Take My ***ing Hand and Never Be Afraid Again

Relationship talks,and awkwardness

What the fuck am I supposed to tell him?

“I, uh, um, Angel was just...” Thankfully I was cut off by someone; I turned around to find out who.

Oh great!

I rubbed the back of my neck, “Uh hiya Frankie,” I laughed nervously; he just stared at me like I was weird.

“Hey Bob.” He said cheerfully next to me. He was shifting from foot to foot like he had had too many skittles or something.

Oh this is awkward.

“Uh, uh, here’s the last of your things.” I quickly shoved Gerard’s bag into his arms and began to power walk away. I got to the room I shared with Mikey; I reached for the door handle and just as my hand touched the soothingly cold metal I was stopped. I sighed and turned around to see Frank standing behind me grinning madly.

“Hiya Bob. You got a second? Can, can, can I talk to you?” he looked up at me with his hazel eyes glistening from the light in the hallway.

“Sure kiddo. I’ll be in there in a second, okay?” I ruffled his hair purely because I know he hates it. I giggled to myself and headed into my room. Mikey was fast asleep in his bed with his blankets pulled up tight around his neck. I couldn’t help but chuckle slightly. I went over to my bag grabbing my pyjamas out and heading to the bathroom. I came out a few minutes and nearly had a heart attack. I found frank standing in the middle of the room just staring at me.

“Frank!” I yelled kind of loud causing Mikey to stir and almost fall out of his bed. I cringed at thinking I had woken him up. “Frank. You nearly gave me a heart attack what’s the matter with you?” I whispered to him grabbing him by the arm and taking him out into the hallway so as to not wake Mikey.

“Ouch! You need to stop working out or something Bob. I waited for like five minutes and you didn’t come in.” He looked at me and pouted.

“Frank you sound like a love sick fan. I was getting changed. Is that okay with you?” I asked jokingly. He pouted at me still. I sighed, “Okay, Frank, let’s go to your room and talk about whatever it was you wanted to tell me.”

He all of a sudden looked really nervous and began shifting from foot to foot but not in the same way he had been earlier. “Oh, okay...sure.” he quickly shuffled his feet towards the door and began to fumble around with the lock before finally pushing it open. I gave him an odd look but shook it off and followed him inside and closed the door behind me.

Wow his room is messy.

“Um, Frank what is this ab... oh my God Frank! Put your clothes back on!” I was mentally scarred for the rest of my life.

Oh this so better not be what he needed to talk to me about! All I do is walk into his room to talk to him and I turn around and see Frank removing his shirt and pants! Why me? Okay I need to set him straight... literally.

“Uh Frank, listen you’re one of my best friends, and I love you tons but not like that dude. I just think that maybe you...” I was interrupted by Frank bursting into giggling fits while pulling a new shirt on. “Frank this isn’t funny! It’s serious!”

“No it really is funny, Bob! I was just getting changed. I’m not gay.” He was laughing more the more he spoke. I looked gobsmacked and I'm pretty sure I was blushing.

“Oh, um well let's just forget that then...what did you want to talk about then." .I said as I edged past Frank and sat on the side of his bed.

“Oh, um, it’s about Hayley.” He suddenly broke eye contact with me and made eye contact with his feet.

“Frank...” I said in a worried voice.

“No, Bob let me get this out please. I don’t love Hayley...but I’m trying to. I mean she’s funny, cute, smart, beautiful, and that little thing she does with her nose when she smiles is so cute.” Frank began to ramble so I had to intervene.

“Uh Frank you’re rambling. It doesn’t sound like there is a problem here. You sound pretty in love with Hayley to me.”

“But that’s the thing. I don’t want to be in love with her, I can’t love her.”

“Um why?” I was a little confused at this point.

He sighed heavily and remained silent for a moment. “Because Bob...because I love Angel.”

Oh wow is this awkward. I can either tell him about what Angel said in her sleep and destroy multiple friendships all at once or I can pretend to know nothing and let him find his feet by himself. What the fuck did I do to deserve to have this left in my hands!

“Bob?” I must have drifted off and ignored him while I was thinking.


“Oh nothing I was only talking about my feelings and you weren’t listening to me it’s no big deal.” He said pouting and folding his arms across his chest. “What should I do, Bob?”

“Frank, honestly. I have no idea. Just let things fall into place. I, I, I really don’t know anything. I mean Angel never said anything to me about you...directly.” I was trying so hard not to tell him. I wanted to so badly but I just couldn’t.

“What do you mean ‘directly’?”

Oh shit! Busted.

“Um, Frank, Angel uh, she uh... I was... she said...” I’m so bad at this.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

A loud noise was coming from my back pocket.

Yes my Pj’s have pockets

I reached for my phone. It was a text from Hayley. I had given her my number earlier.

Hi Bob, I hope you are still awake but I need to talk to you. It’s important and I didn’t know who else to talk to. And I certainly cant tell Angel. It’s yeah. Soon thanks. Love Hayley.

Oh for God’s sake! Not again! Why me!?

“Uh Frank can we talk about this later. Just follow your heart and now I must go help someone else with their relationship problem.”