Razorblade Kiss.

Love You To Death.

All I remember after that was, drinking the blood from Pete's wrist and feeling very tired and faint.
I guess I was out cold for quite a while, the whole day almost.

My body went through a lot of changes, my skin was pale and my eyes were a red color. My face had more of a detailed look to it. I couldn't believe I was immortal.

"There's a few more things we need to discuss, Juliet." Pete said softly.
"Like what?" I asked, looking at my new self in the mirror.
"Our wedding..." He said slyly.

He took my hands in his, smiled at me then kissed me softly.
"We're soul mates now, Juliet. It's a vampire tradition that we get married." He said.
"I'd like that very much." I said and we lay down on our bed, loving, caressing, kissing and touching.

I never thought I'd meet Pete Steele and be his vampire soul mate. This all felt surreal. But I liked it, no, in fact, I loved it. He was so kind and sweet. I don't think I could ever love a man like I do with him.

That night, we went to visit the coven to celebrate my rebirth. Everyone welcomed me with open arms, now that I was a vampire, they could trust me.

When we got back to the apartment, Pete and I made love and when we were done, we lay together on the bed, speaking of the wedding and such.

"We should move in with the coven." He said.
"...What about my job, Pete?" I asked.
"You don't need it, you have me now!" He explained, kissing me.
I sighed and nodded.
"The mansion is beautiful, it's in the country side and it overlooks a beautiful forest. You'll love it there."
"Then why are you all in New York?" I asked, looking at him, puzzled.
"Because, I could smell your scent from all the way over there. And once I did, I knew you were the one." He clarified.

I looked at him, and kissed him passionately.
"Then let's do that, let's get married and move there." I said, happy as ever.
"I love you, Juliet."
"I love you too, Petrus."

We fell asleep in each others arms, content and in love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter is the epilogue.