Status: Done.

Just Smile, That's All I Ask.

Can't I Have A Day?

“Oh, come on!” Chandra yelled. “This game control is fucked!”
I laughed, and then smirked as I continued beating him at ‘Jak X’. He has hardly ever beaten me at this game on any race. It was so funny to see him like this when he was losing. He always complains the game controller is stuffed in some way, which was half true, two buttons didn’t work well but they weren’t really that necessary on this game. He knows that. I know that. He just wants something to blame on.Like most guys do.

“Maybe if you stop complaining, then you might actually win.” Rhianna said smartly from the couch behind us.
“Yeah, yeah.” Chandra sighed from besides me on the floor.
I bit my lip to hold in a laugh, it wasn’t easy. When I was at this house that’s all I wanted to do; have fun, smile and laugh. And I didn’t have that feeling too often.I loved it. I don’t mind it. I’ll admit I missed it a little.

Swinging my awesomely designed car around the corner and over the finish line; I win. Score for today: 7-0, for first place between me and Chandra anyway.
Chandra let out low growl and handed Rhianna the controller without even looking at her or me. I snickered quietly and Rhianna took it from him, looking completely amused.

“Don’t worry; you’ll beat her one day.” Rhi said kindly but didn’t hide the amusement in her voice.
“I know, but why can’t ‘one day’ be today?” Chandra sighed.
He was already getting over it. I could tell. That’s one of the things I liked about him, he never holds anything to anyone.
“But you did still come second in every race, right behind my car.” I added. “So you’re getting close.”
Chandra finally looked at me and showed me a smile for what I said. His cute, uh, sweet smile which I had to return.

The sudden sound of ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ theme song startled me enough to make me jump slightly where I sat. My eyes snapped away from Chandra’s blue ones and I dug into my jeans pocket for my phone. I wiped it out and looked at the caller I.D before taking the call.

“Allo?” I asked almost boredly at the person on the line.
Both Chandra and Rhianna noticed my tone and raised their eyebrows in confusion. But I looked away from them and stared at the TV.
Hey, Jak. Where are you?” Danny asked calmly.
Lucky for us he was in a calm mood. Him in a calm mood is good, means I have my friend.
“At Rhianna’s – like usual, when I’m not home.” I said simply.
Oh cool, I was wondering if you heard from the other two. One of them called when I was out this morning, mumbled some crap, sounding hangover then hanged up.
“No sorry I haven’t. You tried calling them?” I asked drawing patterns across my thigh.
Yeah, but the phones are off.

I nod my head, even if he can’t see it and looked over at my cousin and friend. Rhianna pointed to my mobile pressed to my ear then in the general direction of Danny’s house. I nodded again.
Chandra rolled his eyes.
He actually looked annoyed over the fact it was Danny.
That’s odd. They were ok friends.

Hey look, I know you hear this often, but I’m sorry for last night.” Danny sighed into the phone getting my attention back to him.
I let out my own sigh too.
“Yeah I do hear if often.” I stated. At least every day for the last three weeks. “And it’s ok.”
You sure? I do feel bad all the time taking it out on you because you happen to be the only one home...
“It’s fine really. But I have to ask something.” I heard him hum saying to continue. “Why the fuck won’t you kick them out?” I almost growled.
Because if I do that before they pay, I’ll never see any money they owe me. Once they pay their out.”

I sighed again nodding.
“Let’s just hope it’s quick.” Or else I’ll move out.
Yeah...” He mumbled. “Well I have to go; you’ll text me if you’re staying at Rhianna’s for longer right?
“Yep, I will. See you.”

I was quickly met with the dial tone so I pressed the end button before placing my phone back into my pocket.
Two pair of eyes was drilling at me. I looked up at them; Rhianna looked curious and Chandra looked...unreadable – which I found odd for him, but shrugged it off.

Out of all the times Danny had to call, it was now. I was having fun, I was laughing, smiling yelling in joy. But he had to ring up and remind me of the shit back at that house. If he rang and said nothing about that while he was calm as he was; than that would be fine. But he didn’t.
Can’t I have day? Just a day with my sister and friends to have some fun and forget all of that?

I shook my head slightly, I have to forget about it again, before the stress and the lack of sleep makes me dizzy.
Sighing I pulled myself up to my feet and looked down at the two. Which were in fact very quiet at the moment. Not unusual after Danny had called me while I was here and it was obviously about the two dumbasses.
“Anyone want a drink?” I asked.
“I’m fine.” Chandra said.
His unreadable mask broke into a smile and Rhianna shook her head lightly. I turned on my heel and walked out to the kitchen.

Maybe a few minutes alone will help.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah I know the chapter is a little story, but still important, it brought Danny into the story :]
So is anyone liking this story?
Is it good? bad? crap?
Theres a bunch to happen yet! ;DI have a lot of this shit pre-written

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