My Guardian Angel


The following day, I visited Kyle in the hospital. I knocked on room 106. Kyle was sitting up in his hospital bed. He was reading a book with a title, “How to Enjoy Life.” Joey was sitting in the chair next to Kyle.

“Hey,” Kyle said, as he glanced at me.
“Hi. Merry Christmas,” I said as I handed him a box.

Joey glared at me. I approached him and gave his gift. His scowl transformed into a grin. “Thanks a lot, Ads.”


“Thank you so much, Addie!” Kyle said as he smiled at his gift. “I’ve alWays wanted this model.”

I gave him a phone--a cell phone.

“WICKED!” Joey mouths, as he tears open the wrapping paper. “An iPod!”

Joey takes a look at his iPod and walks up to me. “You guys are so rich! Thanks, Addie.” He gave me a hug and grabbed his iPod. “Amazing, you even uploaded our songs in it already!”

“I told ‘ya I’m a fan,” I smile.

“So, how’re you doing, Kyle?” I asked.

“Fine,” the doctor said I’ll be out in a few days. I just need to rest,” Kyle replies nonchalantly.

“That’s great!” I exclaim.

“Where’s Ethan, Joe, and Ben?”

“They’re out buying food,” Joey replied. “Haha, those moutheaters!”

The door opens suddenly as the three friends came barging through. “We’re back,” Ethan said.
“Yeah, and we got a few Christmas presents on the Way,” Ben piped up.

Kyle shrugged. “I thought you bought food.”

“We did,” Joe grinned.

They all gave their presents to each other. Kyle got a book about singing, and a watch. Joey got a CD and a black shirt that read ‘I’m from the Click 5.’ Joe got a jacket, Ethan got DVD and Ben got a notebook to put all the Click 5 lyrics, and…deodorant.
I received an extra-special present…Click 5 merchandise! A CD, T-shirts, posters, magazines featuring them, and special messages from the band! How great could this Christmas be?

That reminds me!


“I’m sorry, guys, but I have to leave now. We have a family reunion back at the house. I’ll just drop by a little while later,” I said.

The guys bid me goodbye as I left the hospital.

“Merry Christmas, Addie,” my mom calls as she hands me my gift.
“Oh, thanks Mom.” I take the present and rush to my room. I opened up the box and I just gawked at my gift.

It was exactly what I wanted…A Mac Book!

This was the best Christmas ever.

Later on, my relatives came. They all dumped their gifts under our massive Christmas tree decorated with bears, stars, and other Christmas ornaments that were made by my cousins. Kelly, my cousin, sat down beside me.

“Kelly, you won’t guess what just happened!” I said.

Kelly cocked an eyebrow. “What?”

“The Click 5 came here. As in…here! Kyle sat right down on this couch!” I exclaimed.
Kelly giggled. “You’re such an embarrassment, Addie. You just want to make yourself noticed by others by telling lies. Don’t you know that lying is a felony?”

I sighed. “Don’t you know that being mean is a felony?” I said sarcastically.

After the party, I dashed right to the hospital. Kyle was sleeping while Joey was on the computer, uploading new songs into the iPod I gave him.

Ben was playing Christmas songs on the keyboard. Ha, Ben is such a hilarious person.
Joe had also been sleeping, while Ethan read a book.

I hung around while Joey told me some appealing stories about them last summer. “One morning, we were out at the beach, having a ‘break’, and suddenly, we find Kyle and Ben doing gymnastics and cart-wheeling outside!”

I laugh.

“Hey, Ben dared me too, okay?” Kyle said as we all whirred around.

“Sure, man,” Joey smiled.

This Christmas is just so fun.
I hope it’ll last forever…