Take My ***ing Hand and Never Be Afraid Again

Comforting Texts, Messing Around & Daunting Times

Oh my God. Did they find out about the kiss? Did someone see it? What was he going on about love for? God! Why am I still thinking about Gerard? Why am I still thinking about kissing Gerard?!

I left the onlookers room to go down and investigate for myself. I grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I heard the drums and the bass start and then guitars and then I heard it. Gerard’s singing. It was amazing. Much better than what I thought it would ever have been, only because someone that arrogant shouldn’t have such a wonderful gift. All the boys had talent, they were amazing. I thought about how lucky I was to be hearing this;

if I was at home I never would have had this chance...but then again I would be with mum…she would still be alive…I find myself torn between two wonderful worlds, both have their ups and downs. Only time should tell what is meant to become of them…Although I do miss her so much.

I sniffed back the tear that was about to pass my lids, I composed myself for a moment at the bottom of the stairs before standing at the glass of the little recording room where Brian and Rob were. I stood mesmerized my the sight I saw. I was so into the scene that I didn’t hear Rob come out and start talking to me.

“Good aren’t they?” Rob said matter-of-factly to me, pausing before speaking again realising I wasn’t listening to him. He roughly poked my arm to get my attention. “Oi! Angel!”

“Ow! Oh hi Rob. What was that for?!” I said rubbing my arm and pouting at him like a six year old.

He simply laughed at my gesture and repeated his question or rather repeated his fact. “I said, ‘Good aren’t they?’ but then you ignored me so I poked you.” He grinned.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the boys who were playing with all their heart and soul, even from this far away it was obvious. “Yeah…they are…” I drifted off as I continued to watch intently.

“Well we have a long day ahead of us sweetie so you might want to make yourself at home.”

“Yeah…Sure...” I nodded and agreed not actually hearing what he said.

He grinned beside me, knowing full-well I wasn’t listening to him one bit, “Hey um Angel, so you’re cooking dinner for us tonight huh?” he giggled like a little girl.

“Mmhmm…” I replied still in my daze. “Wait!” I said quickly clicking into what he just asked me.

He grinned and quickly ran back into the office closing the door behind him. “Damn you Rob! That wasn’t fair!” I scowled.

I sunk down the wall and got my book out of my bag, “Sins of the Mother,” I sighed as I read the words before opening the cover and finding my page. I read on and on about a mother who pleaded with the nation to find her missing children before finally admitting to murdering them herself. The chapters got more and more intense and emotional as the story went on. I actually felt myself let a few tears slip as she spoke about her children.

It wasn’t long before I felt my bag vibrate on the floor next to me. I cocked my head to the side wondering what the hell was going on before realising it was my phone going off. I quickly rummaged through my bag to find my phone. I quickly pulled it out and looked at the screen. 1 New Message.

I smiled as I opened the message; my smiled widened even more when I saw that the message was from Hayley.

Hey Angel, I hope everything is good with your uncle and everything. Missing you heaps. You remember that officer, from the accident…Jake? Yeah well he asked me out. =D. I hope to see you soon sweetie or at least hear from you. Give me a call when you can k? Love ya girl. Xoxox

I had began to weep reading the text, I didn’t realise how much I would miss Hayley when I left. She was my best friend and now we barely talk. I messaged back,

Hey Hayles, I miss you like mad too. That’s good about you and Jake. I met these boys in this band that my uncle manages or something. There’s a few cuties in the band. I’ll ring you when I get a free second… we need to arrange the funeral…love you too. Xxx

I pressed send and placed my phone back into the bag. I leaned my head back against the wall but just as I did I heard the door open beside me and I heard everyone talking.

“Man I'm starved! Let’s go eat!”

“God how I love doing that! It’s such an energy release! It’s like sticking a fork in a toaster!”

“Frank man, stop jumping around you’re gunna break something!”

“Gerard’s in love with a microphone”

“Shut. Up.”

I looked up at them and shook my head giggling. I picked myself up putting my book securely back in my bag as I got up. I smiled at them all but my smile quickly faded as the words spilled out of Rob’s mouth. “Um guy’s we are going to head back to the hotel and…” he was cut off by multiple groans and sighs from the hungry boys, “Back to the hotel and we are all going to sit down because Angel has something she wants to tell us.”

I was then faced with six curious glances; I gave them an awkward smile before hitching my bag further up my shoulder and heading towards the door. I was soon followed by everyone else. I felt someone grab my shoulder.


“Oh hi Rob…” I said as if I was speaking to the ground.

“Angel? I hope I wasn’t out of line saying that. I just think the sooner the better and the sooner you tell them the more support you can have. I love my sister very much and I want to see her only child happy and supported with a great circle of friends. Especially at the funeral…” he backed up when he said that. I sighed and nodded my head.

“I know. I’ll tell them.”
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hope you like =)
thanks for sticking with me for so long =)