek when she wrapped her arms around him to stop him from falling off her lap.

“So, was that more entertaining than watching TV?” Issac asked breathlessly resting his head in her neck.
I wonder of their going out yet...
“Way better, I’m going to buy myself a new camera chip to film it next time.” She grinned.
“I’m going to bring my camera over.” I nodded.
“And mine.” Danny added laughing.

I smiled and glanced at Chandra who was picking at the edge of the bandage on his arm. I looked down at mine and ran my fingers over it. My smile softened into a sadder one.

It had been two days since that fight at the house. We haven’t been back yet and yesterday we all seriously did nothing apart from laze around too...mindfucked to really do or think much.

I spent way over half of the day lying in bed with Chandra. If we weren’t asleep we were either staring at nothing or talking quietly. Even Issac was quiet all day. I just that we just had to have a day to relax and let what happen sink in.
It was a good idea doing that too because today when we finally got out of bed it had been a good day – Rhianna made homemade milkshakes, Issac got enough sweets to drown in tonight, we messed around a bit and we are going to have a movie night.

It almost feels like most of the weight has lifted from my shoulders now that things were getting sorted. Sure some things needed to be fixed up; mainly our house, which I’m scared to see what Tom and Toby’s old rooms look like.
But for now that can wait because...well it can. I want time to relax and spend with what you could call my family; which was everyone in this room.

“Can we get take away for tea?” Issac asked quietly looking around the room bring me out of my thoughts.
“Yeah can we?” Chandra asked.
“I don’t see why not.” Rhianna shrugged. “I don’t have a car so it’s up to you lot.”
“I’m easy, plus I don’t have a car either.” I smiled slightly.
“Take away for dinner it is.” Danny smiled.

It was quiet for a long moment.

“What are we having?” Chandra and I asked at the same time making everyone laugh a little.


I stepped out of the car into the cold air, shivering right away. I can’t believe I forgot how cold it was still at night at the moment. I can’t wait for spring to finally roll around.
I slammed the door shut and walked around to meet Chandra before we crossed the street quickly.
His good arm wrapped around my waist pulling me close and I could feel him shiver slightly as well when we were blasted by a large gust of wind. Shuttering I pushed the door open on the fish and chips shop while pulling him in quickly.
We were quickly swamped by heat and I shivered again at the temperature difference. I followed him to one of the seats and sat down on the black old couch by the fridges full of drinks.

I crossed my arms over my chest tightly and sunk down in the seat that much the top of my head reached Chandra’s shoulder. I crossed one leg over the other just before Chandra moved sitting more sideways with his legs over my lap.
I knew right away we got a few odd looks from the other customers in the shop but I acted like they weren’t even there. This is how we sit sometimes at Rhi’s so why not here too?

“So Danny put the order under Pearce when he rang right?” I asked.
“Yeah.” Chandra said lightly in a far away voice.
I looked over at him to see he was just staring across the room with a faraway look in his eyes. Not wanting to bother him I just moved my head to rest against his arm and stayed quiet.
This order will be a few more minutes yet so I’ll let him think all he wants until it’s called.

Sighing I looked at the TV which was playing the news of all things and sighed again. I rolled my eyes but started watching it anyway. They were talking some rot about the government which was a waste of time because we all know their lying bunch of dumbasses.
I closed my eyes and focused on the warmth swelling around the room, how good it felt against my cold skin. I was barely outside for long yet I was so cold, then again inside of the car wasn’t much better then what it was out in the wind.
Like I said before I can’t wait for spring.

Chandra sighed deeply from besides me making me peak open one eye to look at him – just to find him staring at my face. I moved my head back slightly and opened my eyes properly. He smiled softly and randomly pushed some of my hair out of my face behind my ear.
His eyes looked thoughtful and almost worried. I looked at him confused.
What would he be so worried about?
“What’s wrong?” I asked quietly.
“Just...just thinking about what Issac told me a few days ago.” He shrugged to try and brush it off.
“What did he say?”
Chandra sighed before looking down at his legs.

“Just a few things that’s got me thinking.”
“Like...?” I pushed.
He laughed shaking his head making me smile.
“If I told you I’d have to keel ya.” He said in a funny voice making me laugh lightly.
“You ‘keel’ me and I’ll haunt you ass.” I smirked.
“Oh really now.”
I nodded.

He smiled before both of our attention was taken by someone calling out ‘Pearce’ from the front of the shop. Chandra jumped up, helping me to my feet before pulling me over to the counter. I grabbed the wrapped up hot food holding it somewhat close to me as he payed for it.

Once out the shop we ran to the car and he messed with the keys to open the doors as quick as he could. Once I hear the click I flung the door open and jumped in slamming the door behind me. I let the hot food sit on my legs and reached my hands out to the car heater as he started the car.
Fuck this weather.

As Chandra drove back to Rhianna’s I listened to the radio station still holding my hands to the slow running heater. I think Chandra needs a new car; that or get the heater fixed.
“Your heater is crap.” I muttered as he pulled onto the last street.
“Yeah I know its fine once it’s all warmed up but it takes ages.”
I glared at the vents as he laughed.
“Glaring won’t help it.” He chuckled.
“You never know,” I shrugged smiling. “It might.”

He pulled the car into the drive way and turned it off. Glancing out the window at the distance to the front door I shivered frowning. I looked over at Chandra to see him half glaring out the windscreen with that far away look in his eyes again.
“Hey.” I called lightly just loud enough to catch his attention.
Blinking he looked over at me with wide eyes.

“Uh, sorry, I was thinking again.” He mumbled getting out of the car quickly.
Frowning again I got out quickly and followed him to the front door waiting for him to unlock it as I had my arms full of food.
“Are you sure you’re ok?” I asked bumping my hip with his.
He nodded as the door swang open showing a smile.
“I’m fine, just thinking.”

He lent down and kissed my cheek, though he kissed more of the corner of my mouth than anything, which shocked me.
He smiled again and walked into the house almost happily. I blinked surprised before shaking my head as a gust of wind slammed into my back.

Sighing I kicked the door shut and followed Issac chants of ‘food!’ to the living room.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really hope that you liked that, I think it was better then the last chapter :)
I'm thinking that the story will end around chapter 15, no longer then 20 for sure. I never planned this to be long or have too much drama in it, I hope that's ok.

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