My Guardian Angel

Through the Eyes of the "Devil"

As Christmas seemed to fade away so quickly, it seemed as if my days with The Click 5 were numbered too. I guess not all special days get to be in unlimited stock.

"Hey, Addie, we gave you and your family a tickets to our concert tomorrow," Joey said.
"Free tickets?" I gasped. I stood there, frozen like a snowman in the winter season.
"Yeah, you guys deserve it. I mean, if we haven't have met you..." Ben said.
"...We would be practicAlly nowhere." Joe continued.

I smiled. "Thanks guys." They handed me the tickets. There was only one problem. I hadn't had the nerve to tell Mom about the guys staying over yet. She doesn't know a thing...and I don't even think Dad recalls me telling him.

Kyle came walking up to all of us. He was already dressed.

I thought...

"Hey, guys, why don't we go for a little walk in the park?" I suggested. They all agreed and decided to go and take a walk.

I sat down on the couch as Kyle sat beside me.
"How're you feeling, Kyle?" I asked.

"You know, Ads, I things are just so weird nowadays. I just don't seem to understand what's going on. I can't believe that I have to leave such a wonderful and memorable world behind as a new life starts in front of me---a life that means having no life," Kyle said so sincerely.
"As confusing as that sounds, I kind of understand you. I know that it's really difficult for you to adjust to your world being so limited but...don't worry. No matter how things turn out, we'll alWays remember you as the Kyle Patrick we all love," I replied.

Tears started rolling down Kyle's face as he held his breath and muttered. "You know..." he paused. "For a child, you're really super-something." He smiled and gave me a friendly hug.
"Ha, I get that a lot." Tears started rolling down my face too. I couldn't control it, but I tried my best not to make it obvious that I was crying.

When everyone was ready, we set off for our walk-around-the-neighborhood journey. People might have gotten jealous that I was with the one and only Click 5 though.
As we walked, I noticed familiar neighbors' faces glaring and gawking at us, as if we were rich and famous music artists who were going to have a concert that was going to be held right in the place we were all in now.

I showed the Click 5 all of the houses that were owned by millionaires. They once paid the ice cream man a lot of moolah just to rent him out for their daughter's 5th birthday party. Unfortunately, we weren't as blessed as they were. But I was 100% positive that now, I'm even more blessed than they are--not with money, but with friends.

"Hey, Addie," Ethan piped up. "Who lives there?" He pointed to a massive mansion built with strong brick walls. It had a black roof, countless windows on every side, and flowers were planted and placed all around the house to make it looked a little more decorative.

"Oh my gosh, Ethan. Trust wouldn't want to go there."
"Why not?"
"The devil lives there."
"The devil?"
"It's an expression. A nasty lady lives there, with her butler, her maid, her two dogs, and her shoes. She's one mean person, really. Her name is Ms. Babcock. She came to the park one day when I was, like, 6 years old, and she scared all the birds aWay, all the dogs were barking at her, and everyone was just glaring at her with terrified gasps pasted on their faces. They were completely horrified by her look. Trust me, you do not want to see her. If you even try to dare step on her lawn, all the security cameras are gonna warn the guards and the dogs will start barking like crazy.”

Ms. Babcock abruptly departed from her house and stepped inside her black limo. The driver sped off as they left the house.
“Come on, guys. Let’s leave this place and go off to somewhere more decent-looking.” I lead them aWay from the mansion as they stared on.
Suddenly, the guards came running after us. They held us by the arm and cuffed them behind our backs. One big-muscled guy held Kyle and Ethan as the other gripped Joe and Ben.

“Let them go!” I demanded. I stomped my foot on the ground.
“What are you gonna do about it?” the guard asked as he grabbed his pager out of his pocket.
“Everything. And I’m gonna start with this!” I called as I kicked his wrist, sending the phone to fly right across the air and smash into a million tiny pieces on the floor, as if it were fragile glass that was newly taken out of it’s box. I landed on the ground with a “Hiya!” as I posed like a master of karate.

Everyone was amazed, including the guard. They all stood there like a bunch of starved people glaring at the bait they were about to eat.
“Thank God I took karate lessons last summer, huh?”
The guard was not pleased and took his extra phone out and called for backup. We found ourselves stuck in the basement of Ms. Babcock’s house.
Ben sighed.
“Did you even bother to earn your black belt?”
I shook my head and sighed in the darkness.

What was going to happen to us?