Take My ***ing Hand and Never Be Afraid Again

Confusion Again And Decisions

The boys all pushed past me and Rob and entered the room. It was at that moment I wish I could have crawled into a hole and never came out. They all stopped as they saw Hayley.

Frank froze. He stood in awe of her. “It’s you...”


Frank’ POV

“It’s you...” I whispered out across the room when I saw her, the girl from the elevator.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, she was so beautiful, there seemed to be a light that surrounded her. I obviously hadn’t realised how long I had been staring at her because I all of a sudden received a rather vicious punch to my left arm.

Ouch! Well that could only be one person. Gerard isn’t strong enough to punch like that, don’t even get me started on Mikes and Ray is too much of a pussy to punch me, either that or he's too caught up in thinking of new riffs or something. So that only leaves one person. Bob.

“Ouch! Bob! You bitch! That was not cool. What was that for?” I yelled and rubbed my arm.

“He rambles when he's nervous or embarrassed.” Mikey giggled from beside Angel nudging her slightly. I saw her smile nervously at him before looking at Hayley and then at me.

“Frank are you at least going to say hello to Hayley? I mean she is my best friend and all...” Angel started to say before I cut her off.

“Oh no need for that, me and Hayley go way back, old friends.” I said and winked in Hayley’s direction. She giggled and nodded her head agreeing with me, I grinned back at her.

The other boys rolled their eyes and walked past into the kitchen. Surprise, surprise. I rolled my eyes as they passed me and then my eyes met with Angel’s, she quickly looked away and ran after the rest of the guys leaving me and Hayley alone. I giggled nervously and began to rub my arm, I glanced at Hayley and she was looking a little lost and confused. I got up the courage to go up to her and talk to her.

“Um, hi...I’m Frank...” I said formally introducing myself to her.

“Hayley.” She nodded shyly, “Oh, Frank...right I know you, well kind of. I mean apart from running into you at the lift.” She blushed a light shade of pink.

“Huh?” Oh crap she’s probably seen our shows or video’s, and now she will think I’m gay with...Gerard. Insert shudder here. Fantastic! “Well you know it’s not what you think. I assure you...” I stopped suddenly realising she obviously had no idea what I was talking about.

She then confirmed my thoughts, “What the hell are you on about? I just meant Angel’s told me all about you. More than you know.” She giggled and nudged me with her elbow.

“Okay now it’s my turn to be confused what are you talking about? What did she tell you?” my head was going in circles it was insane.

“Well I’ll tell you one thing, she hasn’t told a lie about you yet. You know I actually had an inkling that she may have the warm fuzzy’s for you but I’m not so sure anymore, she spoke fondly of you at first but then she started talking about Gerard and she sounded kind of annoyed about him which usually means she likes them. You follow me?” I just stood staring at her dumbfounded.

Angel liked me...there was a possibility...there still is. Oh wait she “likes” Gerard.

I was mentally kicking myself for not seeing it sooner. Time for me to make my move then before anyone else does, on Hayley.