Status: Done.

Just Smile, That's All I Ask.

Things Are Getting Worse.

Music burst into my ears as my feet padded along the foot path. I wasn’t really looking forward to going home but I figured after spending three days at Rhianna’s it was time to go back, even for a little bit.
I couldn’t really leave Danny there by himself for too long. Plus I had things I needed to do and I really needed some clothes.
Right at the moment I was wearing some of Rhi’s clothes, I knew she doesn’t mind but I can’t help by feel like I’m being a bother always using them when I failed at grabbing my own before turning up there. The least I could do was go back and get some of mine and wash the ones I had been wearing of hers.
She’s probably say that I didn’t need to do that when I give them back to her. But too bad, she’ll live.

Sighing I turned down my street and I spotted my house not far from me. As I walked I watched as it came closer and frowned.
But as quickly as that frown spread across my face it disappeared to be replaced with a smile as I saw the only car there was Danny’s.
Tom and Toby weren’t there, thank god. If they were there I have no idea what I would do.
Fuck I hate those two and they better have not touched my room while I was away. Or anything else for that matter.

As I got to the house I walked through the damp grass and pulled my keys out while turning my mp3 off. Even though the keys had been in my pocket the entire walk they were cold. This winter weather is shit, next thing you’ll now it will be snowing.
Rolling my eyes I slid the key into the lock and let the door fall open stepping inside. The house was quiet; that was a sure sign the two idiots are not here. I smiled and closed the door behind me.

I thought of taking my shoes off...but with most of the house flooring being tiles my toes would probably freeze by the time I get to the living room. I like my toes and I’d much rather keep them.

“Who’s that?” Danny called out.
“Meow.” I called back.
I heard him laugh from the living room and I smiled. I turned to my bedroom door, which was just a couple of steps from the front door and turned the knob. The door was locked. I sighed relieved, they didn’t go in there.
Smiling again I made my way to the living room to find Danny spread out on the couch watching some movie. He glanced at me from the TV and waved. I waved back and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl, and then placed my bag on the bench before leaning against it.

“So where are Tom and Toby this time?” I almost hissed.
“Beats me.” Danny shrugged. “They haven’t been home since you saw them yesterday at the shops.”
“That explains why the house is clean.” I pointed out.
He chuckled dryly. “Yeah. Oh, and I hope you don’t mind that I check in your room a couple of times. I wanted to make sure they didn’t go in there.”
“That’s fine, thanks.”

Danny nodded looking at the TV. I brought the apple to my lips and took a huge bite out of it. I stood there the entire time it took me to eat the fruit before I grabbed my bag and headed for my room. Unlocking the door I headed in looking around. Nothing moved, nothing touch. Again I smiled.
Danny once again has done a good job on looking after my stuff.

Shutting the door behind me I dumped my dirty clothes in the washing basket and started looking for things I needed for when I go back to Rhianna’s next.

Which I guess will be in the next few days.


The sound of yelling woke me from my lovely deep sleep. Groaning I rolled over onto my back and slowly opened my eyes coming face to face with the ceiling of the dark room. For a second I was confused as to where I was but when I heard a door slamming making me jump in shock; I knew exactly where I was.
Suddenly wide awake I ripped the cover off me and scrambled out of bed. Hissing as my feet met the cold floor I moved quickly across my room and opened the door.

I actually expected to see people fighting in the sitting room but luckily it was just Danny and Tom hissing words at each other.
Tom looked drunk, no surprise there.
Rolling my eyes I walked out of my room glaring mostly at Tom. To say I was pissed off for them walking me up was underestimated - I was almost livid. I finally got to sleep after lying there for five hours just for them to wake me up once I did.
It probably wasn’t the best to face Tom because, well, anything can happen but right now I don’t really care.

“What the hell is going on?” I hissed.
The both of them jumped at my sudden appearance and looked at me; Tom glaring and Danny looking at me apologetic. I ignored both looks.
“People are trying to sleep you know! The neighbours could probably hear you!” I continued.
“Sorry, Jak, T-“
Danny was cut off then by Tom shoving him and getting in my face. I glared at him and saw him flinch from it. Sure I hate fighting, I rather keep away from it but if I had to fight back I could and I would. Having two older brothers was great that way.
Plus by the obvious flinch Tom just made shows my glare can be deadly.

“It’s none of your fucking business.” He said lowly with his breath stinking of grog.

And with that he turned and walked off to his room. A minute later his door slammed shut and I knew he wouldn’t be coming out of there till morning. Of course this crap is my business, wish it wasn’t but it is.

“Sorry Jak.” Danny sighed. “I tried to keep them quiet for you, Toby listened but not Tom.”
I nodded and looked at him. There was a frown set of his face as he looked around the room, he looked really tired too.
I didn’t say anything and we just stood there for a while in silence. I didn’t know if I should say or do anything. I just closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.

“I think you should go to Rhianna’s.” Danny said after a while.
I opened my eyes and looked at him confused tilting my head to the side.
“I think you should stay there for a while, you stay here you might get hurt; things are getting worse.” He continued. “I know the both of them get payed for work in two days, I’m going to talk to them about the rent and hopefully kicked them out.”

I looked at Danny and blinked. I was surprised; normally after something like that he was livid and stomped off to his room yelling before slamming the door shut. But now he wasn’t, he was standing there calm and thinking this out. Maybe he’s more tired than he looks.

“But what about you? You’ll be here alone.” I pointed out.
He nodded. “I know, if things get bad I’ll call the police or even Issac and Chandra. I just don’t want you to be here when it happens.” He said looking me in the eyes.
I think this is the most emotion of care he has ever shown me. I know he views me as a younger sister to him and always been protective, but not this much.
I bit my lip thinking it over.
But then he flashed me that look that said ‘do-what-I-ask-please’ I let out a deep breath nodding. It wasn’t like I had much of a choice anyway, plus I felt dizzy from the lack of sleep, there was no way I could really think it over.

“As long as you promise you’ll be safe.”
“I’ll try my best.” He smiled.
I smiled the best I could at the moment and he took the four steps towards me to give me a hug. I wrapped my arms back around him and rested my head on his shoulder. I am so tired – so tired of all of this.
“I’ll call Chandra to pick you up, go grab some things, ok sis.”
I nodded and let him go heading back to my room.

I walked in my room in a sleepily blur and gathered up everything I knew I wanted and needed at Rhianna’s house. Somehow I even remembered a few sets of clothes and the once I had wash of hers that I wore today.

In the end I guess it took longer than what I thought it did to get everything because just as I picked up the two bags Danny knocked on my door and gestured for me to follow. I locked the door after me and follow him outside where I was Chandra standing there yawning and arms tightly wrapped around himself trying to keep warm.

Once he saw me walk out of the house he grinned and walked over wrapping one arm around my shoulders.

“Call if you need me.” He said to Danny.
“I will, sorry for calling so late.”
“Nah, its fine.” Chandra smiled. “Night.”
“Night Danny.” I mumbled.

Danny smiled and gave us a short wave walking back inside as Chandra led me to his car. We both got in quickly to get out the cold and he drove quickly back to Rhianna’s. At least how I was, it felt quick to me.

“Are you ok?” He asked once we had got inside of her house.
“Yeah, just tired.” I nodded eyeing Rhianna’s bedroom door.

Where am I going to sleep?
“Issac is over and he’s sharing with Rhi, so if you really want to you can sleep on the couch or just share with me.” He smiled.
I sighed and mumbled that I would share with him, I know from experience that couch is not the best to sleep on when I’m like this. Chandra nodded and walked off towards his room. Following him I placed my bags just inside of the living room on the way past and walked into his room- which believe it or not it was mostly clean.

I crawled into his bed and moved over to the wall as he got in too. He turned off the lamp and the room went pitch black. I blinked getting used to it.

“Good night Jacque.” He whispered.
“Night, night.” I whispered back.

Closing my eyes I felt something wrap around my waist but I was too tired to care and simple drifted off to sleep, which I hope was peaceful, unlike reality.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well it didn't turn out the way I though it would, but I like it :3
Um...nothing much more to say for once, other than I hope you liked it too. :)

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