Status: Here kitty kitty

Darker Side of Me

Chapter 3

"I swear I should just chain you up so you can't get hurt." Edgar said as he was pacing back and forth as Dana was cleaning up Elyria's chest wounds.

"How about I chain you up and see how you like it and then we'll talk." Elyria growled.

"It's not my fight animal control found you. You shouldn't have been snooping around backyards anyways." Edgar argued back.

"I was hungry and I smelt a cookout. Now how's my little nephews doing?" Elyira asked rubbing Dana's stomach, she felt one kick making her grin.

"They have been very active today. There, last one." Dana said as she stood up to back up some to give Elyria some space.

"Thanks, now I am going to eat, take a shower, and then pass out!" Elyria said standing up herself.

"So who attacked you again?"

The really fucked panthers over. I hope she realizes it!"

"Hey it was bound to happen! The queen was a whore." Edgar said, Elyria gasped.

"You don't think she slept with dad and mom found out and-"

"Dad would have been killed before the Queen. Now speaking of food, I'm starving! Dinner ready love?"

"Hey wait!" Elyria started making Edgar sigh. "She couldn't have been a whore, I thought once you mated you couldn't find happiness in...bed with any other shapeshifter?"

"Of course you can, it's just a myth. It's just if your mate dies you can't mate with anyone. You mate with that one person, they'll always be your mate. Now you can always have intercourse with a human but the second you have sex with a shapeshifter your mates for life." Dana explained.

"I thought blood had to be shared?"

"That's with two different shifters, like a lycan and a raven would have to have sex and share blood at the sametime. Same shifters don't, of course it never happens often when the two different shifters can reproduce. So not many shifters mate with a different shifter."

"Ugh, it all sounds complicated, maybe I'll stay a virgin for life."

"Now you're talking sis! So who's hungry?" Edgar asked heading for the kitchen.

"Actually-" Dana started; Edgar huffed. "-you can't stay a virgin for life really, at a certain age your body will scream for a mate. Not literally scream but you'll be horny as hell and basically the first male that comes into site you'll jump his bones, rather it's a panther, another shifter, or a human. Of course with a human the hunger will only be lightened giving you just so little time to find a real mate. Eventually if you don't find a mate you'll die...not a way to go. So once you find him jump him!" Dana said.

"Wow, way to encourage my sister! Now can we eat! I'm dieing here!" Edgar groaned.

"Hey, I'm bound to die a virgin! Espeically now that the prince is after me! I have to make sure he doesn't follow me home, I can't risk putting you four in danger."

"That's sweet of you, now can we eat?" Edgar asked; a very loud howl was heard from somewhere outside. Elyria gritted her teeth; Edgar grabbed Dana right away.

"Go downstairs, I'll take care of it."

"Elyria, no. There could be more than one." Edgar growled; Elyria's eyes narrowed.

"And I'm not letting them come in here and risk you, the last male. AND I'm not risking them hurting Dana, so GO!" Elyria hissed before she grabbed her brother's sword and rushed outside; Edgar started for her but Dana pulled him back.

"She's right Edgar. Elyria's strong, she can defend herself against a few Lycans. Come on." Dana said pulling him towards the door to go downstairs.
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Will Elyria be ok? Will Edgar ever get to eat? Is Elyria going to die a virgin? And who's howling at the door? Tune in for answers!