Status: Done.

Just Smile, That's All I Ask.

Can't Sleep?

Three days.
Three long days with no sleep over four hours. It sucks. Normally I’m not this bad. And what made it worse was that I had nothing to do. Last night I stared at Rhianna’s ceiling. Tonight I’m doing the same. It’s fucking stupid. Fucking insomnia.I’ll kill the dumbass that made it.
Yeah, I wish.

I groaned annoyed quietly enough to not disturb Rhianna; who was fast asleep on the other side of the bed curled into a tight ball. How she can sleep like that sometimes I have no flipping idea.
I looked away from my peaceful cousin and looked at the flashing clock that read: 3:34am in blue numbers. I rolled my eyes.

In the dark I pushed my side of the dark blue doona off me and got to my feet. If I can’t sleep here, I’ll sit in the living room. Hopefully the fire is still going.

I shuffled my way across the room, fingers crossed I won’t hit anything and got to the barely open door. I pushed it open and sneaked out, shutting it just as quiet.
Oh, yeah I have skills.I wish.
Still quiet as I can, I sneaked my way to the living room and the first steep I took into the room had the heat from the fire hit my body. It was nice, really nice. A small smile tugged at my lips and I walked over to the couch that was glowing orange from the fire.
At least I can see in here I guess.

I moved over to the corner of the couch and sat with my legs folded up beside me and one of the small blue pillows against my back. I looked around at the pale blue and purple room, which was glowing slightly orange but the blue still stood out.
Rhianna’s favourite colour is blue, go figure.
I swear nearly everything she owns is blue or black – then again almost everything I have is either red or black; my fave colours.
It’s amazing how in so many ways me and Rhianna are different – opposite, but at the same time the same. I guess that’s why we get on well together. Apart from the fact I’ve know her my whole life.

Smiling softly again I looked at the photo’s around the room. Me and Rhianna; Her, Chandra and Issac; (Issac being Chandra best friend and also mine and Rhi’s friend.) Tonya; (our cousin) more of us; and even one with Danny. All of us smiling, all of happy, the way things should always be. But isn’t.

Slowly my smile faded but I continued to stare at the photographs.

Out of know where there was a noise, it was quiet but loud enough to make me anxious and my head snap in the direction of the kitchen. I heard it again; almost sounding like a footstep. Suddenly the kitchen light turned on. I winced at the sudden light but could see a person walk in there. I sighed relived.

Now why would Chandra be up at this time for?

Instead of getting up and actually seeing why, I stayed where I was because I couldn’t be bothered moving but I kept watching the kitchen doorway and listening to the quiet noises he was making. After a moment, I’m sure I heard the fridge open.
Must be either getting something or eat or drink.
I shrugged suddenly not caring anymore and looked over at the fire.
Fire is fucking shinny!

I sat there for what felt like maybe ten minutes or so till the kitchen light turned off. Footsteps were coming from there and heading this way. I looked at the living room door and Chandra stumbled into the room, holding what looked like a sandwich to his mouth eating. I could smell the vegemite from here!
Does he have the whole jar on two pieces of bread?

He walked over to the fire, not seeming to notice me and stood facing it, holding his hand over the top if the fire place for warmth. Him standing there cast me and half of the room into shadow but made him glow...prettyful in orange.
If that was a picture that would look really cool.
After a moment Chandra turned around facing me, sandwich gone and not looking at me. You know I don’t think he knows I’m here.
A smirk pulled onto my face, I have a great idea.

“Do you have to stand there, your cutting of my heat?”

Chandra jumped – actually off the ground- letting out a small scream as I fell sideways on the couch laughing. I clamp my hand over my mouth to quieten myself, but I couldn’t stop laughing.
That. Was. Priceless!
I was laughing so hard I felt like crying.
I haven’t feel like that for a long time.

Over my laughter I head Chandra mumbled a bunch of really colourful words, no one under even 15 should hear. If anything it made me laugh more for a moment.
I attempted to calm myself down as he walked over to me. My laughing turned into quiet chuckled.
No one could disagree with me that, that wasn’t classic.
Oh, my ribs hurt.

“Bitch!” Chandra wined sounding badly embarrassed. “You were so lucky I had finished eating.” He added still wining.
I looked up at him, where he stood in front of the couch...and started laughing again. Not so bad this time but it hurt my ribs none the less. I ended up gasping for air for a moment before I finally got over it enough.
By now he was sitting on the couch above my head, starting across the room with his arms crossed. He didn’t look too happy; which of course he wouldn’t be. Still smiling, I moved so I was on my knees next to him and pulled him into a hug. He even jumped at that, but then again after what happened he probably didn’t expect it. Unless it was Rhianna that did that to me, then I wouldn’t of had expected it.

It took a moment before Chandra to relax in my arms, but finally did. Sighing he snaked his arms around my waist and held me tight placing his chin on my shoulder gently. I smiled lightly and had no plan on pulling away from the embrace, at least not yet.

“I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok, should have looked when I felt someone watching me.” He shrugged. “Forgot for a while that you were a night owl.” He chuckled.
“I wish I was a night owl.” I murmured.
Chandra pulled away from me just enough to see each other’s faces. In the orange glow from the fire I could tell he was confused as much as he was amused.
“I wouldn’t want to be one.” He smiled shaking his head. “Eating rats; yuck.”
I laughed quietly and shook my head.

“That’s now why I want to be one.”
“Then why?” He asked tilting his head to one side. “So you can scare me easier at night?”
“Nah, because their awake all night and sleep all day. I’d love to be able to do that!” I smiled.
Actually I love the sleeping part of that.
“Oh, ok; makes sense.” Chandra nodded.
I smiled happy he got it and agreed with me on it. Slowly I unwrapped my arms from around him and he let go of me. I moved so I was sitting right next to him properly on the couch. It didn’t take him long to wrap his arm around my waist and pull me close to him.
What can I say; I have a snuggle bear as a friend.

I placed my head softly on his shoulder before yawning. Bloody hell.
“Tired? Can’t sleep?” Chandra asked softly.
I nodded, not bothered to answer in words. He squeezed me into his side shortly in comfort.
It felt nice knowing I had someone that cared for me like that – other than Rhianna and our cousin Tonya. It was...nice.
“I’ll stay up with you for a while.” He stated with a clear smile in his voice.
I tilted my head up to look at his face, apart from his soft smile and his eyes shining in the light, I couldn’t see much.

I shook my head. “You don’t have to; I’m fine sitting here by myself in the middle of the morning. It’s not like it’s the first time I have done it.” Just the millionth time.
“I want to! I wasn’t getting much sleep before anyways.” He shrugged. “So why go back to bed to lay there bored when I can sit with you?” He asked smiling at me.

Once again, like normal; I couldn’t help but smile back.
Fuck his smile was contagious. Is that even possible?
“Ok fine.” I sighed. “But if you fall asleep don’t expect me to carry you to your bed.” I stated almost seriously.

Chandra laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for taking so long to update, somethings happened and then I kinda forgot to. But here it is now :)
So was this chapter, good, bad, cute, crap? What are your thoughts?
Yous are going to either love me or hate me with chapter 7 ;DI'm pre writing this shit as much as I can.

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