You Are an Example of Better Things to Come

Chapter Seventeen

4 Months Later

I awoke from my slumber with a sudden urge to pee. Carefully, I pried John's arm from around my large and very pregnant stomach, resting it on the bed as I tip-toed to the bathroom.

After I did my business I washed my hands in the sink. As I was turning the faucet off, I felt a wet sensation run down my thighs, leaving a small pool of clear liquid at my feet.

"Oh shit," I rapidly pulled sheet after sheet of toilet paper, crumbling it into a ball in my hands. "John!" I practically yelled.

"What?! What's wrong?!" John frantically ran to the bathroom, stopping just at the threshold.

I frowned, holding toilet paper in both hands looking helpless, "I think my water just broke."


The time between my contractions were minimal and I've been in labor for nearly three hours now--the most excruciating three hours of my life.

"How are you feeling, love?" John asked as he stroked my forehead getting all of my hair out of my face.

I wallowed in ice chips, and just as the last one melted in my mouth I replied, "Like shit."

He kissed my forehead, indicating everything was going to be alright.

Suddenly, my grip on his hand tighten as I yelped out in pain from the worst contraction yet. John called for Dr. Cameron who would be delivering my baby and she came in as calm as ever. I, on the other hand, almost ripped John's hand off his wrist, screaming my lungs out.

Hours into labor, Dr. Cameron coached me through the entire process, "You're doing so great, honey just keep pushing."

I felt like I was drenched in sweat, my knees were practically over my head, and I was wondering why the hell did I get myself in this situation?

"The baby is crowning, almost there Jazmyn." Dr. Cameron smiled.

I cried, panted, and yelled--no longer could I feel the lower half of my body and all I could think about was getting this baby out of me.

"One more push," Dr. Cameron instructed.

A piercing cry brought me back to reality as I finally laid back trying to steady my breathing and wiped the tears and sweat from my face.

"You did wonderful, Jaz." John whispered to me and kissed the side of my head. "I love you."

"My God," I let out a long, exhausted sigh. "You better fucking love me."

Dr. Cameron insisted John cut off the umbilical cord and I took this time to sit up in my bed, preparing myself to hold my baby in my arms.

"Congratulations, Miss Diaz. It's a baby girl."


After having held John and I's newborn child, they practically had to pry her away from our arms to put her in the nursery. This gave John and I time to rest and think of names.

"What does she look like to you?" John asked, the television quietly playing in my dimly lit room.

"What do you mean what does she look like? She looks like a baby." I looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"I know that," he rolled his eyes. "But what kind of name does she look like she'd have?" He explained.

"Hm.." I drummed my fingers over my lips. This is probably something we should've thought of beforehand. "I really like Jacquelyn."

"Yeah?" He smiled.

I nodded. "Yeah. But what do you like?"

"I like Jacquelyn." He leaned in closer, our faces only centimeters apart.

"With a Q and L.Y.N." I spoke softly, moving my lips slowly as they brushed John's lips with every movement.

"Perfect." John said before connecting our lips.

In this brief period of time I felt complete. I felt as if my soul had finally found peace and serenity. Just as our lips parted I held his face in between my hands and bit my lip when a tear escaped from my eye.

"Don't cry," John brushed away the tear with his thumb. I moved aside in the bed making room for John as he climbed in next to me. "I love you."

"I love you too, John."
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is actually coming to an end. Only a few more chapters left, I think? I have an idea for a trequel! Hahaha but we all know how bad I am at updates.