Take My ***ing Hand and Never Be Afraid Again

Bathroom Dramas And Sleep Talking Trouble

Gerard’s POV

I stepped to the side as Rob left the bathroom leaving Angel and I alone to talk. I was confident going into the bathroom that I knew what I was going to say but as soon as Rob had left and that door shut I think my mind and voice went with him.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out, I just had no idea what to say to her anymore. I went in there with the confidence to talk to her and comfort her but now I just felt like a fifth grade boy trying to talk to his crush for the first time. I bet she thought I looked like an idiot standing there opening and closing my mouth like a fool and not saying anything.

Come on Gee pull yourself together. She needs you right now. Now is your chance.

Even after mentally kicking myself a few hundred times I did the only thing my body would let me do. I opened my arms to her, which she quickly found comfort in. She buried herself in my chest and I wrapped my arms around her as she began to sob again. I could do nothing but rub her back comfortingly as we both collapsed onto the bathroom floor. I still had Angel in my arms; she was curled up with her head on my chest and her feet tucked up into her chest. I lightly rested my head on hers, not really sure if I should or not.

“It’s okay Angel, I’m here. It’s okay. I got you.” I whispered as soothingly as I could into her ear. I began to lightly stroke her hair with my right hand; I bent down and lightly kissed the top of her head to calm her down. I heard the door creak open, but when I turned around I saw no one was there. I stared puzzled at the door for a moment before pushing it shut softly and turning my attention back to Angel. For about the next ten minutes or so I keep whispering and such to her before soon noticing that she had stopped crying in my arms.

I brushed a small bit of hair away that was covering Angel’s eyes to notice she had actually fallen asleep in my lap. I couldn’t help but smile at how sweet she looked, even with her mascara streaking her cheeks. She was sleeping so peacefully although she couldn’t have been asleep for longer than five minutes. I looked around a bit before realising that I couldn’t actually move without waking Angel. I didn’t want to yell for someone either because I would wake her up. So I reached for Angel’s bag and found her phone. Quickly finding the phonebook, I searched for Hayley’s number and pressed the ‘Send Message’ button.

Hayley, it’s Gee. I’m in the bathroom with Angel but she’s fallen asleep on me and I don’t want to wake her can you come and help me? g xoxo.

I put Angel’s phone quietly back in her bag and waited patiently for Hayley. A few minutes passed before I heard footsteps coming down the hallway towards the bathroom. Although they didn’t sound like delicate female feet padding softly down the hallway, they were more like the hard, rugged footsteps of a male. As the footsteps approached the bathroom I heard them pause just outside the door, before I heard the door handle being slowly and quietly turned and the clicking sound that told me the door had opened. I turned my head quickly towards the door to see Frank standing in the doorway.

I put my fingers to my lips to tell him to be quiet and not to wake Angel. He nodded his head in agreement and quietly crouched down next to me. “How long has she been out?” He whispered smiling down at her and then up at me.

“Ah, um about ten minutes now. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to wake her she’s had a big day and stuff. Where’s Hayley?” I asked when it suddenly dawned on me that Frank was here when I texted Hayley.

“Oh, well pretty much same story I came off the stage and she found me and told me about Angel and all that and yeah. I was sitting with her when she fell asleep on the lounge next to me. I heard her phone vibrate next to her and saw it was Angel. I debated about opening it which is why it took me so long to get here and when I saw it was from you I got Bob to watch Hayley and I came straight here.” I couldn’t help but giggle a little noticing that he was out of breath from trying to say all that in one breath.

“Here come on she’s starting to stir, let’s just get her and Hayley back to the vans and take them back to the hotel. They need a good nights sleep. Angel’s has had a fucker of a week.” He smiled at me and I smiled back gratefully.

“Okay careful, just help me lift her up I’ll carry her and stuff.”

I took her head in my hands and Frank helped me shift her onto my lap. She began to stir and groan in her sleep and whenever she did we both froze in mid action, I felt like a robber trying to steal a bloody diamond and every time we heard a noise we would freeze as if we were about to be caught. After she had settled back down we resumed our mission and once I had her draped over my lap and her head on my shoulder I bent my legs and attempted, with Frank’s hands under my arms, as mine were busy hanging onto Angel, to get up off the floor. After about five minutes of trying to stifle our giggles Frank and I finally managed to get up with Angel still asleep in my arms.

Frank quietly opened the door and I walked out carefully making sure not to bump Angel on the frame. We walked down the hallway towards the back entrance. Bob, Mikey and Ray were nowhere to been seen. Hayley was still sleeping comfortably on the sofa where I assume Frank and Bob had left her. Frank ran over to the back door and opened it just enough to look out. He quickly pulled his head back in and I tried so hard not to laugh at the look on his face. I shaking with giggles but had to calm myself down so I didn’t wake Angel.

“Frank what’s wrong?” I whispered.

Frank replied; his eyes still wide as saucers, “Two words Gerard. Fan. Girls.” He went pale.

“Aw fuck no. Get Worm.” I was not in the mood to have my ass grabbed or be lectured on who the girl is or if I would kiss Frankie for a picture.

Frank nodded with a serious look on his face and opened the door and started to wave his arms about. “Frank what are you doing?” Worm questioned as he hurried over while still keeping an eye on the others.

“Getting...your...attention...” Frank replied looking confused as to why Worm was asking him that question.

“Oh, cos it looked like you were trying to land a bloody plane!” Worm joked and Frank hit him lightly in the arm to shut him up.

“Worm we need you to clear the way to the vans or bring them as close as you can to the door. We don’t want to expose the girls to this. They don’t need it and besides they are both asleep.” I smiled sheepishly at him. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

“Sure. Give me two minutes.” He smiled and walked back out the door towards the screaming girls.

“That’s one brave man.” Frank joked before going over and lifting Hayley off the lounge and carrying her over to the door. She instantly snuggled up to him.

That’s so cute!

The door opened and in the doorway appeared Bob. “Come on guys, let’s get going, Rob and Brian are waiting at the hotel for us.” Bob helped us get the girls in the car and we clambered in next to them.

When we arrived back at the hotel Bob suggested the girls share a room, so I gave up my spot in Angel’s room for Hayley, meaning I was sharing with Rob. We carried the girls up to their room and settled them on their beds. Bob and Frank helped me carry my stuff across the hall into my new room. Bob went back for the last bit of my things and to check on the girls before he went off to bed.

Bob’s POV

I went into the girl’s room and grabbed Gerard’s last bag and to make sure the girls were settled in and sleeping soundly. I smiled softly at the sight, they looked so peaceful. I was almost out the door when I heard one of them stir and a ruffle of sheets, I turned around to see Angel rolling over and there was a smile on her face. I smiled and shook my head before almost closing the door fully I heard Angel’s voice but it was sleepy, meaning she was sleep talking.

I love you too, Frankie...

I quickly shut the door behind me and stood with my back against the door my eyes wide. “Well that’s not good.”

“What’s not good?” I turned to see Gerard standing next to me having his midnight coffee. I gulped down the lump in my throat.

What the fuck am I supposed to tell him?
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hope you enjoy it ^^
see comments help me write ^^
so keep em coming