Take My ***ing Hand and Never Be Afraid Again

Embarrasing moments and Scandals

“Yeah it better be great or I'm not going to be impr-“he cut me off in mid sentence by pushing his lips against mine.

I pulled away almost instantly from the kiss. “Gerard?! What the fu-” he cut me off again with another strong forceful kiss.

[Frank’s POV]

I sighed as Angel got lead away from me by Gerard once again.

Why does this always happen to me?

I trudged wearily up the stairs to the onlooker room. It was only lunch time and I was just too tired to do anything, least of all practice. At least at practice I was in my element I could relax and do my own thing. I didn’t have Gerard bossing me around or trying to steal my guitar. When I reached the overhead room I heard Gerard’s voice, I sighed as I realized he must be in there with Angel, or if by some miracle she had left him to go find me and he was arguing with himself or just being normal Gerard and talking to himself.

I put my hand on the cold metal door handle and was about to push the door open when I heard Angel’s voice.

I guess she really does want to be with him. I am only her friend and nothing but that. Accept it Frankie boy. You’ll never be anything more to her than that.

I sighed and turned without opening the door and trudged down the stairs to the studio where the others were.

[Normal POV]

I finally got the sense back in my brain and pushed Gerard from me, causing him to stumble backwards into the chair that was behind him. He had a stupid smirk on his face like he had just won a bet or something. I pulled my arm across my lips trying to get the saliva off my face from where Gerard had slobbered on me. I stared at him in disbelief.

“You…” I started before he cut me off…for the third time, but this time not with a kiss just an arrogant remark.

“Yes me. I know I have that affect on most girls. But none that I'm in love with.” He began to stare at the ground and scratch at the floor with his boots.

“Love?!” I questioned.

love? My mother just died the funeral hasn’t even been yet. Ive only known this guy for a day and a bit how can he be in love with me. Can he?

“Gerard…” I started but he again interrupted me by planting a soft delicate kiss on my lips and quietly exiting the room. I just stared after him in astonishment.

That man needs to learn to listen.

I shook my head and sat down in the chair Gerard was just sitting in. As soon as I sat in the comfy chair I was jumping out of it. Rob came through the door and came up behind me and yelled my name scaring the bejesus out of me.

Startled I stood with my back against the glass of the room staring at Rob as if I was about to have a heart attack.

“Sorry. Couldn’t resist.” He giggled.

“Couldn’t resist giving you’re niece a heart attack?! Rob you scared the bejesus out of me!” I playfully whacked him in the arm. “Bully.”

“Hey I'm not the one getting violent here.” He said rubbing his arm.

“Oh come on as if I hurt you just then!” I said rolling my eyes. “So did you have a reason for nearly giving me a heart attack or was that your goal for the day?”

He gave me a fake hurt look and giggled. “Um the boys were about to start practicing and stuff so I thought I’d come up here to fill you in on the history of the band…” he said trailing off and stealing my seat.

“Hey! That’s my…never mind.” I said shaking my head and dragging my own chair over and sat next to him looking out over the recording room where I could see the boys setting up their instruments and such.

“Okay so Bob wasn’t originally in the band, the original drummer was a guy called Matt they had him for the first album they released. There were complications though with some of the members not getting along with him so they had to let him go. By this time Frank had only just joined the band as the second guitarist and they were on a small tour and they had met up with this sound guy called Bob. Bob chose to tour with them for a little while doing sound when Matt left they decided to ask Bob to play drums for them. They had no idea if this guy could even play drums and when he showed them he blew their minds. He still does.
Mikey came up with the band name My Chemical Romance. He and Gerard used to work at the local Barnes and Nobles Gerard in music and Mikey in books. They were sitting down one time with one of Mikey’s friends and reading some new Irvine Walsh novels. Just skimming over the backs reading what each book was about when something about the phrase “chemical romance” caught Mikey’s eye and he turned to Gerard and said “How about if we put a ‘My’ in front of that and made it ‘My Chemical Romance’ that would be a kickass band name. And so on and so forth.
Their first album was called “I bought you my bullets you bought me your love.” I’ll let you listen to it a bit later on. The one they are just putting out now, well putting the finishing touches on, is called ‘Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge.’ Have a listen I have to go and join Brian down stairs in the studio.” He rose up from his seat and ruffled my hair causing me to growl at him and he giggled and walked towards the door.

“Oh and Angel try not to distract the boys…” he smiled evilly and left shutting the door behind him.

[Gerard’s POV]

As I entered the recording room I glanced around and saw Bob looking pissed off about something but he was setting up his drum kit so he was bound to drum out his aggression soon enough. Soon after I felt a sharp pain in my back as something hit me, I soon noticed Frank stalking past me his guitar over his shoulder.

“Hey! Doofus… I’m standing here bro’. Watch Pansy next time.” I yelled playfully to him. He just turned and grinned at me before turning around and plugging in his ‘baby.’ I turned and almost ran into my brother and his bass. “Watch it Mikes.”

“Oh sorry bro.” he said as if he had no idea I’d almost fallen over him.

Something’s wrong here…

I shook off that feeling as Ray tapped me on the shoulder and pointed up to the onlooker’s room. I slowly turned my head to see that Angel had her back to the glass and she was pressed against it. I smirked to myself as I looked. I heard Frank cough to get my attention. I pulled myself away from the picture in front of me to look and find out what Frank wanted.

Better be important.

Frank was shaking his head giggling slightly. “You’re such a perve Gerard!”

I cocked my head to the side as if I had no idea what he was talking about when inside I was mentally killing him for tearing me away from that. I drew my attention back to the onlooker’s room and she was gone. I growled under my breath and walked towards my other half, my microphone. I caressed it softly running my fingertips across the metal before wrapping my hand around it and pulling it from its stand. I heard Ray and Bob burst out laughing behind me causing me to snap out of my little trance I tend to slip into when I'm at practice.

“What?!” I snapped.

“That poor microphone…” I heard Mikey mutter under his breath trying not to die from laughing.

“Huh?!” I asked obviously confused.

“You were getting very sexual with your microphone there, Gerard. You look like you were practicing.” Bob said bursting into fits of giggles and soon everyone else began laughing. I went bright cherry red.

“Come on guys lets just get some practice in…” I said quietly, signalling to Brian we were ready. Even if they weren’t.

Normal POV

After Rob had left I heard the boys laughing at something so I got up and stood over near the glass leaning against it trying to work out what was going on. I saw Gerard get embarrassed and then shy away from everyone else I think he was blushing.

Oh my God. Did they find out about the kiss? Did someone see it? What was he going on about love for? God! Why am I still thinking about Gerard? Why am I still thinking about kissing Gerard?!
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