Take My ***ing Hand and Never Be Afraid Again

Confrontations and Deep Thoughts Before The Show.

Angel liked me...there was a possibility...there still is. Oh wait she “likes” Gerard.

I was mentally kicking myself for not seeing it sooner. Time for me to make my move then before anyone else does, on Hayley.

At the Venue

Normal POV

We arrived at what looked like a charity gig, which was kind of sweet of the boys to play at one, and all piled out of the vans and into the venue. The boys all went backstage to get dressed or whatever it is they do back there, personally I don’t think I actually want to know. Hayley, Rob, Brian and I all went towards the stage, Brian and Rob disappeared towards the instruments to make sure everything was in check. Leaving Hayley and I to head towards the edge of the stage, where we were greeted by another guy.

“Um excuse me ladies but do you have passes to be back here?” the guy asked us.

We panicked because Rob hadn’t given us any, “Um, um, no we don’t but Rob is my uncle... and we’ve been staying with the boys in the hotel and yeah.”

“Yeah and I’m a pixie.” He replied sarcastically, taking Hayley and I by the arms and leading us towards the exit.

We had reached the exit door at the back of the studio and we were still trying to argue our point not that we had much to work with.

“What’s going on?” a voice came from behind us.

Hey, I know that voice! Frankie! Oh thank god.

“Nothing to worry about Mr Iero, just escorting some girls out that didn’t have passes to be here. Go back and finish getting ready.” The guy opened the door and was about to throw us out when Frank grabbed his arm.

“It’s okay Worm, they are allowed to be here. She is Rob’s niece and they have been staying with us in the hotel and this is my girlfriend, Hayley. So you can relax and stop calling me “Mr Iero.” Frank giggled and pulled Hayley towards him planting a kiss on her cheek.

Wow...um...okay I don’t know quite how to take this. For some reason I don’t feel too well. But Hayley looks happy; maybe I was wrong about Frank. Maybe he doesn’t like Gerard or men...

“Oh, um, sorry girls and congrats Frank, she’s gorgeous. If you follow me you can have front row seats, so to speak.” The guy, apparently called Worm, told us.

I looked to Hayley and saw her blushing more than I had ever seen her do. I pulled her away from Frank and we followed Worm to the stage area as Frank disappeared again. I heard Hayley giggling to herself and I knew exactly why. Frank.

I smiled and shook my head at her, “So you and Frank huh?” I questioned her.

“What are you talking about, Ange?” She giggled blushing again.

I nudged her arm softly, “You know exactly what I'm talking about, missy, the kiss; the fact that he called you his girlfriend.” I winked at her.

“It’s nothing. He was just being Frank...i think. Its nothing Angel.” She was trying so hard to find an explanation but there wasn’t one.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking with Worm. Hayley shuffled along behind us.

Well this show should be interesting now that Frank has practically declared his love for Hayles. Well I guess I should focus on Gerard now, I mean he practically declared his undying love for me, so I guess my word has been cut out for me. So why am I so bummed about not being with Frank he obviously doesn’t seem too worried about it...does he? Obviously not because he likes Hayley, but I should be happy for her she’s my best friend and she deserves someone like Frank.
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hope you enjoy it =D
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