Status: Done.

Just Smile, That's All I Ask.

My Friends Scare Me.

“Rhianna, Rhianna, Rhianna!” Issac yelled running around the kitchen table like a kid high on sugar. “Rhiannaaaaa!”
“Issac, shut up.” Rhianna grumbled from the stove. “You running around my kitchen table screaming my name won’t make this cook any faster.”
“But I’m bored!” He whined way over dramatically. “Plus you’re not screaming my name yet so I decided to scream yours.”
“You’re weird.”
“I know, thank you.”

Frowning I sunk into my seat a little.
“My friends scare me.” I fake whimpered.
Issac burst out laughing and Rhianna wasn’t much better. I frowned for real this time.
They really did scare me! Issac was turning into a kid more and more most days. What the hell is Rhi feeding him? He practically lives here now, so I can blame her right?
But that wouldn’t work because I’ve been here a lot over the last few weeks, so that doesn’t really work does it because I haven’t changed a bit?

It’s Danny’s fault...somehow.

Just as I was about to side down in my seat more, Issac ran around the table and pretty much jumped into my lap straddling me. If everyone didn’t know we were just friends it would look so much different than what it was. Rhianna would have been looking at us jealous and not laughing like she was stirring the food in the frying pan.

Ok, there is defiantly something wrong with Issac today.
He’s hyper at random times but not this much. Maybe Rhianna did feed him something funny this morning after all. I looked at him like if he had two heads when he leaned in to whisper in my ear.

“I want to ask her out soon, Chandra said he would help me though, but I won’t ask unless he asks someone a question too.”
“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” I whispered back.
“We made a bet, we both have to ask someone something or neither one of us will do it.” He chuckled nervously. “We’re both chicken shit about it so yeah.”
Smiling I rolled my eyes.
“Just open your fat mouth and ask.”

Issac whined and hid his head in my shoulder. I laughed lightly making him whine more.
“I can’t!” He exclaimed. “It’s too hard!”
“You know that looks and sounded really wrong then.”

All three of us in the kitchen turned to see a yawning Chandra standing in the doorway of the kitchen. Smiling sleepily he waved at everyone before plopping down in the seat next to me.
After his “just thinking” yesterday afternoon he barely slept last night moving around on the bed next to me nonstop obviously trying to sleep.
I wanted to ask what was wrong when I was awake to notice but I didn’t; instead I acted like I was asleep, even when my insomnia was keeping me awake. Sadly the sleepless nights have come back now that everything has mostly settled down.

“Just because you wish you were sitting on her lap like this.” Issac smirked leaning over towards Chandra that much he almost fell off my lap.
But I quickly grabbed his hips before he could fall, because if I didn’t he would tip the both of us over and be complaining for the rest of the day that his head hurt or something.

Chandra smiled rolling his eyes and quickly looked away. I looked at him confused because of the emotion that flashed through his eyes when he looked away. Before I could even ask, Issac chuckled and sat up properly to face me.
“Sorry, but I have to love ya and leave ya.”

He placed a wet sloppy kiss on my cheek and hopped off of my lap before I could hit him. Laughing he ran around the table to where Rhi was standing as I whipped my cheek off. I glanced at Chandra noticing him trying to hide his smile by placing his head in his hands.
“Yuck.” I muttered making a face.
“Now you know what I have to put up with.” Chandra chuckled.
Smiling I shrugged. He smiled back but looked away when Rhianna placed a bowl of food on the table in front of him.

“You have coco-pops!” Issac gasped. “Why didn’t you tell me, I could of had them instead of cornflakes!”
“They’re Chandra’s, that why I didn’t tell you. You buy some and then you can have them.” Rhianna shrugged.
Issac pouted a little but then shrugged. Yeah he’s defiantly a bit weird today. Maybe it’s because he has too much energy from doing nothing in the last two days.

Well once we get to mine and Danny’s place he’ll be complaining he’s tired in an hour.

I looked back at Chandra and simply watched as he ate.


“He scares me.” I whispered to Chandra as Issac sang really, really loud from the driver’s seat.
“I’m scared he’ll crash.” He whispered back.
“Maybe we should jump out of the car and make a run for it?” I joked.
“Can we do a commando roll out of the car?”
“As long as you go first, so I can land on you.”

We both started laughing and I clasped my hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t be too loud. Chandra nudged me and smirking I did it back. This started an elbow/poking nudging war, but I was careful not to hit his bandaged arm as that one was closer to me.
He laughed lightly poking me in the ribs then shoulder.

I winced pulling back because he hit that bruise I got from shoving the heavy wooden front door open. He looked at me worried but I smile as to say it was fine. I pulled my shirt off my shoulder slightly to show the awful mark on my skin. He looked pretty shocked seeing it; it was pretty damn big.

“How did you get that?”
“From when I ran out the house, I had to shove the front door open somehow.” I shrugged.
He frowned a little bit nodded. He glanced away from me for a split second before glancing back at me grinning.
Quickly he lent forward placing his lips softly on the bruise. My face flushed with heat, when he pulled away I pulled my shirt back into place.
“There you go, I kissed it better.”

He grinned at me as I chuckled lightly shaking my head.
“Yeah you did, thank you.” I laughed.
His grin widen if possible. I smiled slight back at him before glancing out the window to see us parked at Danny’s house; it wasn’t until then that I noticed Issac hadn’t stopped singing still. I looked at my scary friend as he jumped out of the car running to the passenger’s side where Rhianna sat. He has defiantly eaten something today – did Rhi drug him?

Shaking my head I got out of the car carefully meeting up with Chandra by the front door followed by the other two. Sighing I slid my key into the lock, and then let the door fall open.
Cleaning this house is going to take forever.

Shaking my head I walked inside, everyone following me and headed for the living room. Which I noticed that Danny obviously had already cleaned up, apart from where he had dumped all the rubbish bags.

“Hey Danny!” I called out hearing it echo throughout the house.
“In fuckwits bedroom!”
That made us all laugh but I knew what room her meant and quickly led everyone there. Stepping into the room my eyes went wide and my jaw felt like it hit the ground. The place was more than a mess; it looked like he let of a shrapnel bomb in here.

All along the walls was various different sized holes that was punch in the plaster all the way to the framing. On the walls where there were no holes, it was covered in what looked like soft drink stains and pen marks.
Danny’s furniture – the bed, desk and draws- was wrecked and broken. The worst was the set of draws, because they had only two of the six draws left.
I can’t...I can’t believe Tom did all of this. I don’t even what to look at the ceiling yet.

“Bloody hell.” Rhianna gasped moving to be standing beside me.
“How the fuck can someone do this to someone else’s house?” Issac asked.

Slowly I walked towards Danny who was sitting on the floor by the bed with a tool kit next to him to break the now unless bed to pieces.

“This is the worst they did though.” Danny sighed. “Toby’s old room is fine, the worst in there is one hole in the wall that I bet Tom made and bits of paint missing from posters being stuck on the walls.”
“At least there’s that.” I said quietly.
Danny nodded before looking around the room. He looked so upset and I don’t blame him after seeing this. Sighing I knelled down next to him and gave him a soft hug. He wrapped his arms around me softly.

“Thanks sis.” He chuckled pulling away.
I smiled nodding as if to say ‘you’re welcome’.
“We’ll get this room back into shape.” Chandra said making everyone look at him. “Might take a while but we’ll help you Danny.” He grinned.
Rhianna and Issac smiled and nodded agreeing. If was nice of them to offer as this wasn’t their house.

“Thanks guys.” Danny beamed moving to stand up.
“No problem.” Issac chirped. “So what do we do first?”

Danny chuckled and I looked at him also waiting to hear what everyone is doing. Hopefully with all five of us we can get this house back into shape quickly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for making you wait for so long! >.<
This chapter just would not work for me so I had to settle with that. Hopefully the next chapter will work out :)

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