Status: Here kitty kitty

Darker Side of Me

Chapter 6

"So glad you caught her son. I had a feeling that feline could bring hell if she was anything like her mother." the king said as he walked into his office, Hunter was right behind him.

"What exactly are you planning to do to her?" Hunter asked.

"Well first things first Alistair was craving a little pussy so thought I'd literally give him one."

"That's rape!" Hunter argued, "Plus she's a virgin."

"She'll be perfect for his craving then." the king said sitting down in his chair, Hunter glared.

"Why did Harley kill mother?" he asked.

"That's none of your concern son."

"She was my mother. I deserve to know!"

"And I said it's none of your concern. Why must you argue with everything! I hate to be your mate. She's going to have to be a strong one." the king replied calmly.

"Tell me one thing. Does Elyria deserved to be punished for her mother's crime?"

"Yes, she's a panther. Now get out of my office, you're gving me a head ache." the king said, Hunter knew what he had to do. Storming out of the office he made his way towards the basement.

"He's here for you right?" Elyria asked in a panicked tone, Zack scoffed.

"Do I look gay to you? Pucker up sweets he's going to ravage you until sunset."


"No need to panic pussy." the rough voice said as he opened her cell door, Elyria quickly went into defense zone as soon as the lycan opened the cage he no longer was a threat but a road block. Elyria charged at him and knocked him to the ground taking him by surprise. She snatched the keys out of his hand and took off towards the door.

"What about me!" Zack growled.

"I'll be back! I promise!" Elyria yelled behind her as she ripped the door open and flew down the hallway. She smelt nothing but lycans and knew she had about a 30 percent chance of getting out alive. Now to just keep a movin! Instead of a road block next she found a complete brick wall and she collided right with it and it happened to keep her from falling onto her ass.

"Well you saved me a few minutes of extra work." Hunter said; Elyria's eyes widened and her mind went blank. She felt herself surrender. "Come on we have about 30 second before Alistair comes for you...unless you've killed him." Elyria shook her head no and gave a confused look.

"Don't ask questions, just come with me." Hunter said grabbing her elbow and leading her in the direction she had been heading. He led her up a set of stairs and dragged her down a hallway. He stopped as he rounded a corner; Elyria saw his sister walking towards them.

"What do you think you are doing?" the princess asked.

"What I think is right." Hunter growled, she smiled.

"Dad is going to kill you and will hunt her down himself."

"I know...that's why I am hiding her."

"What's going on!" Elyria finally snapped.

"Smile cause you got a third chance at living." she said before walking past Hunter and Elyria.

"Let's go." Hunter said.

"No! I can't trust you!" Elyria hissed.

"Fine, this might suck, but least it'll be a quiet trip." Hunter said before ripping out a needle and poking her in the neck with it, her eyes widened again before her world faded to black.
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Where is Elyria being dragged to? And why is Hunter saving her? Tune in!