Status: Ongoing!

I Am

I am a narrator.

Basically, this is a bunch of short narratives about various characters. I came up with the idea, because during the day, I plan stories and create characters. This is a place for all of those characters that I never got around to putting in a proper place. Most will be from me, but I'm hoping that if this gets enough attention, then we could get other people to come up with their personal characters and their own little stories that come with them.

It's set up like this.

Title: I am a [insert most important characteristic here]

Body: Introduce the character, talk about the setting, how they became to be the title, etc. Think of it like the character explaining it.

Last sentence: Repeat the title, then add something to conclude it. Ex. I am a narrator, and I hope you're not bored by now.

If you want to enter something, please message me with the subject as your title. I'll add you as an author and put you in. They'll be spell-checked and everything, so no worry from the mods. This is considered short stories, so please don't make them too lengthy, but don't make them too short.
  1. I Am a Vampire
    By myself, lg.fuad
  2. I Am a Spaceman
    Another by myself, lg.fuad
  3. I Am a Loner
    By myself, lg.fuad
  4. I Am a Broken Soul
    By myself, lg.fuad