Status: Done.

Just Smile, That's All I Ask.

Times Like This.

Walking next to Rhianna I looked through the shop windows of the shopping centre looking for anything that was either interesting or something that I liked. We had only got here and the guys were practically trying to drag us to the cinemas on the other side of the building already, even though we’re not watching anything till a few hours time.
I honestly think they were more interested in getting popcorn than watching a movie though. Well that’s what it seemed like because that’s all they talked about for the last fifteen minutes.
I sighed and shook my head. I have some of the oddest friends, but I love them.

“Let’s go into Sanity!” Issac suddenly yelled running towards the music shop dragging a laughing Chandra with him.
I chuckled and Rhi laughed from besides me; but we followed none the less. Sanity is probably the best music shop in Western Australia if you ask me. It was the only decent place to get music other then the net.

Smiling I walked into the shop and headed towards the music area and to the rock/heavy metal section. I listen to a lot of different types of music, but most is this type. Same as the guys and Rhianna – though Rhianna liked more different stuff as me like Alternative rock and pop, but it was nice that she loved hardcore and screamo as well. Just another thing we had in common.
Good thing we call each other twins aye?

I started looking through the rows of CD cases for ones that I liked. Before long I saw Rhianna doing the same besides me. I bet she was looking for a Blessthefall CD, she is yet to find one and it was one of her favourite bands.

“So I heard you slept well last night.” Rhianna stated quietly.
I felt her eyes on me but I didn’t look at her; instead I nodded with a small smile.
“Yeah, I worked it out to be six hours actually.” I almost beamed.
“That’s great! I was hoping you’d finally get a good night’s sleep.”
The smile in her voice was clear and it made me smile more. At least she wasn’t worried about me for once. Suddenly she started snickering to herself.
“You both only slept on my couch right?” She teased with a hidden tone in her voice but I picked it up.

I almost choked on air and I snapped my head to look at her. She started full out laughing. That little perverted bitch!
“Of course idiot!” I almost hissed.
Rhianna chuckled and wrapped her arm around me in a sideways hug.
“That’s good because I really didn’t want to buy a new couch, I like that one.” She smirked.
I rolled my eyes,ignoring the blush on my face and hit her lightly in the side. She just laughed and moved her arm from around me. I shook my head and turned back to the CDs. I stared going through them again acting like that never happened. Rhianna was still chuckling amused from besides me as she went back to looking.
I’ll get her back, just you wait.

I shook my head and went through the next row – then something caught my eye. I pulled out a ‘Cradle of Filth’ CD and blinked. I couldn’t help but smile brightly then; this was my favourite band and I don’t have this CD! I had the songs on my laptop sure, but I wanted the actual disc.
I flipped it over and checked the price. I think my smiled widened more if that was possible. Good price. Mine, I say; mine!

I turned and faced Rhianna. She glanced at me from the corner of her eye.
“You know that if you and Chandra did get together I wouldn’t mind.” She stated randomly.
“Why do you always think I like him?” I countered eyeing her.
She shrugs. “You just have something in your eyes when you look at him.”
“Oh really?” I asked more curious than anything.
She nodded.
“Yep.” She said popping the ‘p’. “I know this shit, I’m observant.” She grinned.
“Then why haven’t you noticed the way Issac looks at you.” I muttered under my breath.

She wasn’t meant to hear that, but when she sighed I knew she did. I opened my mouth to say something to cover that but she cut me off before I could even get the word ‘sorry’ out.
“I have noticed...I just not good with that sort of that stuff myself, you know?”
I nodded understanding and kept quiet not pushing it. She gave me a small shy smile and turned back to the CDs.
“If you need to talk I’m here.” I pointed out.
She chuckled. “I know; same with me.”

Smiling, I quickly kissed her cheek and walked past her towards the DVD area where the boys were going through a bunch of movies. Heading past them I stopped at the next bunch of DVDs. I let my eyes scan over them thinking.

‘You just have something in your eyes when you look at him.’
Was that possible? Did I look at him different or something? And what is the “something” in my eyes?
There was no way I liked him like that.Yes I did. No way at all, he is my friend and I’m not looking for a relationship. With all this shit going on at home I don’t feel like I have the time or energy for that.
It’s not that I don’t want something like that, I just...not now.

I shook my head sharply. I don’t even want to think about any of that now!

“You getting anything, we’re going.” Chandra called.
I jumped startled and quickly looking at him nodding. He raised an eyebrow confused but I shrugged it off and headed towards the counter to quickly buy my precious ‘Cradle of Filth’ CD.


Looking like a bunch of idiots holding hands we all let Issac pull us towards the food court to burn some time before going to watch a movie at the cinema. It had started off as a chain reaction; Issac grabbed Chandra’s hand, he grabbed Rhi’s and she grabbed mine.
And now we were all being dragged behind Issac – I was ok with it though because the looks we got was priceless! I love freaking out people at the shops. I almost made a guy faint once when I got on one knee and asked my auntie to marry me while messing around in a random shop. Rhianna and her mum were laughing so hard it was amazing they weren’t crying.
Good times, good times.

All of a sudden Issac stopped making the rest of us bump into him or the person in front of us. I started laughing when Rhianna glared at me for stepping on her foot. She slammed her foot down on mine but it didn’t even hurt, with the boots I was wearing I barely felt it so I just laughed more.
It felt nice to laugh so easily like this.

“So what are we all having?” Issac asked.
“Food.” Was Chandra’s smart answer that got him a hit over the head.
“What type of food?”
“Chips?” Rhianna suggested. “I don’t feel like eating too much if we’re having popcorn later.”
I nodded agreeing and let go of her hand to link our arms together. She smiled at me and let go of Chandra’s hand as we walked towards one of the cafe looking places. The guys followed behind us.

We got our orders after a bit of waiting and sat down at one of the only spare tables. It was only meant for two people to sit at but Chandra managed to get another chair and I sat on Rhianna’s lap.
The looks I got just for that was great, yet annoying at the same time. They were good because the bugged out eyes was funny, but the other stairs were annoying because it was like they never saw two cousins or even friends sit together like this before. Idiots.
I glared back at some of them and that made them look away. That made me smile.

I opened up the large box of chips me and Rhi are sharing and started eating them quickly. Rhianna chuckled.
“You make it look like I don’t feed you at my house.” She joked.
“You don’t, I have to use the spoon myself.” I smirked.
We all started laughing and Issac almost spat his drink across the table. I laughed shaking my head at him before placing more chips into my mouth.

Who knew shopping with your friends could be so fun? I love good times like this.
I miss them too. Just being so carefree feels nice because at home half of the time I can’t be like this, because who knows what those two idiots of my housemates are up to.
They are getting that bad at home, their starting to scare me. That’s why I stay at Rhianna’s. If it’s not them doing something like trashing the place it’s the fights they got in with Danny.
I try to keep out of it, but it’s hard.

I sighed and grabbed my drink taking a large gulp of it as I looked at Chandra who started talking about what movie to watch. Like usual by the sounds of it we might be watching a kids movie like ‘Shrek 4’ I don’t mind; kid’s movies are cool.

Then above Chandra’s head in the distance something caught my eye. I looked up and almost choked on my drink. I ripped the bottle away from my mouth and started coughing. I felt Rhianna hit my back gently but I almost didn’t notice because I was looking wide eyed at two people I really didn’t want to see here.

Tom and Toby.

The two housemates that is making mine and Danny’s life hell at home.
This was one of the last places I expected them to be.

“Are you ok?” Issac asked just as Rhianna said, “What’s wrong?”
I blinked and nudged Rhianna not looking away from the two assholes.
“Tom and Toby are over there.” I mumbled.
Just as those words left my lips Chandra and Issac’s eyes narrowed into slits and turned to look at where I was currently looking at.

Tom and Toby obviously had no idea that we were here because they walked out of the shop they were in and turned slowly walking further away from the food court talking about something.
I let out a breath I didn’t even notice I was holding in.
It was so lucky that they didn’t see me, because I knew they did they would of had come over here and who knows what could of happened because they were pretty all over the place when they had been drinking; which was most of the time. And that was the last thing any of us wanted right now.
I just can’t stand to be around them anymore anyway. I almost can’t stand to even see them.

I wish I never had anything to do with them or even knew them.

“Good their walking away.” Issac hissed.
“For once they didn’t look drunk.” Chandra pointed out. “Idiots.”
I nodded and sighed. I felt Rhianna rub my back in comforting way.

And just like that my good day was almost ruined. I’ll have to ring Danny later and tell him we saw them here. I can’t wait till they pay their rent, cause then they will be out and I can have a home again.

“Hey let’s go to the cinema now.” Issac suggested quietly standing up.
I nodded standing up, and then helped Rhianna up before grabbing my drink off the table.

Though now I just wanted to go back to Rhianna’s, I won’t. Today is my day to have fun with my friends at the shops, so that’s what I’m going to do. I’ll just ignore the fact I saw them.

Well, at least, I hope I can.
♠ ♠ ♠
So...did you like it? What did you think?
Now you know the two idiot's names :)
Cradle of Filth happened to be Jak's fave band so I thought I would put that in there, that's also where Danny got his name from in this xD

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