Take My ***ing Hand and Never Be Afraid Again

Evil Plots and Jealousy and then there was Brian.

This is somewhat comforting. Its something about these two that make me feel safe. Or is it just one of them that does this to me? I think Gerard likes me, I mean he kissed my forehead. Maybe that was just him being nice. But then again Frank seems to get upset whenever Gerard is around me... I think Frank’s in love...with Gerard...Aww! That’s so cute! But for some reason I don’t think Gerard likes men...Im so, so confused right now. I think I need to open up and tell everyone what happened to my mother.

After about ten minutes of sitting on the steps surrounded by the boys and Rob, who was trying to fight off teenage girls trying to get to the boys, for some strange reason. I soon composed myself and sniffed back the final tears and sadness before standing up with the help of Frank and Gerard. I smiled at them all once more before heading towards Rob.

“You okay Angel?” he asked sweetly.

I smiled and nodded as he took my arm and lead me through the growing group of girls to the van. I hopped into the van and sunk into my seat grabbing my iPod from the floor. I put one of the ear phones back in and turned to Rob,

“I want to tell everyone what happened to my mother…whenever they have time to listen. I think it will help them understand. I hope.”

I placed the other ear phone into my other ear and cranked the volume.

We soon arrived at wherever we are supposed to be going, some kind of studio. I turned my iPod off and jumped out the car swinging my bag over my shoulder as I went. I sighed as I looked up at the huge building.

This place is massive. I’m so going to get lost...

I was about to head up the huge set of stone steps when an arm was placed around my shoulders; I quickly glanced to the side to see Bob with his arm around my shoulder and a smile on his face. He hugged me into his side and walked with me into the big building.

“Thanks Bob. I appreciate it. This place...” I started before getting interrupted by Bob.

“Can be pretty scary. I remember when I first joined the band and had to come here, I was scared of this place, I mean it is huge. It can be pretty daunting but now...it’s just like home to us. And... I didn’t have someone ruggedly handsome with their arm around me to help me out... I just had Gerard.” He looked so serious, I burst out laughing.

“Yeah you’re right...” I said softly before noticing Gerard and Mikey were a few steps behind us and by the sounds of it they were complaining about not having their morning coffee.

I giggled before raising my voice slightly and saying, “Gerard isn’t ruggedly handsome at all is he Bob?” Bob and I giggled to ourselves as we heard Gerard gasp.

We both shook our heads as we continued down the long hallways, with polished floorboards and blood red paint lining the walls on either side of us, until we reached the end of the last hallway there was a dark oak double door. Rob ran ahead of us and pushed open the doors, inside was a massive recording studio. The cream polished floorboards complimented the dark blue walls perfectly.

In the centre of the room in a black leather chair sat a guy in a red shirt and jeans he was covered in tattoos and had multiple piercings and his brown hair was messy. Bob removed his arm from around me and went and shook the hand of the tattooed man with messy hair, as did everyone else in the room except me. I stood my ground at the back of the group and looked around the room nervously. I kept grabbing the strap of my bag and hitching it higher and higher on my shoulder even when it couldn’t go any higher.

I heard Rob call my name all of a sudden; I looked up and saw everyone starring at me. I smiled nervously back at them before seeing Frank walk over to me.

“Angel? Are you okay?” he asked kindly giving me a reassuring smile and rubbing my arm a little.

“Yeah...I just have no idea who that is...” I said feeling slightly embarrassed. He giggled softly.

I still think his giggle is the most adorable thing ever.

“Yeah that would be because you haven’t met him yet and if you stand all the way over here you wont ever know the awesomeness that is Brian Schechter. Then maybe later I could give you the grand tour of the studio?” He grinned widely. I shook my head and giggled as he led the way over to this Brian guy.

Frank’s POV

“Yeah that would be because you haven’t met him yet and if you stand all the way over here you wont ever know the awesomeness that is Brian Schechter. Then maybe later I could give you the grand tour of the studio?” I said grinning from ear to ear.

Wow. I actually get to talk to her alone without Gerard sticking his big head into the conversation and trying to woo her or at least that’s what he thinks he’s doing.

I saw her shake her head and giggle.

So cute.

I felt so comfortable with her. She emits this aurora. It’s beautiful…

Frank stop rambling and walk her to Brian.

I wandered slowly trying to spend more time with her before Gerard could try and steal her. We reached Brian and she kind of shied away from him, not sure what to say. I think Rob saw this so he decided to introduce her.

“Brian, this is my niece Angel. Angel this is the bands manager Brian.” Brian nodded his head as a form of greeting and Angel smiled at him. I smiled as Angel smiled. It was contagious. But as quickly as the moment began it ended. Gerard decided to intrude and take her away. Again!

Gerard’s POV

I saw Frankie trying to get all friendly like with Angel. He wasn’t going to move in on my turf, so I took charge of the situation. “Er…Angel?”

She spun on her heels and turned to face me her blonde hair swishing around almost hitting Frank in the face. I couldn’t help but laugh a little but soon composed myself.

“Yes Gerard?” she questioned.

“Oh um would you like me to show you around?” I said with a hopeful tone in my voice although I knew I had her the moment she looked at me.

Frank was a goner.

Normal POV

“Oh um… I … er…” I glanced back at Frank knowing full well that he had asked me and I wanted him to show me around but Gerard was just so persistent.

I don’t think he’s going to take no for an answer.

“Great. Let’s go.” He grabbed my hand and started to lead me away. I sighed and turned around to tell Frank that he could show me around later but he had disappeared up some stairs. I sighed and felt saddened by the fact I just couldn’t say no to Gerard.

The first place Gerard took me was into a room upstairs I’m guessing above the studio where the onlookers sat.

“This is most likely where Brian and Rob will have you sitting most of the time you’re here. You can see everything from here. Well everything in the actual recording room. You’ll be able to watch and hear us play. Should be great. No, no. Will be great.” He grinned widely.

I smiled.

“Yeah it better be great or I'm not going to be impr-“ he cut me off in mid sentence by pushing his lips against mine.

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sorry for not updating in a while ive been soooo busy
i hope you enjoyed this.

but yes comments help me write if i dont get comments i dont write.