Status: Done.

Just Smile, That's All I Ask.

Our Home.

“That is looking so awesome cuz.” I smiled looking at the wall.
Paintbrush in hand Rhianna turned to grin at me before facing the wall again to finish the little piece she was working on.

It’s been two long weeks since we had started cleaning up the house. On the second day we decided ‘what the hell’ and clean up everything; inside and out. There was no point not to really, why do half when you can do it all?

So we fixed up the gardens – mostly the one the idiots killed with the car – and added some new plants while we were at it.

Rhianna and Issac re-painted the living room in a nice calm cream colour with a feature wall that was painted a deep red. Rhianna also went and hanged up a few photos on the wall making it homier I guess I could say.

The hole in Toby’s old room was now fixed, the carpet re-placed and walls re-painted in a soft blue.

We completely ripped apart Tom’s old room.
There was too much wall damage not to do that so all the old plaster on the walls had to go, as well as the carpet and even some of the floorboards amazingly. We have no idea what Tom had spilt in there, but whatever it was, he let it sink through the carpet and mould on the wood. We had to get people in to treat that, and then replace the boards. The room was still pretty far from finishing, but I can tell anyone right now it was looking a hell of a lot better.

We have also done a few other things around the house but that was the main changes. All was left to finish was the two bedrooms. Toby’s old room was almost done, all that was left there was the painting Rhianna was doing.
She was doing some sort of mural on one of the walls – a sunset over the sea actually. It was beautiful and it wasn’t even finished yet and was only started last night.

The painting was our idea and like an added gift to Danny. He had only seen the start of it so far being busy with the other bedroom with the boys, but I know that he will like; no love it.

Stepping back to take a better look, I smiled brightly seeing all the colours mix and match. Rhianna has out done herself this time. It will take another day or so to finish but that was alright, the wait is worth it.

“Thanks Jak.” She chuckled. “Glad you like it.”
“I’m sure everyone will.” I nodded even though she wasn’t looking at me.
“You think?”

I moved back towards her and sat down on the sheet that was placed down to stop any splatter from hitting the new carpet. Still smiling I watched as she moved the paintbrush across the wall. I always found it interesting watching Rhianna paint for some reason.

“You seem happier lately.” Rhianna said thoughtfully but randomly.
“I guess.” I shrugged. “Well Danny and I have got our worry free house back again, how can I not be happy?” I chuckled.
“You and Chandra haven’t sucked face yet?”

I lifted my hand up to hit the back of her head for her smartass comment but she turned holding up the paintbrush that was covered in paint. I frowned and lowered my hand.
I don’t want paint on me again; I still haven’t got it all out of my hair thanks to Issac.
Then again I was annoying him about when he was going to ask Rhianna out when she was only three meters away. It was funny actually.

Rhianna laughed and turned back around.
“Meaner’s don’t like getting their painting wrecked.” She laughed.
I rolled my eyes but smiled.

It was quiet for about five minutes before I tapped her on the shoulder smirking. If she can be a smartass then so can I.

“Is it done yet?”
“How about now?”
“Piss off Jak!”


“I am so sore right now.” Chandra sighed.
I looked up at him from where I sat on the couch. He pouted at me before sitting down on my lap letting out a huff of air. He completely melted into me as I started rubbing my hands up and down his back, making the muscles relax. I frowned placing my chin on top of his shoulder.

I think everyone, mostly the guys, were pretty sore from everything we have done for the last week. It has been pretty busy.
Though I guess the room is coming together quicker than what I thought, but still it’s a lot of hard work.

“That feels good Jak.” Chandra whispered.
I chuckled and continued what I was doing. If it was making him feel better than I could do it for the next hour if I wanted to. Chandra sighed loudly and leant back a bit more making me take my head off his shoulder so I could keep up the massage.

“Higher please.”
I moved my hand up to his shoulder blades and dug the palm of my hand in a little. He hummed lightly which made me smile. After a few minutes I moved my hands to his shoulders and rubbed them hard, but not that hard I would hurt him.

“That good?”
I laughed lightly and started rubbing my thumbs on the base of his neck. I was always told I gave good massages by my many aunties and cousins. In a way I didn’t fully believe it but if they say it then it must be true. Even Chandra says so now. Coming from him meant a lot more.

For the next fifteen minutes I continued rubbing his shoulders before I stopped. When I did Chandra turned around, sitting side ways on my lap and grinned at me. He leant forward and placed his lips against my cheek. I tried my best not to flush bright pink.

“Thank you, my back feels a hell of a lot better now.”
“You’re welcome.” I smiled.
“Good thing you do that for free, I have no money on me.” He joked.

I rolled my eyes before poking my tongue out. He laughed and shifted a little more on my lap. I wrapped one of my arms around his back for support so he couldn’t fall off.

“Has Rhi finished the paining?” He asked curious.
I think everyone was curious to know when that will be finished.
“No, at the moment she’s saying tomorrow because she ran out of some colours and it’s too late to go to the craft shop.”
“Oh ok, understandable, that thing is pretty big.”

I smiled nodding.
“So did you guys get much done?”
“Yeah, a lot almost all the walls are done. We have to do some patching up, sanding; things like that then we can paint.” He smiled almost proud of what they had done today. “Though we could’ve had more of the patching done today if Issac stopped talking about where he was taking Rhianna out this weekend.”
“He’s actually going to ask her finally?” I asked shocked.
“He already has; at lunch.” Chandra stated confused.

For a moment I almost choked on air in shock making him look at me even for confused. He started patting my back.
“You serious?!” I gasped.
“Of course didn’t you know?”
“No, I had no idea! Rhianna didn’t say anything!”

He chuckled lightly and rubbed my back.
“Oh well I guess you know now.”
“Yeah.” I smiled. “About bloody time too.”
Chandra laughed and nodded before shifting again on my lap. He turned his head to look straight into my eyes, all laugher faded away from his face as he stared at me. I tilted my head confused, though him looking at me like that made my heart want to flip backwards.

“Did you hear about that bet me and Issac had?”
“Yeah I did, he said about it two weeks ago, why?”
“Well he kept up his side, so I have to keep up mine, I would have done this sooner but I couldn’t think of how. Might as well just go for it right.”
“Go for what?”

He smiled and turned even more on my lap to the point that his body was almost all facing me. I quickly wrapped my other arm around him just in case, I didn’t want him to fall right now.


Slowly he lent forwards catching me off guard but have plenty of time to move if I didn’t want this. I want this; I have for a while now to be finally honest with myself. Maybe Rhianna was right...I didn’t like him as much as she said maybe he likes me too.

Chandra’s lips pressed softly against mine as my eyes fluttered closed. When I gave a bit of pressure back I felt him smile, which made me smile. Slowly his arms wrapped around my waist and I tighten my hold around him.
It didn’t take long for my lungs to start burning for air, which almost made me upset, but I pulled away and opened my eyes. I watched breathing slightly fast as he opened his eyes breathing the same with the smiled still pulling on his lips.

“So was that your part of the bet?” I asked quietly.
“Not exactly, I had to ask of you’d be my girlfriend. Will you?”

I looked at him shocked and my heart did the black flit it wanted to do before. Fuck Rhi was right, he did like me. Slowly I smiled and did something that I wanted to do for a long time. I kissed him.

And that was simply my answer.

“Issac you own me, I told you Chandra had the balls to do it.”
Me and Chandra pulled away to see Issac and Danny standing by the kitchen grinning. Well Danny was all smiles; Issac was pouting handing him a twenty dollar note.
“But I asked Rhianna first!” Issac whined.
“But your bet was that he would ask a week later, he didn’t.” Danny smirked.

Me and Chandra turned to look at each other again. I smiled as he simple shrugged and laughed.

...Chandra is now my boyfriend, wow. To be honest I didn’t think that would happen, but I’m glad it did. I have my old home back and the guy I like is now my boyfriend. It’s amazing how fast things change around.

Maybe I was finally getting my good luck back.
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I'm really sorry it took a month to get this out! D:
I don't know why but with this story for the last few chapters I can't seem to get myself to write what I see in my head out in words, it's just been hard to do so. :/
But I finally got this out and I hope that you like it, Thought I'm pretty sure only my cousin Tonya reads this anymore.
There are roughtly two chapters left of the story now :)