Status: Here kitty kitty

Darker Side of Me

Only Chapter One!

"No daddy! I did see it! I wasn't pretending, I saw a real panther out in the woods." cried a little girl, Elyria smirked as she over heard the conversation, the father just shook his head and told her to get into the vehicle. Elyria kept walking towards her own vehicle which she had gotten for 400 dollars and over time she fixed it up and made it look like it came right from 1979. A black Dodge charger, purple interior. Elyria took pride in her car, too bad on the passenger side door was a bunch of scratches from where a lycan had jumped up and tried taking out the window. The pup had no idea what it was doing. Elyria felt her back pocket vibrate and she reached around to pull out her cell phone and smiled when she saw the ID read Bro.


"When the hell you getting home? I'm hungry and Dana...well she's cranky." Edgar said, her older brother was not only the only family she had but he was also the last male panther, poor ladies he's had the same mate since he was 16. Dana was a brilliant female and also very cranky due to the fact that she was about to pop at any second. Twins, everyone is hoping for boys.

"I'm on my way, I just had to run you know?" Elyria said.

"Well when I was 20 yes I know, I'm 28 now so no...not really. Hurry the hell up!"

"Edgar be nice!" Dana yelled; Elyria laughed but fell silent when she felt eyes on her.

"Hey I'll call you back." Elyria said before snapping her phone shut; the sun was setting quite quickly. She glanced around, everyone had left the park. "I know you're there." Elyria said aloud. A white wolf stepped out of the woods to her to right. Crossing her arms in front of her and putting a majority of her weight on her right leg she glared at the wolf. "Of course, a lycan. Show yourself mutt." Elyria said, the white wolf began to transform. The prince himself stood in front of her, she's seen him a few times, always from a distance of course. For a lycan he was pretty cute...

"Well it looks like a few cats haven't been wiped out." Hunter said. All shapeshiters could shift back into human form with their clothes on, Hunter had seemed to only shift with just his pants.

"Your father's rules are stupid! So your mother decided to try and fight a panther! Why do all panthers have to pay for what your mother thought she could defeat?"

"My mother was intellengent, and a peace maker. She'd never just go out and pick a fight!" Hunter growled before running towards Elyria and jumping towards her shifting in mid-air his front paws colliding with her chest and then digging her claws into her chest. Elyria had stumbled back and landed hard on her back. She let out a cry before shoving hard at the wolf and she jumped up and took off running away from her car and towards the woods. She shifted and was quick to dodge trees and falling trunks. She leaped up and began to climb and easy access tree and hid out on a branch thick enough and strong enough to hold her up. She heard a howl in the distance followed by one not so far from her. The first one was a she-wolf and the closest one had to of been Hunter, glancing around Elyria saw a white wolf take off. Elyria waited a few minutes before jumping down and then shifting into her human.

"Someone is awfully touchy for a wolf." Elyria mumbled as she glared at the direction Hunter had ran. "Great now the prince himself is after me. Damn it mom you just had to take on the queen!" sighing Elyria began walking in the direction she had came from to head home. Tonight has been way too long.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's your fucking nightmare...

So why did Elyria's mom kill the queen? Will Panthers be saved? Is Hunter a Sassy wolf?
Tune in for more!!