Take My ***ing Hand and Never Be Afraid Again

Tantrums That Result In A New Love Possibility

Frank’s POV

Is he high!?! I’m not in love with him!

“Wh-what Gerard? Are you insane!? Or possibly high? That’s crazy. You’re crazy. How could I possibly be in love with you...or more to the point why would I be in love with you?!” I couldn’t help it I just snapped at him I saw the hurt in his eyes as the words spilled from my mouth.

I was so angry by that point that I just didn’t care. “You know what forget it! You wouldn’t understand anyway.” I went over to the door swinging it open and storming out slamming the door in Gerard’s face on the way.

I heard everyone calling my name as I stormed down the hallway pulling my hoodie over my head. I was so angry; with myself, with Gerard, and surprisingly enough with Angel.
I got in the lift and pressed the button for the Lobby and as the doors closed I saw her, Angel, standing in front of them, I just tilted my head and looked away from her pleading eyes and waited for the doors to close. I hung my head and waited for the lift to stop so I could go to Starbucks, get a coffee and go for a walk to clear my head. The lift jolted as it hit the Lobby, I sighed as the doors opened and was about two steps out of the lift when I was practically knocked off my feet. I hit the ground with a thud.

“Hey! Watch where you’re...” I looked at what had knocked me over, and was stunned, “...going...” I laid there sprawled out on the floor looking up at the most beautiful sight.

“Sorry...” was all she said as she quickly got into the lift and the doors closed soon after.

I laid there for a few more moments before hearing rapid footsteps heading my way. I lifted my head slightly to see the boys, with Angel close behind, running towards me. They skidded down beside me and Bob and Ray helped me up from the floor and dusted me off a bit. “Dude, what the hell? Where were you going? What made you take off?” Bob was questioning he sounded slightly worried about me.

Wow Gerard didn’t tell them? I'm surprised I thought he’d be boasting about me being “in love with him” to everyone.

“Just a bit tired of being cramped up; you know how I get when I'm stuck in a hotel for a while.” I said shifting from foot to foot and constantly turning around to look at the lift.

Who was she?

“Bro? What’s up?” Ray asked snapping his fingers in front of my face as if I was off in a trance.

“A...a girl...she was...” I trailed off as I heard the boys ‘ooh and ahh’

“Guy’s knock it off.” I said feeling my cheeks burn crimson. I shook my head and continued to talk to the boys. “Who wants a coffee?” I said glaring at Gerard as I walked past and headed for the doors. Of course Mikey was the first one to pipe up and say he wanted one. He ran past me and flew out the doors we all just followed giggling at him.

Normal POV

I heard someone slam the door in Frank and Mikey’s room across the hall, I headed for the door and opened it to see Frank storming down the hallway pulling his hoodie over his head I glanced at Gerard who was standing in the doorway looking dumbfounded. I called out Frank’s name as did everyone else but he just kept walking.

Why isn’t he listening? Why is he ignoring us? Why is he ignoring me? Is he angry with me? Did Gerard say something to him? Argh I'm so confused right now.

I ran back to the room the get everyone and tell them that Frank was gone... or going. We all ran down to the Lobby as fast as we could. When we got down there we were, or at least I was looking around the room for frank until bob let out a snigger from beside me and nudged me. I looked down at the floor to see Frank sprawled out on the ground.

Bob and Ray ran over to him and picked him up trying to dust him off. I stayed towards the back of the group and just observed. He had this far away look in his eye; like he was day dreaming or something.

“Dude, what the hell? Where were you going? What made you take off?” Bob was questioning Frank he had a distinct sound of worry lacing his voice.

I glanced at Gerard and he looked at the ground as if he was guilty of murder. I stared at him for a few moments before slowly turning my head back to look at the scene going on in the Lobby and waited for Frank’s reply.

“Just a bit tired of being cramped up; you know how I get when I'm stuck in a hotel for a while.” Was his reply, he was a bit unsteady on his feet shifting constantly from side to side. I watched him glance back at the lift every now and again.

Why is he looking at the lift? Is he in love with the lift now?

“Bro? What’s up?” Ray asked snapping his fingers in front of Frank’s face trying to get his attention.

“A...a girl...she was...” Frank trailed off causing the boys to be immature and ‘ohh and ahh.’

“Guy’s knock it off.” Frank said as he began to blush.

A girl?! What girl?! Who?! What’s going on?!
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hope you guys like it
i know i said 8 comments but you know i couldnt wait that long
so im treating the ones that have commented.
love you all
cyber *insert whatever you want here* to everyone that comments
love manda