Status: Done.

Just Smile, That's All I Ask.

It's Going To Hit The Fan.

My feet scraped across the floor as I slowly paced back and forth bitting down on my lip hard. I felt Chandra’s eyes bore into me as I did this but ignored it.
I had just got off the phone to Danny; he was going ahead with what he said he would do today. Like him he had no plans of how to go about it and just was going to “talk” to them tonight when their meant to come home.
Them talking are usually like screaming matches, which wouldn’t surprise me if it turned into a physical fight. I’ve been waiting for it to happen for months. And far as I know it hasn’t happened.

Those two boys are bad news, looking at them from miles away you could tell that. It’s like they were surrounded by it or something.

“So what are we going to do?” Chandra asked. “We can’t let Danny be alone with the two of them.”
I nodded and bit my lip harder almost cutting the flesh.
“I say we should go over there-or at least me.”
“What? No!” I exclaimed looking at him. “You could get hurt!”

My eyes widen as I noticed my little outburst. I felt my face flush and I turned around quickly so I wasn’t looking at his confused yet curious eyes. Jak, you idiot, he could notice you likes him or something by that-
I yelped as I felt two arms wrap around me from behind. I turned to see him smiling at me. His eyes shined happily?
“Well then we both go; you never know - nothing might happen. We’ll just see.” He said like if he was trying to calm me. “Plus with me there it would be even. Then if something really did happen someone can just call the cops.” He suggested.

Closing my eyes I pinched the bridge of my nose as I lent my weight back against him. He held me more tightly and rested his head on my shoulder.
“I think that is probably the best thing to do; and it’s the only thing I can think of, unless you have an idea.”
I shook my head. I have no idea what so ever.
“Then let’s go.” He nodded letting go of me before walking out his room.

Like I have a choice not to.

Grumbling to myself I walked out his room and followed him through the house. I can’t believe we are going to do this. Chandra walked into the living room where Rhianna and Issac were, but I kept walking straight. I opened the front door and sat down on the veranda steps to wait for him. I didn’t want to see how worried Rhianna would be hearing what we are going to do, though really I guess the terror twins won’t be home until later so we still had time to think of a way to do this.

I had sat there for around ten minutes when I heard the door close behind me. Standing up from the step I watched as Chandra walked past me taking my hand in his. To say I was a little shocked would be dead right. He holding my hand was something that didn’t happen very often – but I didn’t let go, instead I held his hand back and let him pull me to his car.
Neither I nor Rhianna had a car so the only cars ever seen here was Chandra’s and Issac’s; on rear cases you would see Danny’s here. Like me Danny walked if he decided to come here.

“So what did they say?” I asked sliding into the car shutting the door.
“Rhianna agreed but looked worried and Issac said that if we needed him call right away.”
I nodded and sat back clicking in the seat belt as he started the car. Like I had been doing for a while now – like a new habit – I sucked in my lower lip and chewed on it.
All this talk about what is going to happen at ‘home’ sounded like we were going into war. Which really when you think about it, that was exactly what it was. I often wonder if anyone else was putting up with house mates like this and facing the same problems. I’m guessing that there was.

We drove down the street and turned the corner. It was only a five-ten minute drive to Danny’s...and I was over anxious already. I bit my lip harder, at this rate when all this is over I won’t have a bottom lip left.
I felt Chandra’s hand wrap around my own and I glanced at him as he’s thumb started rubbing circles on my skin.
“Try and calm down yeah?” He said quietly. “Freaking out or stressing won’t help anything.”
“Yeah, ok.” I muttered.
I took in a deep breath then let it out...not that it helped.

Then he turned the last corner and when I caught sight of the house I froze in shock. I just stared at it with a blank expression.
“What the fuck?” Chandra gasped.

The outside of Danny’s house, the beautiful garden he had was squashed with the dumbasses car sitting on top of all of the plants, just centimetres away from the bricks of the house. How the fuck didn’t they hit the house being that close?! Are they drunk?
Chandra pulled up into the drive way and cut the engine. We both sat there for a moment.
“How the fuck did they not hit the house?” He asked.

I said nothing and let go of his hand to get out of the car. If their car is here that means they’re most likely here. I thought they weren’t meant to come home till tonight, didn’t they have work?
Then I realised something; is Danny home?
I looked over at Chandra as he locked the car and he looked back at me with so many emotions running through his eyes, I bet mine was the same. I looked away from him and all but ran to the front door. I pulled the screen door open and turned the handle for the wooden door; it was locked. That’s odd. I dug my house keys out of my pocket and shoved the key into its spot. Turning it the door fell open. The two of us stepped into the house quietly.

No yelling. No screaming. No swearing.

Danny’s not here; I dunno if that is a good thing or a bad thing.
I grabbed Chandra’s hand and walked into the house further. We pasted my bedroom door to see it was still shut and looked like it was locked, for their sakes it better be.
There was no one in the sitting room and as we got closer to the living area I would hear faint noises of the TV there.
Someone is defiantly here.

Once I was at the door frame with Chandra behind me still holding my hand, I could hear Toby and Tom talking to each other and laughing a couple of school girls.
I looked back at Chandra.
“Just keep quiet and hidden, I’ll see what their up to.” I whispered.
He opened his mouth to say something but I let go of his hand quickly and walked into the room. I got two steps before I saw them sitting on the couch, food rubbish all over the coffee table, on the mat under the table and around them where they sat.
Well its better then ruined furniture and more holes in the walls I guess.

“Hey Jak!” Toby yelled. “Long time no see aye mate?”
I felt like rolling my eyes but I didn’t. Instead I glared at him, not full on because I’d give him a heart attack if I did.
“Hey guys.” I said shortly.
I don’t want to be here...
“Where’s Danny?” Tom asked, voice slightly slurred.
Yep that fuck wit has been drinking, I wonder if he was high too. You know I think that was their problem was and why they were like the way there were, because their always either drunk or high. I wonder if they were sober for once they would be completely different people.

“Dunno, I just got back.” I shrugged.
Placing my hands into my pockets, my right hand wrapped around my phone. Not that I think these guys would hurt me, but yeah with these people you never know. They haven’t hurt or touched me; yet.
Chandra made a quiet whining noise where he was sanding hidden but I acted like I didn’t hear it. If I looked at him Tom and Toby might pick it up that someone is there. Keyword; might. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t know their last names right now.

“Oh.” Tom sighed. “He better hurry though, we finally got his rent money.” He added shrugging looking at me with glazed over eyes.
I almost smiled and jumped for joy right then. They have the money...once Danny has it, they’re out! I heard Chandra gasp behind me as Tom said that.
“Well I can call him for yous.” I offered.
Danny needs to get here and now.

“Eh, call him.” Toby mumbled. “He probably isn’t far off being home, we’ve been here for a while.”
Toby actually sounds sober, interesting. Surprising even.
“Ok, cool. I’ll call him in a minute.” I nodded. “Gotta dump my shit in my room.” I quickly added, it was the only thing I could think of to get out the room.
Once I got two nods from them, I was out the room. Chandra gave a sigh of relief and I grabbed his hand again pulling him quickly to my room. I quickly unlocked it and walked in. Chandra locked it behind us as I ripped my phone from my pocket. I walked over to my bed and sat down, he joined me. Quickly I went through my phone book finding Danny’s name.
With one touch of the call button, it was ringing. I looked at Chandra for a moment before looking down at my lap.

“Danny, where are you?” I asked almost rushed.
About two blocks away from home, why? Are you ok? Where are you?” He asked sounding panicked right away hearing my tone.
“I’m at home, with Chandra and you better get here quickly.”
Why, what happened? Is the house ok? Are you two ok-
“We’re fine! The house if fine; can’t say much for your garden though.”
“You’d never guess who is home, and with your rent money.” I said cutting him off.
It was quiet for a short moment.

You’re joking right.

I shook my head even though he can’t see it and stood up pacing slightly around my room.
“No, I’m not. Chandra and I decided to come here and to see what you were going to do tonight. I found them on the couch – Tom sounding drunk – and they said they were waiting for you because they have your money.” I said in pretty much one breath.

I would be lying right now if I was to say I wasn’t anxious. This situation with Danny’s temper, those two idiots and the fact one, possibly both are drunk, could be very dangerous.
And I really don’t want to be near it, I don’t won’t to hear it, I don’t want to see it, I don’t want to be hurt by it and I certainly don’t want to involved anymore in it.

I’ll be right there.” He hissed, he voice almost made me flinch. “Go to your room and stay there, I don’t want you getting hurt in this. Tell Chandra to stay with you till I get there.
“I’m in my room and I’m not moving, he’s with me now.”
Good. I don’t want friends of mine hurt.” He said almost sounding like he was running. “I’m just down the street.
Suddenly I heard the dial tone and hit the end button myself.

“He’s down the street.” I said facing Chandra who was still sitting on my bed.
He nodded and opened his arms for me. I dunno why but it felt just the thing I needed as I sat on his lap letting his arms wrap around me. I could feel how tense he was and I bet I was no different.
Shit is going to hit the fan big time.

Less than five minutes later the front door slammed shut; so hard my locked bedroom door rattled.
♠ ♠ ♠
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