Status: Done.

Just Smile, That's All I Ask.

Come With Me?

Looking back at my reflection in the mirror I rolled my eyes at myself noticing that I had missed a spot of paint on my ear from painting the newly built bedroom. It took slightly over three weeks but it was all done now; it just needed new furniture.
To be honest I’m slightly amazed we got the painting all done today after a huge paint war broke out between me, Chandra and Danny – we waisted more than half a tin, but it was all in good fun though Issac and Rhi wasn’t there because they went out somewhere.

Grabbing the small wet hand towel of the bench, I lifted it to my ear and started rubbing the paint off. Once I had done that I checked for any other paint that I might have missed, apart from the little bit in my hair that wouldn’t come out.

Sighing I placed the towel back on the bench and picked up my shirt from the floor. I pulled it over my head quickly and walked out the bathroom.

“It’s all yours Danny!” I called.

I smiled softly and headed for my bedroom. I opened the door, shut it and looked up from the floor. A shocked gasp lift my lips as I noticed the figure sitting on my bed chuckling lightly. I raised an eyebrow.

“What are you doing in here?” I asked smiling.
“You know, checking for drugs, sex toys and hidden alcohol.” Chandra grinned.
I rolled my eyes smiling as I walked over towards him. He stood from my bed and pecked my lips when I stopped in front of him. I couldn’t help but smile wider.
“So seriously why are you here?”
“Do I need a reason to see my girlfriend?” He shot back smiling. “Rhianna isn’t home and I didn’t want to be home alone bored out of my mind.”

Chuckling I nodded and mumbled a short ‘fair enough’ as I turned to my desk shuffling through my stuff to find my phone. I know I left it here today when my desk was clean this morning.
As I search I felt two arms wrap around my waist and Chandra placing his head on my shoulder. I leant back into him a little as I picked up my sketch book to find my phone underneath.

It was hard to think we’ve been together for a week already, it felt like yesterday when he had asked me.

“So what are you doing tonight?”
“Sleeping.” I stated trying not to laugh when he grunted at my answer.
“Before sleeping?”
“Look at the inside of my eyelids.”

Chandra grumbled a little as I started laughing. I gently turned around in his arms smiling at him.
“In other words I have no idea.” I shrugged. “Not that there is that much to do.”
“True...” He nodded looking thoughtful.

A sudden bright smile lit up his face and he pulled away from me quickly grabbing my hand.
“Come with me.” He said starting to pull me back out of my room.
“To where?” I asked confused.
“Just somewhere, I thought of something.”
I looked at the back of his head confused but followed him through the house to the front door anyway.

“I’m steeling Jak for a while see ya Danny!” He yelled.
I could just hear muffled laughing and Danny’s reply as I was pulled out of the house. As we walked to Chandra’s car I was even more confused.
“Chandra, where are we going?”
“Somewhere.” He smiled over his shoulder. “Somewhere we can have fun!”
I looked at him oddly, but I trust him. I just hope that we are actually going somewhere fun.


“The movies?” I asked looking up at the building standing next to Chandra holding his hand.
“Yeah, it’s the best I can think of. Your fine with it right?”
“Yea, I haven’t seen any movies here for a while.” I smiled softly before looking at him.

He grinned and led me through the front doors. The smell of butter and salt all but hit me like a tidal wave. Don’t they have windows or air conditioning in here? Normally I don’t mind the smell of popcorn too much, but tonight it was really strong in here. I hope the theatres aren’t like this. It almost felt like I had the melted butter running into my lungs.

“Wow, that’s strong.” Chandra muttered wiggling his nose slightly. “Popcorn junkies could get high off of this.”
I couldn’t help but laugh lightly. Popcorn junkies? Well that’s a new one.
Chandra just smiled pulling me towards the ticket line.
“So what are we watching?”

I gave him a blank looked before looking up at the boards. All the movies next starting times was all within the next twenty minutes. As I read what was playing I realised four out of the six of them didn’t sound all that good. The only ones that did were the new Narnia and Harry Potter movies.

“Either Narnia or Potter.” I pointed out. “What one do you want to watch?” I asked turning to look at him.
“Well seeing this is our first date I thought I’d let you decide.” Chandra shrugged smiling softly.
I felt my jaw almost drop as I looked at him shocked. Our...first date? I didn’t even think of that, it didn’t even accrue to me that this could be a date. I guess that was because I’ve been here before just us two.

“I didn’t think of that...” I trailed off blinking.
But slowly a smile pulled at my lips. Chandra chuckled leaning forward to kiss my cheek gently.
“So what movie hun?”
“Um, Narnia.” I grinned. “We’ve seen the other two together, why not this one too.” I shrugged.
“Yeah! That’s true, almost forgot about that.” He laughed. “At least Issac isn’t here to get us almost kicked out this time, though that was pretty funny.”
I laughed nodding remembering it. He had tried starting a popcorn war with Danny; But Dan wouldn’t have it so Issac kept throwing food at him. He ended up getting asked to stop twice and got two warnings. The only reason why he stopped was because Rhianna had a go at him for wasting the popcorn they were sharing, that she wanted to eat.
Fun times.

Chandra pulled me to the counter when it was our turn and brought the tickets. He got us a drink each and some chocolates. I think we both agree on not having popcorn tonight. We are going to smell so bad of it when we leave. I’m starting to think I’ll have to wash my clothes twice tomorrow.
I feel so sorry for the workers, seriously.

Once we had all our stuff we started walking towards the 4th theatre room. We stopped for the guy to rip the ends of our tickets off. He grinned at us; he looked at least four years younger than me.
“Enjoy the movie and have a great night.” He smiled before turning to the next person.
At least he was friendly enough to say that.
Slowly we headed towards the room doors swinging our linked hands between us. I laughed lightly doing so mostly because we got a couple of weird looks for it. How can swinging our linked hands be weird?

As we got closer to the door I looked up at the people waiting. A familiar head of brown hair caught my eyes and I almost gasped in shock. I felt Chandra looked at me oddly but I didn’t say anything and dragged him with me to said girl.
I grinned cheekily as I slipped my arm around her shoulders and kissed her cheek.
“Hello my lover.” I grinned.
“Hey Jacque.” She smiled.
Tonya turned to give me a hug which I happily returned. It wasn’t often that I get to see this cousin of mine. Rhianna with be ecstatic to know I saw her here.

The guy standing next to Tonya gave me an odd look as Tonya pulled away from me. Tonya obviously didn’t notice as she gave Chandra a light hug.
“Hey look at that we found the other Pearce girl!” Chandra exclaimed. “The one that happens to be very elusive.”
Tonya just laughed shaking her head.

“So how are you both?” She asked looking in between us.
“I’m good.” We both said at the same time, making everyone even the unknown guy laugh. “And you?” I asked.
“I’ve been good.” Tonny smiled. “Guys this is my boyfriend Curt. Curt this is Jacque my cousin, Rhianna’s twin of shorts and Chandra.”

Curt smiled at us and nodded.
“It’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too.” Chandra grinned as I nodded agreeing.
I turned back to my cousin and smiled as they started to talk.
“So you here on a date too?” I asked tilting my head to the side.
Tonya chuckled nodding. I could see the slight blush tinting her cheeks.
“Awesome, so are we.” I smiled gesturing lightly at Chandra.

She looked a little shocked but smiled after a moment. I laughed and quickly explained the last week when he asked me out and also that Issac asked Rhianna.
“It’s about time.” She laughed.
I shrugged trying not to smile. Yeah everyone said that. I guess it was that obvious after all, I don’t get to see her very much and even she knew. I actually feel embarrassed about that.

Noticing people moving into the theatre which was now open, I took Chandra’s hand again as he headed inside. We walked around until we came out at the front on the side; there weren’t many people in here, at least not yet. I kind of hope that it’s not that packed out, that way it was a bit more quite.

“So are you going to sit with us?” Tonya asked stopping next to me.
“Sure.” I said looking at Chandra to make sure.
He nodded smiling and I smiled back.

The four of us started walking again and eventually found seats on the side at the front. It was only a row of five so I knew that no one would sit by us so we all had heaps of room. Curt sat down on the end and Ton sat next to him.
I was about to sit next to Tonya when Chandra tugged my hand stopping me from doing so.
“Hold these.” He muttered handing me his drink and packet of chocolate.

I watched curious as he lifted the arm rests on the last three seats. He sat down next to the wall, with his back leaning against it and his legs spread across the chairs. I grinned getting what he meant. I sat down, somehow, between his legs with my back against his chest, just like we would sit together at home.

I placed our drinks on the ground within arm’s reach and handed Chandra his packet of chocolate while placing mine on my lap.
I looked up to see Tonya chuckling lightly at us as Curt smiled but gave us a slightly odd look.
I bet no one sees many people doing this here. Luckily the seats were big enough to do so, because this was way better than sitting up normal.

“Comfy there babe?” Chandra whispered into my ear.
I nodded and leant back into him a little more as he wrapped one of his arms around me. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and glanced at the ads playing on the giant screen.
After a moment I felt him kiss the top of my hair so I turned my head up to look at him smiling softly.

He smiled cheerfully before placing his lips on mine. Sadly I had to pull away because of the odd position my head was in. I pouted a little. He chuckled lightly and kissed my forehead as I moved my head back to where it was before. That made me smile again.

That was when I noticed that my cheeks were sore. I laughed lightly to myself as a brought my hand up to rub them.

I haven’t smiled so much in ages. Would it be odd to say that Chandra was one of the reasons why I was smiling so much again?

I hope not because I don’t think it is. It feels nice to be able to be so happy again and not stressed out over things at home anymore. I know it’s been about a month now since it all, but at the same time it didn’t feel like it.

So much has changed and for once it changed for good. I guess I do have my luck back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second last chapter! I hope that doesn't seem too rushed and that you like it.
Not that anyone but Tonya care for this anymore.
To be honest I don't think I'll write in this style again, It was fine for the first half then after I just counldn't get it again. I think I'll stick with my normal style, at least I tried something new xD
As long as someone liked it I'm happy :)