Status: Done.

Just Smile, That's All I Ask.

I'm Waiting.

I stood at my bedroom door with Chandra, ears flat against it and both breathing as quiet as we could trying to hear the smallest amount of noise on the other side.
I’m waiting. I’m waiting for the screaming, the yelling, the swearing and possibly even yelps of pain. I’m waiting for it but so far all we can here is muffled low talking. I dunno if that is good or bad.
My hearts is beating so hard in my chest I think Chandra could hear it. I could almost feel myself starting to shake.
I have no idea what will happen and I really don’t want to run anyone to the hospital. Shit, shit, shit.

I placed my left hand on my temple and closed my eyes. My right hand was still holding my phone and I’m not letting go of it. Chandra pulled me to him and just held me.

“Wow, this is really a big surprise!” I could just hear Danny said in fake shock.
Only people that knew him well would know that it was fake and that it was really every word dripping in sarcasm.
“Their alive! And payed off their outstanding rent; amazing.”
“Well we have to pay for the grog you know, can’t have fun sober.” Tom laughed.

I sighed and shook my head. Alcoholic idiot.
“So how are ya doing mate?” Toby quickly added.
“I’m good.” Danny said boredly. “And you two goofballs?” He almost spat.
There was no way that anyone could tell that Danny wasn’t starting to get angry, I don’t blame him. Those two have trashed this house that many times I can’t count, caused trouble, threw a party here once...and I hate to see the sight of their rooms; I heard that there was holes in the walls and the furniture that was Danny’s was badly damaged.

“What do you think will happen?” I whispered when their talk quietened.
“I don’t know.” He whispered back.

I took a slow deep breath.
“What do you mean you want us out?” Someone yelled cutting me off of what I was going to say.
My eyes went wide and my heart jumped in my chest. Chandra stiffened.
And here we go.
“I want yous out! I’ve had enough of yous not paying on time and trashing my house!” Danny yelled.
“Bullshit!” Someone yelled making me flinch. “We’ve never done anything to your house!”
“Oh yeah, look how you fucking parked! On my garden and inches away from the house wall!” Danny yelled back.

The yelling got louder and with all three of them screaming at the same time was hard to understand some of it. Well it didn’t take long to get to this point did it?

“Maybe I should go out there...” Chandra said.
I tightened my hold on him. I didn’t want him hurt or Danny. Or even me. But the way this was going someone will get hurt.

To tell the truth I’ve been waiting for a fight between them to happen for the last year; since the moment Tom and Toby stepped into the house for the first time.
You know when you get the feeling around someone and you know it’s just bad news? Yeah well that is how I felt about these two when I first met them, but back then I pushed the feelings aside. I wish I didn’t.

A loud sudden crashing sound – like glass- made us both jump in shock. My head snapped towards the door with my eyes wide.

“Get your shit and get the fuck out of my house!” Danny screamed.
“Fuck you!”

Chandra pushed me gently away from him. He looked at me before unlocking the door and walking out.

“Wait!” I called. “Don’t!”
What if a fight happens and he gets hurt?

Standing in the door way of my room I watched as Chandra walked calmly into the living room and around the corner from my sight. I felt like hitting my head on the door frame besides me. The bad feelings bubbled badly in my stomach. I don’t like this.
Shit, fuck, crap and every other word like that.

This is not good. Not good at all.

With my heart going crazy I dashed to the living room. When I walked in there I froze in the door way. It was just like I expected it to be but at the same time completely different. It was a mess with Danny standing face to face with Tom yelling down each other’s throats.
Toby and Chandra were kinda talking while glaring diggers at each other.

I don’t think I’ve seen Chandra that mad in a long time.
It almost didn’t even look like him but another person like his twin or something. It in a way was...scary. I’m not going to lie; it freaked me out a little – but not as much as knowing that now he was involved in this, that much he could now get hurt.

“I want you two out, now.” Danny said so darkly it was scary. “You room leases are up and so is your time and my patience. Get your stuff and leave.” He continued ice cold.
“You can’t kick us out like that!” Tom hissed getting into Danny’s face.
“Actually I can. This is my house, my home; I’m in charge of the room leases. So fuck off!”

All of a sudden the worst thing that could happen happened. My heart sunk to the ground and I felt like I couldn’t move as I watched it happen with wide eyes.

Tom who was standing right in Danny’s face balled up his right fist and threw his arm out hitting Danny right in the jaw making him stubble back – somehow I don’t know how, he managed to keep his balance and threw his own punch back. It only took a matter of seconds for the two to be on the ground throwing punches left, right and centre.
Out the corner of my eye I saw Chandra go to run at them, probably to break it up but Toby grabbed him and flung him to the floor before trying to rip Danny off of Tom.

I gasped and did the first thing I could think of doing; I ran over to Chandra bending down by his head. With one arm holding his back he sat himself up hissing a few choice words to himself.
“You ok?” I asked.

He turned to me, wiped the pain from his face and beamed at me. I rolled my eyes.
The smiled quickly wiped off his face and he looked at me really serious.
“Get the phone, call the cops and no matter what you see, keep out the fighting.” He said standing. “I’m going to try and break this up.”
Without giving me time to argue about his safety he ran over and grabbed Danny, one arm around his waist and the other holding his arm back to stop him punching. Toby looked like he was having a really hard time holding Tom. It almost looked like Toby was trying to stop this.

I ripped my eyes away from them and ran the few short steps to the house phone –even though I had my mobile in my hand- grabbing it with one swoop of my arm and made my way over to the doorway of the room, so if I had to run suddenly; I could.
I swallowed hard and called ‘000’ as my heart pounded.
It wasn’t till I placed the phone to my ear that I noticed how shaky I was. I had to hold the phone tightly with my hand in hopes my hand will stay still enough to hold the damn thing.

Hello, triple zero what is your emergency?” Came a ladies voice talking calmly.
“Hi, I have a fight that has broken out at my house, I need the police here right away.”
I was amazed at myself how calm I sounded. I glanced over at the yelling and struggling boys. I watched wide eyed as Danny accidently kicked Chandra making his grip loosen enough for Danny to lunge forward and hit Tom square in the nose. I even heard the crack from where I was standing, I winced.

The lady on the line asked for the address and such. I quickly have them to her wincing when I saw Danny get hit in the stomach.
They will there soon as possible.” She said and I mumbled quick thanks and hung up...just too almost scream seeing Danny being practically thrown about a meter towards me.
He landed on the ground with such a hard thud that until he moved I thought he was out cold. All I could do was staring at him with wide eyes as he looked up at me. He opened his mouth to say something but got completely cut off.
“Jak, watch out!”

Hearing Chandra’s voice out of reaction I jumped back into the hallway about a second before a glass bottle or whatever it was, hit the door frame and shatter into pieces. The small fragments went flying and turned so I wouldn’t be hit; but it was too late, I still ended up with long but shallow cuts to my arm.

“Get out of the house Jacque!” Danny yelled.

And he didn’t have to say that twice. I turned and bolted for the front door; shoving it open with my shoulder –which hurt a lot- and ran out onto the front lawn. But once I got around five steps onto the grass I stopped and turned back looking at the house.
No one followed me out.

Breathing heavy and shaking I gripped into the phone as tight as I could. Not that doing that helped with anything.
I quickly looked at my phone and dialled the number I knew off by heart.
“Hey Rhi, you and Issac better get here; shit has hit the fan.” I said shakily.
We’ll be right there!” She said quickly.

I heard the dial tone and swallow hard. I turned and moved so I was standing on the walk path in front of the house. Suddenly I could hear yelling from where I was. I’ve been waiting for this; but I really hoped that it never would have happened.
I guess good things don’t like happening around me.

Running a hand though my hair I ignore the pain in my arm and shoulder and waiting for the police to arrive. Maybe then something good will happen
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep, shit hit the fan!
I hope this chapter turned out ok. Did you like it? D:
Oh and if you're wondering about how she called '000' - well I'm Australian and this story is based here :)

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