Status: Done.

Just Smile, That's All I Ask.

Isn't That Cute.

My eyes snapped open to the light and I snapped into a sitting position. I looked around franticly and almost screamed when I felt someone’s arm tighten around my waist. But before I could even let out a noise, I sighed in relief. It was just Chandra. A Chandra that is still asleep.

Chuckling I gently stretched my arms out hearing a few low lovely cracks before rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
I can’t believe I actually fallen asleep last night. Even if it was on the couch with Chandraknowing that almost made me blush, I still fell asleep. My mind for the first time in a week wasn’t that fuzzy. I finally slept.
If I wasn’t feeling lazy right now I would jump up and do a happy dance about it. Maybe later though...

I yawned loudly to myself and looked back down at Chandra; his face was peaceful, breathing calm, lips slightly opened, his hair messy but still nice looking all over the cushion and his face.
He actually looked very cute like that...

Shaking my head I laid back down next to him because I’m positive he wasn’t going to let go of me without waking up. But I didn’t actually mind lying next to him. Which was somewhat surprising because I haven’t really let any guys close to me like this since my last boyfriend; who turned out to be a lazy ass that no matter how much he complained about being at home all the time, that’s all he did. He couldn’t even go for a walk with me or anything simple like that.

So I dumped him and did what I wanted to do and moved here with Danny when he offered a place to stay while he had spare rooms. Sometimes I wonder why I did because it just started more shit in my life once the other two moved in his house...but I was closer to Rhianna, Chandra, Issac and Tonya.
Though sadly I don’t see Tonya that often; poor girl works too much.
But still I was close to them and I guess at the time and now, that what really matters.
They make me smile and around them I feel loved.

Yawning again, I moved on the small part of the couch I was on so I was on it better and also so I couldn’t fall off. I don’t really feel like falling flat on my face right now.
When I moved I must of had nudged Chandra because he curled up against my back and tighten his arm around me. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks and I bit my lip.

I kinda hope no one sees us like this becauseI don’t want to move who knows how the person would react. Rhianna might start her ‘Jacque like Chandra’ shit again.
So what if I like him a little, it’s annoying when she does that.
Wait! I mean...what?

“Well isn’t that cute.”

I froze where I was lying before slowly looking up towards the living room door. There leaning against the door from with a smile on his face was Issac. He actually looked amused seeing this. Shit.
My shocked look turned into a dark glare at him. He just smiled more before shrugging. Didn’t my glare scare him at all?
“Well it’s true.”
“How and when did you get here?” I asked quietly ignoring his comment, almost hissing.
“Spare key for the front door and just five seconds ago.” He beamed. “Did yous know it’s after ten?”

My eyes opened in shock again. I slept for six hours? Yes! No wonder I felt a lot less dizzy.
“No I didn’t.” I said quietly. “Only woke up a while ago.”
Issac nodded and looked around the room before his eyes fell back onto me and Chandra. I dunno if I should be embarrassed about this or not...
“Can have your permission to wake Rhi up?” He suddenly asked almost showing me puppy dog eyes bouncing from foot to foot.
I chuckled nodding my head. Issac said a quick ‘thanks’ and ran off to her room. I laughed quietly and let my eyes trail down to Chandra’s arm around me. I gently and slowly placed my hand over his, I dunno why, but it felt right to do that. I felt my heart speed up the slightest.
We looked...cute?

Rhianna screaming all of a sudden made me and Chandra jump.
“Issac leave me alone!” She hollowed.
“Good morning to you too love!” He yelled back.
I bit my lip so I wouldn’t laugh. That’s what you get when you have a loud – soon to be – boyfriend. Issac is going to ask her out soon, I just know it. It’s so bloody obvious!
“Let me guess, Issac’s here?” Chandra mumbled sleepily against the back of my neck.My heart thumps oddly.
“Yep he is.” I nodded.
He let out a little bit of a humming noise and stretched out a little behind me.
“What’s the time?” He asked yawning.

I looked across the room at the clock.
“It’s 10:24.”

He groaned and buried his head into my shoulder blade. Apart from the yelping and laughing from Rhianna’s room it was quiet for a long while. Actually thought Chandra went back to sleep before I heard him yawn. People don’t yawn in their sleep right?

“Did you sleep at all?” He whispered after a while longer.
Ok, so he isn’t asleep.
“Yeah, a while.”I smiled.
“That’s good.” I could feel him smile against my skin, even through the shirt I was wearing. “I slept great, your nice and warm did you know that?”

Again I felt my face heat up. “Nope...I guess I do now.” I mumbled.
Chandra chuckled behind me. I was about to roll over to face him so I could see his face but footsteps into the room stopped me before I could move. I looked up to see Rhianna and Issac standing there by the doorway.
Issac gave Rhianna an ‘i-told-you-so-look’ and Rhianna looked at us in a mix of awe and amusement.

“Well isn’t that cute.” Rhianna said exactly the same as what Issac did.
I almost face palmed because of it.
“Oh, shut up you two. Just because I have a hot looking teddy bear and yous don’t.” Chandra smirked sitting up behind me. Me hot? Me a teddy bear? Uh-ah.

Rhianna and Issac laughed quietly.
“Oh well, anyways if yous are going shopping get up and get ready!” Issac beamed waving his hand in a dramatic fashion.
Rhianna smiled at us and followed him out the room to get ready. I got off the couch slowly and stood. Chandra smiled at me doing the same.
Well that was an interesting night to say the least.

Then Chandra did something I wasn’t quite ready or expecting him to do.

He kissed my cheek before walking out the room without saying a word.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really wanted to update this today for Jak, because today is sort of a tough day for us. So I hope this made her smile :)

So I'm hoping people liked this chapter, wouldn't anyone care to tell me if they did?
Do you like the way I'm writing this? It's really different for me so I hope it's ok. ^^

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