‹ Prequel: Love the Leaves
Status: comments and subscriptions appreciated :)

Lost, Lost, Lost

Washed in Rays of Sunlight

I woke up to the sound of bloodcurdling screaming in the hall. I got up as fast as I could to see what was going on. I was one of those people that had to see the action, or somehow would feel guilty about not seeing it.

So when I ran out of my door I saw a kid throwing things. I couldn't tell what they were, but I saw the glint of metal in the light. I felt like I knew what it was, but I couldn't put my finger on it...

I heard the swoosh of something thick rushing beside my ear. Suddenly I fell to the ground, a heavy weight on top of me. My eyes were shut tight in reaction to the tension all around the hallway. Without looking I could see the people all around, ducking their heads from the blows of this mysterious kid. But I couldn't tell what was going on...

So I opened my eyes to find Seth on top of me, a knife sticking in my door and blood all around the floor. Wasn't this how my dream went last night? Somewhat. My dream was similar but a little different. The only difference was that this was reality, and somehow I knew what was coming next if I didn't act on it.

I pushed Seth below myself and closed my eyes, as I knew the knife would be coming any minute now. Before my death occurred, though, I looked at the kid who was throwing the knifes, killing the nurses and shredding the other patient's skin. I saw his long brown hair swaying and his blue eyes gleaming with hate. Would he stab me with all his might? I knew he had a strong hate for Seth but I would rather Chris take my life instead.

Yep, that's right, Chris was the murderer in front of us all. I couldn't believe it at first while I was asleep, crying my eyes out and feeling so lost and confused. But now I knew what would happen and I knew what I needed to do.

I slowly got up and looked down at Seth for a minute. He looked horrified and scared, pressing himself further onto the floor.

"Seth, it'll be alright. I'll handle this," I tried to reassure him. But I could tell from looking in his big brown eyes that he didn't--- couldn't believe me. He wouldn't do it. After all, there was this crazy guy killing people who obviously had a thing for me. Seth couldn't believe that this would be alright. With his dying eyes he sent me thoughts of love. I didn't want them though. I couldn't handle his love anymore; it was too mature for me. Well, that's what I thought anyway.

The guitar solo from Here We Go Again kept playing in my head, over and over. The scene playing from that night, over and over as I walked toward my newfound love. Or so I thought.

As I walked up to Chris, he started to fade away. What was going on? I reached my hand out, trying to touch what was leaving me so suddenly.


It wasn't a dream, it was a movie played out in front of me. Except I was living inside of that movie. So, basically, this girl living inside of me had extra super powers that I wasn't aware of. Now I was scared, though. What if it happened again? What would I do?

Someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes, groggily, to the sweet face in front of me. I leaned closer and kissed him, deeply, wishing he would feel me trying to talk to him through our tongues colliding. I was asking him if he would do such a terrible thing. I was asking him if it was real, if he dreamed of the same thing. I asked him to please forgive me for this girl inside of me who handed me these thoughts on a silver platter.

Then there was a loud whack! that wasn't there before. I stopped kissing Chris and turned to my left to see a nurse with a fly swatter in her hand. She smacked Chris on the butt with the fly swatter once more and got only inches away from my face.

"Ren, if you're going to get that close to someone that intensely, you better stop. You have AIDS, remember? You could bite his tongue or his lip and cause him to bleed. You could go even further to having sex. But of course you wouldn't be able to do that here. That is why, young lady, you are going in the seclusion room."

Some speech.

I got up and followed the rude, fat nurse to the seclusion room. I looked at Chris once more with sad eyes and left him standing in the middle of the hallway with nobody to cuddle with.