Take My ***ing Hand and Never Be Afraid Again

Last Memories and First impressions

My name is Angel. My mother named me that because while I was still in my mothers stomach my dad used to sing to me, and call me his little angel. When my father died before I was born that left my mother to raise me by herself. We lived a normal life, my uncle, who I had never met, provided a living for us. My mother often spoke fondly of him. We lived in a two storey white brick house in a small suburban country town, a town where everyone knows everybody else. It was pleasant. I went to a co-ed school; it was there my mother gave me a valuable piece of advice: keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer.

I had now grown up helping my mum around the house and going to high school, living a normal life. Well that was until I turned 16, my mother was driving home from work one day, it was a Friday afternoon, late-ish around 6, it was getting dark, she would be home soon. I would have dinner ready for her when she got home, Friday nights we had spaghetti, it was dad’s favourite apparently. So I did the usual and I had dinner ready to be served up by the time she walked in the door. I looked at my watch, 6:00, her car had usually pulled in the driveway by now.

I decided to put the food in the microwave and go and sit out on the white swing seat out on the front porch. As I closed the screen door behind me I glanced up the street and saw her car come around the corner, I smiled to myself as I soon felt relief wash over me. I watched for another minute or so before I saw a car pull out of the side street at a rather fast speed. I screamed as I saw the car swerve out on the main drag and side slam my mother’s car.

I next saw my mothers car, flip and burst into flames, I jumped from the porch and ran down the road as fast as I could towards her car. The other car had sped off into the distance by now. It became hard to see through the blur of tears, but I kept on running. I reached the car and skidded down onto my knees beside the car. My jeans were ripped as was the skin on my knees, I was as close as I could get to the car which had ignited containing my mother. I raised my hand up to my eyes to shield them from the flames and started to cough from the fumes.

People had started to come running out yelling things but I couldn’t hear them I couldn’t hear anything. I saw the flashing red and blue lights of ambulance, police and fire engines, they all flooded into the street. I felt arms around me pulling me back, it was my neighbour and best friend, Hayley. She grabbed me and pulled me back to hug me. I cried into her shoulder as she pulled me onto the footpath. We sat on the footpath watching the firemen coating the car with water extinguishing the flames.

The police had come over to us, I stared up at them, tears blurring my vision. They bent down to my side and the female officer called over an ambulance worker and asked for a blanket, which they got quickly. The officers took me over and I sat in the backseat of the police car with a blanket around my shoulders just watching the scene of my mothers’ death playing out in front of me. “Miss?” I heard the female officer repeat. I shook my head away from the scene and looked at her she had a kind face, auburn hair and dark green eyes, I didn’t recognise her so she must have been new to the force.

“S-sorry.” I stuttered an apology.

She smiled again and repeated her question, “If you don’t mind sweetie we would like you to tell us exactly what happened. If you feel up to it of course.”

The male officer, I did recognise, his name was Jake, he was only about 24. He tapped on the woman’s shoulder and left she flashed a smile at me before she did. Jake bent down to my level and asked me kindly, “Angel, what happened?”

I sighed and wiped the tears from my eyes and cheeks. “I...I did everything I was supposed to. I had dinner ready for my mother like I always do and, and, she wasn’t home at the usual time, so I went outside and I saw her come around the corner and then this car...came out of Lindsay Avenue and, hit the side of her car flipping it and it burst into flames and the car sped off. “ I broke down crying again and Jake called Hayley over to comfort me and take home and pack my things.

I stopped as he said this. “What? Where am I supposed to go, Jake!?” He smiled and I wondered why.

Why the fuck is he smiling?! Does he want me to be homeless!?

“Relax, Angel, we called your uncle. You’re going to stay with him. He’s organised a flight for you now. Now get yourself off to the airport with your things. Just say that you are Rob Cavallo’s niece. They will know who you are. Good luck Ange. We will miss you.” He replied before hugging me and kissing my cheek. He told Hayley everything and we ran home to pack my things.

Before I left the house I made sure I had all my belongings and all the important things of my mothers. Hayley’s mother drove us to the airport and I hugged Hayley and we cried as I left. She waved goodbye and I waved, crying silently as I headed down the hallway towards the jet that my uncle had sent to pick me up. I smiled at the hostesses as I boarded, they smiled back lightly. I was sat in a comfy cream coloured leather chair that I soon found out vibrated. I set it to vibrate accidently and broke out in giggles. I was bought hot chocolate and skittles to keep me happy. I soon fell asleep and was woken up by the hostess when we reached our destination. I yawned and stretched out. Rising from the seat I grabbed my bag I had bought on board with me. As I left the plane I said my goodbyes to the flight team and walked down the stairs and into the airport. I sighed when I realised I had no idea what my uncle looked like.


I stood up on a chair and looked around, for no one in particular when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and bring me down from the chair. I screamed before a voice hushed me. “Angel?” a husky voice asked.

“Yeah...?” I questioned turning around to face the man.

“Hi. I’m you’re uncle Rob.” He smiled and hugged me. “Come on sweetie there’s some boys I want you to meet.”

Oh great he’s trying to set me up already!


“Oh Angel calm down. Here’s one now. Gerard this is Angel, Angel this is Gerard.” My uncle said gesturing to a guy that had taken my bag from me. He had dark hair and dewy sensitive eyes. They were hypontizing. He was gorgeous, but he had an arrogance about him.

Come on Angel, time to start new. Act tough. Look he's starring at you! Say something! Suck it up!

“Stop starring at me!” I yelled a little bit too loud as more people started to stare at me.

“Sorry!” Gerard kind of yelled back.

“Okay kids are you done! It’s late and I don’t know about you two but id like to get home and get some sleep.” Rob said sternly starring down both of us.

We instantly closed our mouths. I looked at Gerard and poked my tongue out. He looked insulted but returned the gesture.

Stupid boys! Who does he think he is!?............. I miss mum. But I'm not going to let my guard down. Not in front of these people. Maybe my uncle in the morning but certainly not in front of this guy.
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i really hope you like this
its not going to be as cliche as it sounds at the moment lol
love you guys please read and comment and subscribe
comments are like skittles to me